The Call

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A light smile graced my face as I watched my favourite sitcom on the telly. Anytime me, mum or Nick had been ill we'd watch this and it'd instantly make us feel better. It's power wasn't so strong to lift my mood much this time, but it was having a good go. I didn't dream that my last night here would be spent in such turmoil, not exactly the best memory to have to hold onto, but we can't have everything our own way right?

Instead of calling Nick or even Amelia, I decided to keep things to myself. I knew I had Olivia to talk to if I needed to, but I just wanted to block things out for a little while. And hell it was only a little while. My phone buzzed next to me on the floor and I flashed a glance at it, my stomach churned and my heart pounded seeing that face light up my screen. I didn't want to even look at it, never mind talk to him, but what was I to do? I couldn't exactly ignore him, I did need answers to what the hell he did. Not that it mattered, it didn't change anything, I just needed to hear that he fucked up losing me.

I sat staring at the screen too long and it rang off. Then immediately rang again, I didn't answer that either.

J: hope you're okay babe. Miss you xxx


Sure you do

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Sure you do

J calling...

J: pick up the phone Penny

J calling...

J: pick up the fucking phone

Me: I don't wanna hear your excuses. Save it for someone who might believe you.

J: babe, please, I didn't leave with her. Let me explain.

J calling...

J: babe seriously pick up the phone. You can't just fucking ignore me.

Me: watch me

J calling...

J calling...

J calling...

And finally it stopped.


An hour later I'd not realised I'd fallen asleep until my phone vibrating once again woke me up. I frowned feeling the pain in my neck from sleeping awkwardly, but I sat up and looked around, seeing my phone rattling along the floor. Olivia was calling this time, so I didn't hesitate to pick it up. "are you okay honey?"
"yeah, I'd fallen asleep, what's wrong?" I said, yawning my sleep away. I heard her sigh, "I guess you've spoken to Jules?" she asked, "well I wouldn't say talked..."
"well Danny's at his place now and he's apparently punched a hole in the wall" she sighed. I could almost picture her rolling her eyes at his actions. I shrugged, "not my problem Liv" I said, rubbing my eyes. "what happened?" she asked, leading me to tell her the brief words that were exchanged. "After Danny came home, I called him to tell him what had been going on, so D called Jules to see if he wanted to hang out, find out what was happening. But Jules had already talked to you and by the time Danny got round to his place Jules was already smashed." she told me. I felt my heart involuntarily squeeze tight at the thought of him being upset, but then I remembered why. "but it was only hour or two ago that I heard from him" I frowned. "he didn't even answer his phone to Danny, he had to go round there cause he had a bad feeling" she told him. "he's been the dick, yet he manages to turn it so everyone's worried about him." I scoffed. "why didn't you hear him out Pen?" she changed the subject. I scoffed at her, "so he can fill my head with lies? Don't you remember the last time I came home? There was that photo of him with that chick at some party? He's got a habit of being papped with models, and being lousy at hiding it" I said. "well...." why did I get the feeling I wasn't going to like what Olivia was going to say? "maybe because he was easily spotted, he wasn't trying to hide? Like it was completely innocent?" she said, waiting for my anger no doubt. I sighed, why did I feel I was the only one not believing him? "or that he just doesn't care" I shrugged. "Pen, look I know it must hurt like hell, but maybe you should hear him out?" she said. I knew she was being a good friend, but I didn't want to hear it. "from what Danny said, he doesn't seem in a good state right now..."
"and I'm dancing in the streets right?" I scoffed, "babe, you know I'm here for you, before anything or anyone else, but I see the way he is with you. How he looks at you, I just don't want you making a mistake before you hear him out, okay?" I sighed, "I don't know what to do Liv, he's made me out to look a fool either way. I mean, what the fuck are they doing together all that time? leaving the place together, even if they didn't leave together. I thought she was meant to be a girls girl? Not do something shady like that" I asked. "I know, I thought the same. I hate to keep saying it, but don't you think you should maybe just talk to him?" she suggested once more. I groaned like a teenager being told to do the dishes. "well I'm not doing it now. I'm exhausted, I need to go to bed." I replied, "okay sweetie. I'll keep you posted. sleep well, and travel safe tomorrow if I don't speak to you before you fly" she said, "and I promise I haven't even told Danny when you're flying here" she added. "thanks O. love you" I yawned and cut the call. I really needed to head to bed. At least I had a hefty flight to sit and fight with my thoughts about what I was going to do. Although I had to be honest with myself and admit that I had no intention of seeing him for a long while. Out of sight, out of mind. I didn't want him ruining my first few days in Boston at my new job. I didn't want to fuck up that, even if I couldn't manage to even have a half decent, stable love life.

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