Cats Out The Bag

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Amendola this guy just got the surprise of his life @LadyPenelope @edelman11 😏😏😏

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Amendola this guy just got the surprise of his life @LadyPenelope @edelman11 😏😏😏


Danny tagged me on his little instagram story. I chuckled reading the tagline. "I sure did man." answering him as we waited for Coach to give us our little talk before we could head out. I would normally stay a little longer and talk through my plays with the coaches, but today I was more than a little antsy to leave...

"so that's the reason you've been grinning like a Cheshire cat all these weeks, huh Edelman" Gronk smirked, strolling over to me and Danny. I laughed a little, "she's the one from the Jets game a few months back right?" Tom asked. I wasn't too surprised he remembered. "yeah." I nodded, kind of answering both of them. I lifted my hat to scratch my head a little nervously. My friends usually knew what's up with my girlfriends, but with her, I'd been a little more private than they were used to. "she seemed nice when I talked to her" Tom said, sitting down on the stool beside the couch we were on, Rob on the arm of the couch next to Danny. They were all looking at me expectantly. "yeah" I nodded. The three of them looked at each other than back at me. I stayed silent, until Rob opened his mouth. "oh I get it" he grinned, making me frown in intrigue. "this one is different" Gronk teased me a little. I rolled my eyes. Danny turned his head to me, waiting for my response. I sighed and shook my head. I knew I was going to have to talk about her sooner or later, but I knew how she felt about my job and the two of us. I felt a little nervous about what to do. But I was crazy about her, I needed to say something. "okay, okay" I suggest in defeat. Gronk sat grinning at me. "I met her in a candy store" I told them. Tom and Rob immediately smiled. Danny had heard this story more than once already. "she was here on vacation, didn't know who I was. We got talking and clicked" I shrugged. Of course there's more to it, like every love story, but I wasn't gonna go into it here. "so is she just here for the holidays?" Tom asked, I frowned "I don't actually know" I laughed at my own answer, "guess I'll find out at lunch"



"how long do you reckon they'll be?" Olivia asked with a yawn. We'd dissected every inch of what had happened this morning, from meeting Danny and the looks I thought he'd been giving Olivia and what they meant, to the reaction of J and what he'll be thinking right now. I shrugged, barely lifting my head from the head rest of my seat in her car. "I reckon they'll be out soon. They will want food" I answered, still staring out of the window, in a sort of daze. The lack of sleep from the night before was getting to me. That and the excitement of this morning. I yawned, trying to fight off the urge to take a nap. But just as my eyes fluttered closed, I got hit in the arm. "argh! What the hell" I jumped forward, glaring at Olivia. "they're coming!" she said, a little too excitedly. "I think you're looking forward to lunch a little more than me" I sniggered, making her glare at me. I looked back out the windscreen and saw Julian looking around for me. Danny had already headed over to his car. "I guess I'll be following you guys there." she smirked, knowing I'd be ditching her to go with him. "you know I love you" I smiled sweetly, hearing her scoff as I turned to grab my coat off the back seat. "I'll see you there" I squeaked, then opened the door and climbed out of her car.

The sound must have caught his attention, because his eyes were on me as soon as I turned away from Olivia's car. I felt my face flush red and my skin felt hot under his gaze. I carried my coat on my arms as I walked towards him, glancing down at the ground every now and then because I felt all shy again.

"man I've been dreaming of the day you'd be back here again" he smiled down at me as I reached him. My cheeks turned a little hotter and I smiled back at him. "it's been too long huh" I answered, "hell yeah" he sighed, looking into my eyes with that look only Julian has that makes me weak. His arm was suddenly wrapped around me and he was pulling me up against him, pressing his lips to mine. I heard him drop his duffle on the floor and his other arm wrapped around me too, pulled me tighter, if that was possible, against him. His tongue Swiped across my lip, I smiled involuntarily, allowing it to slide into my mouth, joining mine in a little display of dominance.

The honk of a car horn had us parting, instantly laughing as we turned to hear the rumble of an engine. Danny's engine, "I know you're hungry man, but ya don't have to eat her face off" he smirked, making me blush. "we were just leaving" Julian chuckled at him, "sure. See you there" Danny laughed as I turned my back, too embarrassed to look him in the eye. Then the car rumbled loudly and he drove off, Olivia following him too. "looks like we better get going babe" Julian sighed as we watched our two friends drive off. "yeah, I guess so." I answered. "I am starving too" I added. "yeah, so am I. But not just for food..."

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