Arriving In Boston

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I walked out of the terminal, eyes searching for my brother. It had been a long flight from Manchester, England and I was totally ready to get some fresh air and stretch my legs. I spotted him holding a Sign with 'Pond' scrawled across it. I rolled my eyes and headed over.

"Do you have to be such a nerd?" I sighed as I reached up to hug him. He laughed and wrapped his big arms around me. "you needed to be able to spot me, and I am your driver" he added, pulling back. "how was the flight?"

"Long" I grumbled. He scoffed, "c'mon, lets get to my car. It's gonna be like an hour before we get to my house." he said, taking my case out of my hands. "will Stacey be there?" I asked, meaning his girlfriend. "Um. No." he answered, looking at me over his shoulder as I lagged behind a little, his long legs outreaching my own. "what does that mean?" I frowned. "well, uh, we split up"

"What! When?" I gasped, astonished at this new info. "like, two months ago"
"Nicholas! Why didn't you tell me?!" I complained. Even though we lived in different countries, we were still really close. "I was fed up of her high maintenance attitude." he answered, slowing up as we reached a colbalt blue Charger. "figured she was only with me for what she could get" he shrugged, "well about time brother." I sighed, he looked down at me with a shocked expression. "I hated her" I confessed, causing him to burst into laughter. "so why did you never say anything?" He lugged my massive suitcase into the boot of his car. "well, I thought you were happy, and let's face it, I don't have to see her all the time so I thought it was best to keep my mouth shut" I shrugged. He smiled down at me and playfully ruffled my hair. "C'mon, lets go"


Hey guys! This is my first ever attempt at an NFL book. So please be kind. Any tips or help is appreciated, as long as its constructive. Thank you!

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