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Thursday. Back to the normal, mundane life of work. Well, we'd actually been back since Tuesday, but today was my first day back in the office, annoyingly so as well because today was the Pat's victory parade since returning to Boston with the Lombardi Trophy. I had a huge work load to fight with this week and my deadlines weren't forgiving either, so taking even more time off was kind of a no-no. The only saving grace was that the parade conveniently passed by my office building. Julian wasn't totally happy that I wasn't going to be there, but like I said to him, I would see him en route and the parade was about him and his team. He'd totally forget all about my absence. I however, had been clock watching all morning, and staring out of the windows as I saw the crowds forming. "There's like thousands out there already" a voice distracted me from the view out the window. I looked round to see Jamie from reception leaning against my door frame. I nodded, "I thought you'd be out there already" I laughed. She scrunched up her face and shook her head, "no one will cover for me" she huffed. "although, you're office has the perfect view" She said, moving into the room. "and I knew you'd be watching too" she added, "yeah...and nothing to do with the fact some of the players will be looking out this way, so you can give a wave to a certain Amendola..." I teased. She smirked at me, "well, there is that..." she said, making me laugh. "so who's down there now?" I asked, wondering how she still managed to get up here to watch them drive passed. "Malcolm" she shrugged. I did a double take, "Malcolm?!" I gasped, he was the old guy who interrupted J and I a week ago in here, Jamie laughed, "he'll be fine, I just told him not to answer the phones" she shrugged. "no biggie" she said, making me gasp at her laid back demeanour. "so, you got some food up here while we wait?" I asked her, knowing I'd brought in some snacks. "totally" she nodded, pulling up the plastic bag I hadn't actually noticed she'd brought in with her. "Coke, or Pepsi?" She asked, showing me the cans she held in her hands.


A half hour later, we'd opened out the window, letting in the shouts and cheers of the fans below, as we hung out of it a little, waiting for the truck or whatever was bringing them down the street. "they're coming..." Jamie said, kind of stating the obvious as the shouts were getting louder and louder. I rolled my eyes at her comment, but looked down the road to see the convoy slowly making its way towards us. I squinted a little, seeing what I thought were- "are they duck boats?" Jamie asked, "yeah" I laughed. "how are you gonna spot Edelman?" She asked, "oh, pretty easily" I said, keeping my eyes on the convoy. "He's on the fucking roof of the boat" I said, seeing the lunatic standing there on the roof of the Duck boat. They were maybe about a block away, but I knew that was him. If it wasn't him, it would have been Gronk, but Rob didn't have the crazy beard covering half of his face.

"oh my god! He totally is!! Haha! Dude is insane!" Jamie laughed loudly as she spotted him too. "he's something..." I rolled my eyes as I watched him. Waving a huge Pats flag around, yelling at the top of his voice like he was the Hulk or something. I couldn't help but laugh at him. God knows how much he'd had to drink at this point. I accessed the camera on my phone that had been sitting beside me on the floor and started taking photos of them all. I looked at my screen, snapping shots of them, spotting Dola and Tom before moving my line of sight to Julian. I immediately smiled as I looked at my phone, it was like he was looking right at me. I looked beyond my phone, to the roof of the Duck boat, and him pointing up at me. I laughed and waved at him, as he blew me a kiss. I felt my whole body flush pink at his cute action and the way he then yelled to Danny who then climbed up there with him. "oh my god," Jamie gasped, gripping my forearm. "there he is" she said, her eyes fixed to Dola as he stood with J, waving up at me. I laughed at her and carried on waving to the Guys, "oh my god he's just sooo perfect" she swooned. "well wave then" I laughed at her, and she laughed nervously but raised her arm and waved too. I nudged her in the shoulder as I looked back at them, and watched as the boats slowly passed by us, and their attention was immediately back on the fans on the street. He was totally in his element out there, lapping up the attention of their adoring fans. There were so many sides to that man's personality, and I loved each and every one. I couldn't wait to get him to my place tonight.

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