Dinner Plans

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Two hours into my day, there was a knock on my door. Usually people waited until I called them in, but my door burst open. "what did you do to him last night?!" she whispered excitedly before she even closed my door. "Amelia!" I hissed at her, giggling as she came and perched on my desk. I threw my pencil down onto my paperwork and Sat back in my chair. "I didn't do anything to or with him last night" I told her. She sighed in disappointment. "really?" she whined, making my laugh. "did you at least talk?" she asked, a hopeful look in her eyes. "that we did" I nodded, making her smile. "we talked," I sighed. "he wants me to reconsider this job" I told her, she was still smiling like an idiot. "and?!" she gasped, I don't know what she was so excited about. I shrugged "there's a lot to think about..." I said, "but waking up with him this morning was a great way to convince me" I giggled, as my phone vibrated on the desk beside me, just as Amelia began squealing at me. I laughed at her excitement, picking up my phone and leaving her in suspense. I'd received a text from the man in question.

"Penelope!" she shouted at me. I jumped, distracted by my text, I looked up to her and she looked so flustered. "what?"
"what the hell happened?!" she sighed exasperated. I giggled, "nothing..." I smiled innocently, she saw right through it. "we kissed a little, and he slept in my bed. We cuddled and fell asleep. That's it" I told her. She raised a brow, "with the way he was looking at you last night, I'm surprised that's all that happened" she scoffed. I laughed, "well maybe he tried it on, but he knows I'm not like that. Honestly he was really sweet. He just wants me to be over there" I told her. She leaned forward, closer to me, looking me right in the eye, and whispered; "then fucking move to Boston"


We spoke a little more about it and I asked her how her night with Danny was. She told me he dropped her home in the taxi and then went back to his hotel. Nothing happened between them, they got on like friends, which was handy. I imagined we'd go out again together before the guys went back to the States. Besides, I had to tell Olivia that we'd hung out with her 'future husband'. I laughed to myself, she was gonna have kittens when I tell her.

"so are you gonna text him back?" she asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "huh?" I looked at her blankly. She snorted at me, "c'mon you've been sat there with a soppy smile on your face since you got that text" she laughed. I stuck my tongue out at her. But did as she said. I couldn't wait to answer him.

Hey baby, hope work is cool. You want to go out for dinner tonight? Xxx

It's taking me a while to get going this morning. Would rather have stayed home. Dinner sounds good. Will pick you up? Xxx

We exchanged a few more texts. Double checking times and which hotel he was staying in. He told me Danny was going to chill out in his room tonight, I felt guilty that he'd come all the way here and was stuck on his own. But Julian assured me he was cool with it and knew we needed time to talk. I agreed and told him I'd see him tonight. I needed to desperately try and get on with some work.


The day dragged ridiculously, always does when you want to get home. Speaking of which, I was currently raiding my closet for something to wear. It wasn't too cold for it being November, so I opted for a chunky knit loose sweater, skinny jeans with a rip in them here and there and my favourite nude suede ankle boots. I'd text him and told him I was nearly ready, and after jumping into my car, I headed across town to his hotel.

**** merry Christmas guys! ****

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