Before It's Too Late

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I dunno Liv, I just have a weird feeling about tonight" I huffed down the phone at her. "oh come on honey, you'll be fine once you're there" she said, as I stared back at my reflection in my bedroom mirror. "hmm, I guess. I just, it's the first time I'm having to do something like this alone, I'm not smooth at this stuff. It's Nick's job not mine" I whinged. "well Nick isn't in the State so you're next in command" 

"thanks for reminding me" I muttered, making her laugh. "look all you gotta do is turn up, look sensational and boost your brother's company by attending the dinner"

"and another bloody fashion show" I added, making her laugh more, "oh come on you love them" she teased, "besides, it's a walk in the park for you, you're just being miserable" she said, making me roll my eyes. "just go and have fun, enjoy the night and find some hot guy to fill the night with" she laughed.


I arrived at the venue, a little later than planned, the traffic had been horrendous. Which made my nerves worse, I never liked being late, to anything. So I climbed out the car and was ushered down the red carpet. I posed (reluctantly) for a couple of photos and headed in to take my seat.

Some young girl with a head set directed me to the row I was in, the second to be exact. I was vaguely aware of an empty seat, maybe two but there were so many people bustling about I didn't really look too much. "you're four seats in ma'am, beside Mr Edelman" she said. "what?" I snapped a little at the poor girl, who looked slightly alarmed at my over the top reaction. She never said anything but indicated with her and for me to move down the aisle. It was bad enough that I had to shimmy passed a couple of people, like at the movies, I was always the one that stepped on someone's toes. But this was even worse, Julian was one of those people. 

I ignored that for a brief moment as I tried gracefully to pass by the two women sitting in the first two seats. naturally I almost tripped over the second woman's foot, stumbling a little, I was caught by two big strong hands..."woops! you okay there?" That voice, that smile. I looked up at him shyly, Holy mother of God.  Standing before me in a sharp grey suit, white shirt and complementing tie, stood the one person that probably would give me that weird feeling I had about tonight.

"J" I breathed out breathlessly. "thanks" I blushed, feeling myself getting more and more flustered by the second. "anytime" he smiled at me, like a proper charming, panty dropping smile. God what was he doing to me?! "we better take our seats...I don't think the people behind us will appreciate us staying like this through the show" he said, looking down at me. I'd not even realised we were standing chest to oh-so-toned chest until he guided me safely to my seat next to him.

I looked to the seat beside him with my name on it and I rolled my eyes. Someone was gonna pay for this. I thought, seeing I was coincidentally sat beside Julian. "ya think someone didn't get the memo that we broke up?" Julian said as I sat, trying to make a joke out of awkward situation. "or someone had a hand in this" I said, staring out at the people opposite us on the other side of the runway. I felt Julian turn his head to look at me. "I have a pretty good idea who" I said, quietly amused by their sneakyness. I still barely even looked at him for fear of internally combustion at his appearance tonight. But I felt him lean close to me, "is it such a bad thing?" he said lowly, making me swallow thickly. The bastard. I gave him a sideward glance. "I suppose it could be a little worse" I replied with a smug smile, hearing him chuckle. 


Before I knew it, the show was over. Over?! Like how did I not even realise there was a 90 minute fashion show going on in front of me?! I'll tell ya why. The man sitting next to me. I had spent the full hour and a half fighting the unholy thoughts that flooded my mind. He's a big guy, and sitting in a small space wasn't ideal for him, so his thigh was pressed up tight against mine, drawing my eyes down to the solid muscle, covered by the thin fabric of his suit. That sight alone had my heart rate jacked. The smell of his cologne and just the pure warmth of his body was enough to send my whole body into a state of lust. God Damn him! I desperately needed some fresh air, but there was no where I could escape to yet. "are you staying for the dinner?" he asked me once the music died down and the lights came up. "yeah, I kind of have to" I answered him, as we stayed seated. "why?" he asked, turning his head to look at me. "I'm here to represent our company. We're one of the sponsors" I told him. "cool." he nodded, "I had to bail Dola out and come tonight." He told me. I looked at him and frowned, "My brother couldn't come tonight because he had a 'prior engagement'" I told him, "why couldn't Danny come?" I asked, Julian just smiled, "I actually had no idea. He just told me there would be free food." he shrugged making me laugh out loud. "we've totally been played" I said, shaking my head. Julian chuckled. "Eh, I've had worse nights" He smirked at me, making me gasp. "thanks" I laughed, shoving him in the shoulder. He laughed at me, "I hope I'm sat at the other side of the room to you now" I said, moving to stand up. He laughed more and got up off his chair. I tried to slip passed him, playfully pretending to be mad at him, making him chuckle, reaching out to catch my wrist, "come on babe, you know I'm playin" he said, wrapping his fingers around my wrist and gently pulling me back to him. I looked round to him, "at least let me walk you in there?" he suggested, pulling me even closer to him, so I was chest to chest with him once again. I paused a moment; his breath gently fanned across my face and his eyes held my stare, briefly dropping to glance at my lips. "if you have to" I said, then pulling away from him before either of us could do something a little too reckless. 

