Making An Effort

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"Oh my god, tell me all about it" Olivia beamed at me. I'd literally just walked up to her, meeting her at Copley place to grab a coffee and catch up. I'd been here a few times druing my visits to see my brother, and I was pretty familiar with the place. "He called it a date." I smiled, biting my lip as I thought back to it. Olivia sat eagerly listening to every detail. "We took a tour bus and headed around the city looking at the different landmarks." I explained, "I met him outside the candy store and he'd gotten us a coffee and some candy to share on the bus" I told her. "aww" she cooed. I laughed at her and carried on telling her about the date. 

"so when are you seeing him next?" she asked, sipping on her Mocha. "tomorrow night. he's taking me to dinner" I smiled as Olivia squeaked in excitement. "where's he taking you?" she beamed an excited smile. "I have no clue, but God I have to make a real effort, he looks like a bloody model!" I cried, feeling slightly below par on this one. "perhaps we should do a little shopping?" Olivia suggested, raising a brow at me. I just nodded desperately.


It was unreal the amount of stores we'd visited today, Olivia had me trying on practically every dress we saw. But we'd picked out something that I hoped would look good. And soon I would find out if Julian would like it.

Send me a pic when you're done! Xx

I laughed at Olivia, I think she was more excited than I was, but I sent her a photo anyway, right before a knock on the door had me nervously heading downstairs.

He's here, wish me luck xxx

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He's here, wish me luck xxx

I didn't bother to wait until she'd read it, to slip my phone into my purse, and I opened the door.

"hi" I smiled instantly, seeing Julian dressed in a slick black suit, black shirt and no tie. "fuck me" he stared back at me, his eyes roaming my figure. "uh" he coughed, "I mean, you look beautiful" he corrected himself. I blushed crazily, but I tried desperately to play down what he just did. "thank you" I smiled, closing the door behind me. Thank God my brother wasn't in ear shot of that...

"may I?" he held his arm out to me, which I took, as he led me to the awaiting car. "you got a car?" I laughed a little as he opened the door for me. "yeah, it's no big deal" he brushed it off, waiting for me to slide into my seat. "whatever you say Mr hotshot" I rolled my eyes, hearing him chuckle as he closed the door behind him. "ready to go Mr-"
"uh yeah, thank you" Julian interrupted the driver, and then we were on our way to who knows where.

"so, how was your day?" he asked as we travelled through the streets of Boston. "good thank you. I met up with the girl I met at the Pats game the other night." I told him. I started averting my gaze from him when I found myself starting just a little too long at him. The top button of his shirt was open, exposing a slight bit of his hairy chest. It was tempting me way too much just to flick open a couple more. I had to bite down on my lip a little to try and snap myself out of my thoughts.

"oh cool. So you made a friend here already. Well, two now huh" he chuckled. I smiled at his comment but part of me felt a little hurt that he classed me as a friend. But I guess what else would I be, given that I'd only met him a couple of days ago too. "how about you, what have you done today?" I asked. This time it was his turn to avert his eyes and he glanced out of the window. "not too much, worked out for a few hours this morning, caught up with some friends and chilled out before tonight." he said, finally looking back at me. "I've been looking forward to it all day" he smiled at me. "such the charmer huh" I smirked as the car came to a slow stop. "always baby" he grinned, moving to exit the car.

He waited at the side of the car for me to climb out. I hoped and prayed I managed to do it smoothly and not expose anything or fall. And thankfully I was all good. I took Julian's arm again and he led me into the restaurant.


"please, call me Julian" he interrupted the waiter for about the fourth time correcting him on his name. "sir, please would you like to see the dessert menu?" he offered kindly. Julian looked at me briefly, and shook his head, "no thank you, I have a better idea" he said, looking back to the waiter. "whatever you wish sir" he said politely and left us alone again.

"I'm just going to use the bathroom before we leave" I blushed. Julian nodded and as I left the table, I felt his eyes on me, following me across the restaurant.

Once finished, I headed back over to our table, only to see it vacant. I hovered on my spot momentarily, feeling a little panicky. "sorry I just went to pay the bill. Are you ready to leave?" a gentle voice asked from behind me. I turned my head to see him close up behind me, his finger tips brushing against the bare skin of my back, running them up and down my spine. "uh-huh" was all I managed to choke out as he looked down at my lips. "awesome, let's go" he said, then smoothly as we began to walk to the exit, I felt his hand slide down my back and round to my waist, pulling me into his body a little bit. I don't think I was going to survive the night.

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