The Morning After

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The next morning I woke up feeling like I had the weight of the world pressing down on me. Sure I had Julian's insanely muscular arm hanging over my waist, but it wasn't that.

He was leaving today.

Just the thought of this ending was just too much. These passed few days had been a total unexpected whirlwind and crazy, but awesome too. But now it was over and I'd have to deal with the consequences. I was so not ready for that.


After I'd woken up, I needed to grab five minutes to myself before Julian woke up. So I snuck to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth. After all I still had to be at work in a couple hours.

On returning to the bedroom, Julian was still asleep. I crept over to the bed, watching him adoringly for a few. Hell he was handsome at any given time of the day, or night. But before this little scenario turned from cute to creepy, I lifted the duvet and slipped back into bed.

"don't think I didn't miss you sneaking off just now" he said, voice all sexy and gruff from his sleep. I smiled and pressed a gentle kiss on his shoulder. I saw his skin bump up in goosebumps so I teasingly littered a few more across his upper back as he layed on his stomach.

After a minute or two, he rolled onto his side to face me, a lazy smile creeping across his lips. I couldn't help but giggle shyly at him. "you are so frickin' beautiful" he sighed, staring across the pillows at me. I blushed like crazy, feeling my cheeks heating up and I glanced away from his eyes. He watched me for a few moments, just with that soft smile on his face. Finally I found the courage to look at him again, and he gave me a cheesy wink. I tutted and pushed him in the chest, laughing at his attempts to tease me.

"c'mere" he smiled, movement under the duvet meant his arms were coming closer, "I need my mornin kiss" he added just when his fingertips met with my hips. I involuntarily winced, making Julian retort back a little. "are you okay?" he asked nervously. I nodded shyly but bit my lip, lowering my gaze. "babe?"
I looked up at him, knowing he was gonna feel bad, "I've... I've kinda got a few bruises." I told him, expecting him to be apologising like crazy. I was right. "oh jeez girl, I'm soo sorry sweetie. Do they hurt bad? Lemme see em" he gasped out, I shook my head, waiting for him to stop talking. "it's fine J, they're not that bad" I said, knowing that wouldn't stop him. "please honey," he pushed, I knew he wouldn't give up. So after I gave a slight nod, he lifted the duvet and poked his head underneath to look. Bearing in mind I was still totally naked I began to feel a little self conscious in the cold light of day. "oh sweetie, I'm sorry" he said, voice muffled now by the duvet, "it's fine J really." I said brushing it off. But then without warning Julian darted down, taking care with his hands on me, whilst pressing gentle kisses on each one of my bruises he'd created last night. I found myself giggling at his touch and he soon turned it into a small tickle fest.

"Edelman!" I gasped out trying to get him to stop. He poked his head out from the covers making me laugh. "Ms Pond" he raised a brow at me making me laugh. He shuffled back up the bed, resting his head on the pillow once more. I wriggled over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my body against his.

He smiled shyly as I kissed the tip of his nose. My fingertips played with the hair on the back of his neck, as his brushed along my hips. I figured they were his 'catnip'. "everything about you is like catnip baby" he purred, I paused for a second and realised I must have said that out loud... I blushed deep crimson and bit my lip in shyness. He smirked at me and leaned in close, taking my bottom lip in his mouth, gently biting down on it.

My body melted into his as he held me in his hands. It was a feeling I was already very accustomed to, the long hard erection pressing against my stomach wasn't.

Smiling against his lips, I immediately ran my hands down his toned physique to the issue in question. "Ahh fuck..." he hissed as I took him in my hand. I tugged on him a little, earning a growl for my efforts, which gave me the courage to roll us over, so I straddled him and rode him for all I had.


"don't J, please..." I whispered back, closing my eyes as he held me close. After what I could call our tender goodbye sex, we knew time was ticking down to when I had to leave for work. I rested my head against his chest and held back a tear. There was a silence there for a moment, hanging in the air, but it was inevitable that the words were going to have to be spoken.

"I have to get dressed for work" I sighed, my voice cracking with emotion. Each passing second was more painful than the last. "okay babe, I'll stay here and watch" typical Julian, inappropriate but funny. I slapped his chest lightly, letting out a slight giggle. I pressed my lips to his and then quickly rolled over, sliding out from under the duvet.


As promised, Julian layed in my bed, watching me get dressed. We talked a little about what my day had in store and before I knew it, I had to go.

I slipped on my heels and grabbed my purse, turning round to face the room, Julian had gotten out of my bed, and was stood there in all his glory looking at me with a sheepish smile.

I bit back a giggle and walked over to him. "you sure I can't come down with you?" he asked, brushing my hair back behind my ear. I smiled and shook my head.

"please don't, stay in bed so I can at least pretend you'll be here when I get home" I whispered softly, my eyes filling up with tears. I couldn't help it. Julian sighed, I knew he wanted to take me to work, but I chose to shed my tears on the way to work, not when I left him inside the building. That would be just too hard and way too public.

"okay, whatever you want sweetie." he nodded kissing my head. "but you know, I gotta say it" he said, pushing me to arms length. "I'm gonna miss the crap outta you" he said, making me laugh. "again" he added, reminding us it wasn't the first goodbye we'd had. I nodded, blushing again. "I'm gonna miss you too J. So much" I smiled, looking at him. We just stared at each other, smiling, not really needing to say any more.

I leaned up and kissed him. Softly at first, but ultimately ended in a heated make out session, until we realised I was going to be late. So what.

"you better go babe" he told me, pulling away, sounding miserable. I nodded and straightened my pencil skirt. I sighed deeply and looked back at him, "goodbye my beautiful rose" he whispered, gently running his thumb under my bottom lip and down my chin, "I'm so glad I finally got to caress your petals" he winked, making me gasp. I covered my face with my hands and he laughed at me. "be safe on your flight home" I laughed, not knowing how else to follow that comment of his. He grinned and nodded, "I will sweetie, I'll call you when I get home" he smiled gently, taking my hand in his. He kissed my knuckles like the true gentleman he is and I took that as my sign to leave. I turned away, walking over to the bedroom door, opening it a little before I looked back "bye J" I smiled up at him, only then remembering he was still butt naked.

My eyes raked over him and I bit my lip. He chuckled at my blatant ogling at him and with one last smile I walked away...

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