Party Time

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The end of the week finally came and it was the day of my leaving party. We'd all left work early today, most people heading home to get ready for tonight, well the girls did anyway, I think some of the guys headed straight out to the pub.

"c'mon, let's take a photo before we leave" I suggested, tugging at Ameila's hand as I dropped down onto her bed. "this is going straight on Instagram isn't it" she sassed. I laughed at her, "how can you even comment on that when you were goading J on it when I came home the last time?!" I squealed at her grinning. She chuckled, "that was mere teasing, not goading. It's different. Besides, it worked didn't it" she smiled smugly. "not the point" I looked at her pointedly. "now, get your smile on" I said and clicked away.

LadyPenelope ready to paint the town with this one @MissAmelia Liked by edelman11, MissAmelia, dannyamendola, oliviaculpo and 1k others

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LadyPenelope ready to paint the town with this one @MissAmelia
Liked by edelman11, MissAmelia, dannyamendola, oliviaculpo and 1k others

edelman11 looking 🔥 babe. Enjoy your night😘

Tonight was the night of the VS show, Julian had obviously opted to go, along with Danny and Olivia. I knew he would and most of me was glad that I was having my leaving party so I wasn't home sat stewing over it. I was ready for a good night out with friends and I was actually a little overwhelmed at how many of them had come along.

"it's any excuse for a night out though Pen" Steve winked at me, laughing at my unimpressed face. "hey I've not given you the keys to my car yet" I smiled smugly, as he dropped the smile off his face, making me laugh. We all had a toast, Bobby, my boss, did it, which was really unexpected, and a shock to us all that he actually came. He never did attend office parties and stuff. He didn't stay after the meal though, he made himself scarce at the prospect of one of us trying to get him to dance. He told me he'd see me tomorrow at work, when I went in to hand in my keys and officially hand in my finished work. I had a lump in my throat just thinking about that, but I swallowed it away so as not to spoil my night with my friends.


The night flew by in a flash, not that I was surprised, the last half of my week had too. I'd had a total blast with everyone tonight and it was the perfect way to end my time here. Most of us were heading home now, a few of them were at work tomorrow, so they had left a little earlier, but myself and Amelia made sure we were the last ones standing.

"you let me know you're home safe okay?"
"yes mum" I teased her as she climbed into the taxi. She huffed at me and closed the door, smiling at me as I gave her a playful wave through the window. Once she drove off, I hailed the cab behind hers, ready to rest my feet on the journey home.

Once I arrived home, I made myself a mug of white hot chocolate and curled up on the couch. It was 4am, but I didn't care, I needed to book my flight. So I opened up my laptop and searched for the closest available flight to Monday. I scanned the available flights, finally deciding on Sunday at 14.05pm. Flying from Heathrow direct to Boston. I chose to only message my brother the date and time, purely because I knew the guys were in New York and were busy. Besides, I wanted to tell Julian over the phone, instead of a text. I couldn't wait to tell him.

Nick: see you soon then little sis! I'll be waiting at the airport for you! Xx

Me: can't wait! So excited! Xxx

Then I decided to head to bed. I had an emotional day to come tomorrow and I wanted to be at least a little prepared for it. So I closed down my laptop, and put my mug in the sink and made my way to bed, to rest up for my final day at work.

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