Back With The Brady's

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I parked my brothers charger on the pebbled driveway in front of Tom and Gisele's house and climbed out. It felt weird being here again, alone especially, but I was excited to be here. She'd called me a few days ago, asking if I fancied hanging out now that she'd come home from a work trip. Of course this was the first time I'd be seeing her since I'd moved here and all the drama with J, and I knew Tom would have told her about the chaos at the club opening the other week. But now that things were starting to change between Julian and I, I just wanted a night with a friend, having wine and giggling.

"Penny" Tom beamed a smile when he opened the door to me minutes later. "hi Tom" I smiled, then being pulled into a hug, "c'mon in!" he said, guiding me into the house. "G is just settling the kids, they're a little rambunctious tonight" he said pulling a face. I had to laugh at him and followed him through the house to the kitchen, it seemed to be the place they hung out in the most. "here, I've just poured this for you ladies" he said, sliding a huge wine glass towards me by its stem. "oh thank you" I smiled, gladly picking it up. "I need it after this week" I widened my eyes at him. "been a tough one?" he asked, causing me to nod. "yeah, work is tough, I thought working with my brother would be light work" I said, "he's working me harder than anyone else" I exclaimed making him grin, "he knows you're capable at doing whatever he's asking of you. You're his sister after all. He'll know your limits" he said. "yeah well, he better be giving me a nice Christmas bonus for it at the end of the year" I chuckled, taking a sip of wine. Tom laughed, his eyes moving from me to the doorway behind me as Gisele rushed through the kitchen. "oh sorry" she sighed as she moved immediately over to me. "Hi, Penny, how are you?" she asked, hugging me tight. "hi, I'm good thank you. Are the kiddies all settled?" I asked, looking back at her. "here's to hoping" she said wide eyed as she picked up her wine glass. I giggled as she took a gulp. "it's been a long day" she sighed, making me smile again. "do you need me to do anything G before I go and set up?" Tom asked her, making her smile and shake her head, "no, thank you. go and do whatever you need babe" she said, he gave her a huge smile, moving over to kiss her head, "love you" 

"love you too" she said, as they shared a loving look. Inwardly I sighed, I wanted what they had..."see you a little later Penny" he smiled at me. I raised my glass to him and then he disappeared off. "he's having some of the guys round for a guy's night" she rolled her eyes at me. I pulled a face and she nodded, "yeah, I like to keep myself out of the way when they arrive" she said, "unless they get a little too rowdy. Then mama steps in, just in case they wake my babies" she said, "I've had enough tonight, mama bear needs to unwind" she said, "I'll drink to that" I grinned, clinking glasses with her. 


however long later, we were still hanging out in the kitchen. We figured we may as well stay where there was wine and food. Gisele was sitting in the chair, her feet resting on the foot stool in front of her, I was sitting on the love seat, curled up, nursing my wine glass, when we heard loud laughing from down the hall. "oh god, they're here" she cringed, making me feel a little anxious. "who's here?" I asked, and right on cue as several guys all walked in. 

Three unfamiliar faces appeared, followed by a towering Gronk behind them. I should have known he would be here. "hey Mrs B" one of the, winked at her. "hey guys" she rolled her eyes and smiled. "hi" one of them smiled at me, "Chris, this is Penny" she said, as the guy kept his eyes fixed on me, "Pen, this is Chris Hogan" she said, as I smiled back at him. "nice to meet you" he said, holding out his hand. "likewise" I blushed, shaking his hand. 

"Hey Pen" Rob said loudly, distracting us both from each other, "hey Gronkowski" I smiled at him, "didn't know you were here, come to distract someone from the guy's night?" he winked, making me frown a little, then seeing the short shape of Julian making his way through to the kitchen. 

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