Five Minutes To Come Up With A Plan

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It was 22.45pm by the time we'd arrived at the party. Of course I had taken pride in arriving on Julian's arm as the few photographers lurked outside taking snaps of the stragglers arriving. I thought it was a pretty crap way to spend their new year but I guess they were getting paid for it. Yet I'd rather be inside, in the warmth of the building, (poorly) attempting to fend off a more than attractive football player and his (expertly) grabby hands.

"you do remember Nick is here tonight right?" I smirked as he nuzzled his nose against my neck, his hands roaming my hips as we waited at the bar. "ah he has to find out what we're like sooner or later" he mumbled against my hair. "what we're like?" I turned my head to raise my brow him. He chuckled, "you're just as bad as I am" I turned around in his grasp after his comment and gave him an unimpressed look. He chuckled more, "babe, you know how much you undress me with your eyes." he smirked, "I'm a piece of meat" he said, pretending to feel objectified by me. I couldn't help but laugh, reaching up a little on my tip toes, whispering to him, "and I can't wait until I can give your meat a little pounding" we both burst out laughing as soon as the words left my lips. But he growled at me too, "please don't put those thoughts in my head. I'm trying my best to keep everything down, if you know what I mean" he said, making me snigger. "you're doing a pretty poor job of that" I laughed, sneakily brushing my hand against his crotch, feeling that mouth-watering bulge stretching out his pants. I sighed at the thought of it, Julian leaning to rest his forehead against mine as we grinned at each other.

"you finally made it!" Olivia's voice excitedly squeaked at us, interrupting us. I turned my gaze to see my friend waving as she ran over to us. I instantly grinned, seeing her pulling Danny along behind her. "I see you're having a good time" I laughed at her, Julian stepping back so I could hug her. "Lord I'm ready to jump on him" she whispered making me laugh loudly. "welcome to my world" I grinned back, giving her a high five. "Danny" I grinned moving to hug him as Olivia waved at Julian.

"how was it at the Brady's?" Olivia asked me excitedly. "unreal. Their house is a freaking mansion! They were so lovely though, so are their kids. I sat and read Vivian a story" I smiled, Olivia cooing, "sounds like you made a couple new friends there tonight" she laughed, making me nod. "I also found out that Julian plans to have kids with me some day"
"NO WAY!" she gasped dramatically. I laughed nodding back at her. "have you told him, about, y'know" nodding and winking really not inconspicuously. I shook my head, "I was planning on doing it after the game tomorrow, but I'm not sure now" I replied, taking a glance at Julian who was clowning around with Danny and Rob. "tonight might be the right time"


After we got drinks we were moving through the crowds when I spotted Allie, my brother's girlfriend. I waved at her manically and pushed my way over to them. "hi!" Allie smiled, giving me a hug as the rest of my group moved round to the table they had saved for us. Olivia, Allie and I moved to one end of the table, gossiping about whatever took our attention, including the 'girl' sitting with Rob. "another one" Olivia sassed to me, making me nod, not that I was being judgemental towards him. I mean, he can do whatever he likes. But he picked the girls who of course were attractive but there was hot air between their ears as well as in their boobs. Don't get me wrong, we'd happily talk to them, but they usually preferred to hang with the guys, and not get to know us, or the other girlfriends for that matter, which was a shame. Still, it gave us something to talk about too. That was until Julian headed to the bathroom and Nick instantly jumped out of his seat and pushed in between me and Allie. "thank god he's gone to the bathroom"


My head was racing with thoughts and my hands were shaking. Nick had just given me the paperwork I so desperately wanted to give Julian. Turns out that the friend of Nicks owed him a favour and got an associate to help us out and got the papers pushed through. I didn't know how they could manage that, but honestly I didn't care. I was about to go and tell Julian that I was going to move over here. I had minutes to come up with the words to tell him, as we got the five minute shout out before midnight struck.

I needed the bathroom.

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