Welcome To Miami

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More fluff and a tiny bit of smutt

"are you seriously listening to that?" I assumed that's what he said anyway. I grinned, pulling my tongue out at him childishly. He rolled his eyes and shook his head at me, making me laugh. So what? It was my first time in Miami, and if I wanted to listen to a little Will Smith then so be it. We'd actually landed a few hours ago and Julian and the team had travelled to the hotel separately from the wives and girlfriends. They were getting ready for the game later and needed no heavy distractions. Hence why I had avoided Julian like the Plague. I figured the best thing for me to do would be to chill out on the balcony of our suite, working on my tan a little before we headed out to the stadium. He'd come back from a little light work out, or whatever they do before a game like this. I really needed to get clued up on everything they did pre match, if I were to be attending most of these things... Anyway, I lifted my sunglasses up off my face a little to get a better look at what was going on in front of me. And oh my if I wasn't sweating from the heat, I was definitely sweating from the heat between my legs about now. Julian made his way by my sun lounger, to the balcony, looking over the side, at the view around us. I swallowed thickly, eyeing up the sight that befell me. He had a pair of black puma flip flops on, baring his tanned and toned legs, until they disappeared under his matching black shorts. (and yes, they did hug him in all the right places.) He was also shirtless, beads of sweat trickled down his back, over the rippling muscles that flexed under his smooth skin. And of course, my personal favourite, a navy blue snap back sat backwards on his slicked back hair.

"you okay there babe?" He smirked at me, taking in the sight before me totally distracted me so I didn't even notice him turning around to face me. My eyes raked up his body, his hard pecs and abs glistening in the sunlight had my pulling my lip between my teeth and squeezing my thighs tight. "uh huh" I sighed in temptation. "cause um, it looks like you've seen something you like over here" he smirked even more if that was possible. I wanted to snort at his arrogance, giggle at his flirtation and jump on him for being, well, Julian. Instead, I opted for choice number 4; revenge. I slowly stood from my position on the lounger, and moved over to him. Not missing his eyes raking over my shape as I did so. A smugness over came me seeing the hunger in his eyes for me, his jaw clenching as I pressed my bikini clad chest against his bare one. "I'm going to take a shower, and get ready for the game" I told him, pressing a fiery kiss to his lips, then moving away from him, certain he would be watching me walk away, not too long later following behind.


I felt a little put out that he hadn't followed me into the bathroom. I pouted as I turned on the water, not allowing it to warm up too much. The heat from the sun combined with the heat in my body from that man out there, I needed a cold shower.

I stood under the running water, just for a moment, thinking. Not about anything in particular, just being peaceful, I suppose as I knew the rest of the trip was going to be crazy, so moments like these centred me I guess. And just in time, because the shower cubicle door opened....

"next time wait for me to untie your swimsuit" his voice brushed my ear. I instantly smiled, not even opening my eyes. The heat from him caused goosebumps to pop up on my body. He brushed my hair over my left shoulder, pressing a kiss to the exposed right side of my neck. "which by the way looked awesome on you" he added, then pressing another kiss to my skin. I felt his hands softly cup my breasts, his thumbs gliding over my nipples and I let out a deep sigh. "J... You can't" I groaned, unconsciously arching my back and pressing my bare backside against his throbbing crotch. "I can't help myself babe...look at you" he breathed out. I could feel his eyes burning into my skin as he looked me over. I still stood with my back to him and gulped a little as I had to reach down for my shampoo that I'd stood on the floor of the cubicle.

"baby don't..." he groaned as I bent forward to pick up the bottle. His left hand immediately ran along my spine, almost like he wanted to hold me there in that position, right as his right hand flew up and smacked my ass. I let out a tiny gasp at the sensation, but who was I kidding, I knew I was getting to him and I'd probably pay for this later.

"you carry on this little dance and you're gonna be wishing you hadn't"
"is that a fact?" I countered, looking over my shoulder at him. "that's a fact" he growled, nestling his nose into my wet hair. Those words were filled with so much promise of what was to come (pardon the pun...) and it made my head dizzy. "but for now I just gotta sit here with this frickin hard on that will not disappear" he sighed, pressing it just a little into my back. I turned around in his grasp, looking up into his eyes, and taking his rock hard member into my palm. His eyes closed up and a shallow, unsteady breath rippled out of his mouth. "babe..." he frowned. I froze. "God I can't believe I'm having to say this..." he sighed, shaking his head. He opened his eyes as I removed my hand from him nervously. "save it for later baby" he whispered, pressing his forehead to mine, "when I can fuck you slow. Steady. Make you come over and over" he almost purred at me. How can he go from making me feel rejected and insecure to a moment where I thought I was going to melt into a heap of skin and flesh from his steamy words. His equally steamy kiss had my knees trembling, until the rush of him picking me up, pressing me against the cool tiled wall took my breath away. "baby I have no self control when I'm around you" he whispered. His nose brushed against the side of mine as his head rested against my own. "I like that" I smiled, making him smile back. "it's even harder when you're strutting around here in those bathing suits" he added, making me laugh. "you need to be on a frickin runway" he grinned, keeping his face close to mine. I blushed at his words, feeling like he didn't mean it. "baby you're gorgeous. Perfect" he soothed my insecurities. "I've told you before and I'll tell you a million times again if I have to." he whispered. I smiled, he was always so good at making me feel safe. "I love you J" I whispered back, never knowing how to match his words. "I love you too baby. You're more than enough for me" my heart fluttered. "now, how about we go and get ready so we can smash the Dolphins?"

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