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It's Friday, and because I'm in a good mood I think I'll publish two chapters today! You're welcome! Haha enjoy!


It's been three weeks since the whole disaster begun and I just feel lost. Utterly lost. Ploughing into work, working on my book too. It was a little light relief from the usual crap mood I was in, and the same thoughts that rattled through my brain. I wasn't even going out to social events that I would have usually attended without a thought. But I just wasn't in the mood. I mainly just hung out with the guys and had game nights in at my place.

Tonight though, I had a free night. I was gonna cook dinner, catch up on a few TV shows I'd missed lately and try and chill out. I was mentally and physically drained. I had a promise to my mom I'd look after myself.


Sitting watching some random shit on the TV, my mind had betrayed me, and wandered off to thoughts of Penny. I'd not called or messaged her in weeks. I was slightly twitchy worrying she thought I really didn't care, but I knew she wanted space, Olivia told me that, so I respected her wishes and didn't push her even further away by ignoring it.

Bang bang bang

I almost jumped out of my skin at the loud ruckus on my door. I jumped off the couch, racing to the front door, pulling it open not entirely sure what to expect. "what the fuck is going on Jules?!"

"Nicki?!" my voice raised a couple of octaves as I watched my little sister push passed me and move into my house. I turned and watched her in shock as she dumped her duffle by the couch and turned round to me, hands on her hips, "well?!" crap.


"will you let me talk?!" I snapped at her, I'd had enough of her getting at me before I'd given her my side. Of course she was going to be on Penny's side, I don't blame her, but I was her brother. "I'm sorry Jules, it just doesn't look good" she sighed, I raised a brow at her, like I didn't know that already. I rubbed my face with my hands and took a breath. Where do I start?

"okay. So I went to the Victoria Secret show" Nicki rolled her eyes at this but I ignored it. "I was there with Danny and Olivia"
"who's Olivia?"
"Penny's friend and now Danny's girlfriend" I explained, "so we were at the after party, I went over to talk to them both, and they were stood with Adriana." I said, feeling uncomfortable having to explain myself to my sister. "we said hey, and then Danny and Liv disappeared. I could tell Liv wasn't happy we were talking, it looked like Danny was pulling her away from us." I recalled, "not that there was any reason to. I was just talking to her. It was totally innocent. Anyway, after about ten minutes, I left her to find Danny again, but I think they'd left. So I hung out with some guys at the bar, Ed sheeran was one of them actually" I said, knowing how crazy my sister was for him. I'd yet to tell her I got his autograph for her... Her smile grew when I said his name though, but she held back from fangirling. I can't deal with that.

"after like another couple hours I wanted to head home. I wanted to call Penny the next morning before she started her day, so I headed for the door. As I did, Adriana was there, leaving too. So I held the door for her and we walked outside. Of course there were cameras everywhere. Swarming as usual, but I just headed to the car that was waiting out there for me, she went to hers and that was it." I said, not believing that an innocent simple night was made into a sordid affair. That broke more than just Penny's heart.

"that's it?!" Nicki asked, looking disappointed for the lack of a better word. "yeah" I sighed. "there's totally nothing going on with me and Adriana. She's moved on. So have I. I called it quits with her, so I didn't wanna go back. Besides why the hell would I when I have Penny? Well, had her." I sighed, looking to my feet. Nicki sighed and shook her head. "and why won't Pen even let you explain?" she asked, making me sigh again, then proceed in telling her what happened the first time she left for home when I chased her down.

"my god Jules, no wonder the girl is freaking out. I know you're linked with any girl you breathe near but hell it'd make any girl wanna run a thousand miles from you" she said, "thanks sis" I scoffed. "I'm sorry Julian, but it's true....won't Danny or Olivia get into contact with her for you?" I shook my head. "what about her brother? She has a brother doesn't she?" then a bulb went off. Her brother was a cool guy. I leaped off the couch and ran to the kitchen to find my car keys. "Julian? JULIAN?!" Nicki yelled at me as I ran around pulling on my sneakers and grabbing my hoodie. "you coming with?" I asked as I opened the front door. She sighed and grabbed her purse.

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