The Ring Part I

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"are you serious right now?!" I questioned him as I walked through the house in my robe. I had my hair tied up in rags to help keep the natural wave to my hair, and not a scrap of make up on my face yet. "yeah, they will be here any minute" he called back to me as I left him in the bathroom. He'd gotten a hold of a hair and make up person through Olivia, and had booked them to come and pretty me up for tonight. I was quite excited actually, I'd never had that sort of thing done before. And right on cue, there was a knock on the door...


Two hours later and I was primped and preened and ready to party. I just needed to slip into my dress. I moved off the stool in the kitchen, where the lady had set out her products and headed for the stairs to Julian's bedroom; right as he started to walk down the stairs. I paused and just watched him, quickly flying down the steps--first I looked to his black shiny shoes, then up him muscular legs, to his waist, chest; all wrapped up in a crisp white shirt, no tie and open at the top button. Ugh. Then I looked to his face, just a touch of scruff on his cheeks, his hair styled to perfection and the cologne he wore was clean, light and sweet. Double UGH. "wow" He smiled at me as he met me at the bottom of the stairs. I laughed and shook my head, "that's exactly what I was thinking" I smiled with a blush. He chuckled and pulled me a tiny bit closer, leaning into me, "no. Nope. No" I said, leaning away from him. Automatically he frowned, "lipstick" I said, motioning to my mouth. "ugh, c'mon babe," he scoffed at me, I laughed again, "nope!" I squeaked out, pulling out of his grasp and running up the stairs, hearing him muttering under his breath as he wandered off into the kitchen.


"babe! the car will be here in like 2 min--utes" J paused slightly when he saw me stood at the bottom of the stairs. He was leaning against the kitchen counter, staring at his phone until he saw me there, all dressed up and waiting to take his arm. "well, say something..." I blushed, looking down at my feet a little shyly, he'd been staring at me for a couple of seconds already. He still didn't say a word, but he put his phone in his pant pocket and walked over to me. "I don't give a fuck about god damn lipstick..." he said, before crashing his lips against mine, placing his hands on my cheeks, thumbs either side of my mouth. I didn't care about the lipstick either really.


A couple of hours later and we were at the venue; the dude (who's name slipped my mind) who had made the rings, was holding this little soiree at his home. We were all in a huge marquee on the guy's lawn. It was pretty impressive I had to say. "I can't believe how many guards are around us right now" I said to Olivia as I looked around the place. "I know, it's kinda silly really, I mean most of the team would be able to take down anyone unsavoury who came in here" She giggled, making me nod and grin. "I wouldn't mind J taking me down right about now" I sighed, looking across the room at him. "oh god..." Olivia groaned, making me laugh out loud. "well, I have to say, Danny and I made use of the private car ride here..." I gasped at her personal confession, "I didn't think you guys had it in you" I laughed, making her smirk at me even more, "oh yeah...he's wild once you get him going" she winked, right before the man himself joined us bringing along with him our drinks. "so what'd I miss ladies?" He asked innocently, before the two of us fell about laughing. The poor guy just stood there looking confused. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, could you please take our seats, the ceremony is about to commence." The lady standing on the stage in a floor length black sparkly gown called out through the microphone. The already buzzing atmosphere rose up a notch or two now that everyone was to be seated for giving out the rings. The three of us moved over to the table we were assigned to, Julian coming over to pull out my chair for me to sit. "you alright?" I grinned at him, seeing him practically bouncing in his seat. He nodded and gave me a crazy smile, which I couldn't help laughing at. "I'm so proud of you Bubs" I leaned in to whisper in his ear. He chuckled and turned his head to press a kiss to my lips. "I wouldn't ever want anyone else here with me right now" he said, looking deep into my eyes. "I love you too babe" he said, kissing me again before we were interrupted by the reason we were here.

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