I moved down the aisle, expecting him to be right behind me, but as I glanced round, he was still standing where i'd left him. "are you coming?" I asked, with a confused smile, "uh yeah, sorry" he walked down to me, "I just got a little distracted..." he said, immediately making me blush. "you really do look beautiful tonight" he told me, looking at me with those blue puppy dog eyes. god don't do this to me J  I sighed, "do what?" he smiled cheekily. I blinked. "I said that out loud didn't I?" I said, hoping I really didn't. "yep" he smirked. "Fucks sake" I huffed and then walked off, hearing him chuckle behind me. 


J managed to catch up to me after I'd tried to walk off towards the ballroom we were dining in. He never said anything else to me, and I didn't want to talk either. I think he kind of knew that, and that's why there was no usual cheeky Julian remark. We walked up to the guy who seemingly ahd our names on 'the list' and called over two others to take us to our seats. "I guess we actually are at opposite ends of the room" I said, realising we were going to be separated now. "Don't worry babe, I'll miss you" he winked, I snorted at him and turned away to head to my table. Once I was seated, amongst a whole gaggle of over 60's, I looked around to see if I could spot where Julian was sitting. 

me: I see you're going to have fun this evening...

I saw Julian look around which made me giggle as his eyes searched for me. We weren't actually that far apart, his chair parallel with mine, two tables over. He turned his head to the left and finally locked eyes with me.

J: 10 ladies at my table, what can I say? 

me: who are all over 60...haha

I looked back at him and watched as he smiled down at his phone, typing back straight away.

J: Jealous? ;)

I read the text and looked back over at him. He was sitting there grinning at me, which made me smile more.

me: nah, I've got a group of oldies at my table too :)

Julian looked across at me and raised an eyebrow. I smiled and bit my lip

me: But maybe I'd have liked something pretty to look at...

I felt my insides spin as I pressed send. I watched him from under my lashes as he read over the message. He didn't look over at me, which made me panic, but typed a reply back instead.

J: what I'm looking at is pretty exquisite...

I looked back at him and he was watching me. A soft smile on his face, making me blush and his words making me melt. I didn't have opportunity to react anymore as the main host of the dinner came onto the stage to welcome us all there.


The actual meal wasn't so bad. I made small talk with the people around my table, the lady next to me catching on to my distracted self. "see something you like over there sweetie?" she asked me. I laughed and nodded over to Jules. "oh I say, what a handsome young man" she said, noticing she was having a mighty good look at J as he sat there laughing and charming the panty hose off the older ladies he was sitting with. Danny would have been eaten alive bless him.

"he's my ex" I found myself telling her. "what a shame..." she said, still watching him. I looked back at him and he glanced our way. He held my gaze and winked, making me blush. "ex huh?" the lady laughed. I tore my eyes away from him to look at her. "I know true love when I see it" she told me, with a smile. "whatever happened that made him your ex," she said leaning toward me, "doesn't mean a thing" she whispered, "he looks at you like you're worth all the stars in the sky" she sighed, "that's hard to come by" she told me. I smiled at her words. "time is precious and goes by far too quickly." I nodded at her, "show him how you feel sweetie. Otherwise you'll wake up one day and it'll all be too late"

I sat back in my chair and pondered for a moment. Flipping my phone around in my hand idly, I unlocked it. Opening up my messages I typed another one to him

Me: what are you doing later tonight?

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