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"Do you need help washing your back?" I snorted at his comment as I got off the couch, "like I haven't heard that before" I rolled my eyes. "you better fucking not have" he grumbled as I walked passed him, "oh yeah, I was the virgin Mary til you met me" I sassed. He chuckled and shook his head. "now that I don't believe" I gasped in mock shock at his comment and then pulled my tongue out. "get your little ass in that bathroom before I come after you for sassing me" he warned, slapping my backside. I giggled at him and then ran off to the bathroom to begin my routine of attempting to beautify myself for the big night out.


I was putting the finishing touches to my hair when the bedroom door flew open, making me jump. "wow" Julian purred at me, looking at my reflection in the mirror. I smiled timidly at him, "oh stop, I'm not even dressed yet" I blushed, glancing down at my black silk robe. "you don't have to be wearing anything to look show stopping babe" he winked flirting as usual with me. I laughed at him, still always feeling shy around him and his flirtatious comments. He chuckled at me as he moved over to me. "I'm gonna struggle being around you tonight babe," he whispered, cuddling up behind me, "I wanna show you how beautiful you are," kissing my neck, "show you off, show everyone you're mine" his rough hands ran along the silk of my robe, gently pulling on the tie, unravelling it from around my body, exposing my black lace lingerie to him. He instantly sighed, flicking his gaze up to the mirror, where I was already watching him kissing on me.

An animalistic groan rumbled in his chest as he pressed a kiss onto my neck once more. I closed my eyes, resting my head back against his chest, enjoying the feeling of his lips on mine and his hands on my hips. "I wanna fuck you so bad right now" he groaned, moving his hand to slide down the front of my panties. "oh god J..." I breathed out as I felt his fingers tease my most sensitive area. "I gotta taste you right now" he purred, making more and more breathless by the second. "I gotta have your taste on my lips all night" I could have spontaneously combusted then and there but Julian's cell phone quite rudely interrupted us. 

I let out a huff as he quickly removed his hand from my panties and pulled his phone out of his jeans. "it's my mom" he grimaced. Total cock block moment. I rolled my eyes as him and decided I better get dressed otherwise we were going to be late.


"oh my" was the words that came out of his mouth when I stepped into the kitchen, where he was catching up on some Baseball news on the tv. I laughed at him, but he was just looking at me grinning. "like what you see Edelman?" I sassed, slowly turning on the spot for him. "Absolutely" He answered immediately. "wow" he added, looking me up and down when I faced him again. "you look beautiful" he told me, stepping up to me. "thank you" I smiled at him, his words making me feel like I was floating on air. "you look mighty handsome too" I said, looking up at him. I pressed a kiss to his lips, my hands resting on his hard chest. "I aim to please" he smiled down on me, "that you do..." I smirked at him, moving away from him, knowing just what would be going through his mind as he watched me walk away from him. I don't know about him, but it was definitely going to be a long night for me.


The car picked us up not much later, and we were soon on our way to wherever Tom lived. "Oh my god, Olivia is so nervous" I giggled, reading a text from her on my phone. Julian raised a brow at me, "oh come on, he's her crush! She never thought she'd ever meet him. Never mind be his date tonight" I said, "it'd be like me going with Mark Wahlberg" I added nonchalantly. I typed my reply back to Olivia and hit send before I even noticed Julian staring at me. "what?"
"Mark Wahlberg."
"what?" I asked again, desperately trying to hold back my girly giggle. He frowned a little, "I thought I was your celebrity crush" he did look a little wounded, but I snorted, "you're not a celebrity" I grinned. "well, not to me anyway" I laughed. He smiled at me, shaking his head. "well what am I to you?" he asked, turning in his seat to look at me. I knew I'd peaked his interest right now. I thought for a second, seeing his interest in my answer, I thought I'd be mean and tease him. So I sidled a little closer to him, pressing myself against his body, I looked up into his eyes and purred, "you're my American play thing" I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth, sighed and ran my finger along the open collar of his shirt. "the best sex I've ever had..." I whispered. I knew he'd enjoy that comment, the glisten in his eye told me so, and so did the rumble of a growl in his chest. "but I guess I'm going to have to wait for it another few days" I sighed dramatically, but I really was distraught by the fact. Julian huffed at the realisation too. "don't worry babe, we'll make up for it" he winked. "I know we will hotshot" I smirked at him, feeling the car then come to a stop. Shit we were here. At least my little conversation with J took my mind off it. "and don't worry, you'll always be my number one beef cake" I teased, readying myself to exit the car. "beefcake? You think Wahlberg is a beefcake?" He questioned. Huh, I never took Julian to be the jealous type. I just giggled at his question and left the car.

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