Don't Give Up On Him

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It didn't take me too long to get home and change for my impromptu dinner. I opted for a black play suit, nothing too fancy, but I wanted to look presentable, even if I didn't look like I belonged in her group of friends. I honestly didn't know what to expect from her, I just hoped she was as nice as Olivia had said she was. But Olivia wasn't Julian's ex. Oh god, why am I meeting my ex's ex? This is totally messed up. 


Fast forward two hours later and I was walking through Ostra, being led to a table in the back of the place, which was booked under my name. It all seemed very cloak and dagger...but she was actually there when I arrived. 

She stood up when she saw me walking up to the table, a beaming smile on her face, which actually put my nerves at ease. I mean, it might have taken nerves of steel to do this, but even then they were wavering a little. "Penny" she greeted me, holding out both her hands to me. I felt a little out of my comfort zone, but I walked up to her and smiled, "Adriana" I took her hands and she unexpectedly pulled me in and cuddled me, kissing both my cheeks. "I'm so pleased you could make tonight at short notice" she said, "let's sit" 

"I hope you've not been waiting long?" I asked, as she was already here before me. "oh no, besides, it was nice to have a little quiet time without my girls wanting something every five minutes" she laughed. There must have been confusion all over my face because she looked at me amusedly. "I have 2 daughters" she explained. "oh! I'm sorry, I didn't realise" I blushed and she continued to talk about them as much as I asked questions. "I'd love to have kids some day" I confessed, hearing how she talked about her daughters. You could see that they were her world. "it's a love you will never understand until you have a child of your own" she smiled. I crinkled my nose at her sweet words, but our conversation was interrupted by our waiter. 


We were well passed our entrees by 10pm and we'd not even touched upon the reason she had called me yet. Admittedly, we had been in conversation about everything but Julian and that night. I hardly wanted to bring it up, but she had me wondering. Which coincidentally didn't occur for very long, as after she filled up our wine glasses from our third bottle of red wine, she turned the focus onto that...

"So, I gotta say, I'm truly happy you came to meet me tonight." she smiled. "my fiancé didn't think you'd show..." she said making me raise my eyebrows in shock. "Fiancé?" I questioned as she giggled and nodded, "yeah...I guess that's what makes this whole thing with the photo and the rumours so crazy" she said, shaking her head. I just stared at her blankly. "it's not just yours and Julian's relationship it flipped upside down" she sighed, playing with the stem of her glass. "I'd had an awesome night at the show, and wanted to have a couple of drinks with the girls before I headed home...Taylor brought Olivia over and introduced us and I had a quick chat with her and Danny. Then Julian came over" My throat tightened, I wasn't sure how I would react to the next part, so I swilled down a mouthful of wine....

"we said hi and made a little small talk. Danny and Olivia went off somewhere, so I caught up with Julian, asking how he was." she shrugged, then smiled, "told me he'd met the love of his life" she looked at me with bright smiling eyes. I felt myself go red and I bit my lip to try and hold my smile. "told me you were going to be moving here and living with him soon" then my heart stopped. Living with him?! I didn't say anything, but I let her carry on, "that's huge, he was never committed like that before. Lord knows that's what I wanted with him. I knew it would take a phenomenal woman to tie him down" she laughed lightly, "and I guess I should say I'm honoured in being in her presence" She grinned at me, I blushed and laughed it off, but inside my head was swirling with emotions and my heart pounded in my chest. "anyway, that was pretty much it." she shrugged, "he asked about my wedding plans and then wanted to go and find Danny." she said, "I didn't see him again until I was leaving. He was leaving to get into his car that was waiting and I was going for mine." she explained, pretty much how Julian did. "the next day Metin got an email with the photo and that was it" she sighed, "he was about to call off the wedding. It was so crazy" 
"I'm so sorry" I sighed, feeling heart broken for her. I mean, it was destroying what happened to Julian and I, but this was two people who were about to marry for heavens sake. "thanks" she said, looking up at me sadly. "we eventually found who had sent him the photo and got them to retract the comments about Julian and I." she explained. "I didn't know how you guys were dealing with it, until Taylor said she had gotten in touch with Olivia and she told me what had happened. I can't tell you how sorry I am. Nothing happened between us. Nothing ever will" she said, gently placing her hand on mine. I nodded at her, "thank you for taking the time to give your side of the story. I know you didn't have to and I appreciate it. So much." I said, "I've been an absolute idiot with how I've dealt with it all. I regret so much of it. But I hope he can forgive me. Somehow" I sighed. Adriana squeezed my hand. "he will. Don't give up on him. And don't let him go" 

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