Enjoying The View Part II

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It was a relatively tame get together after the game. Not all of the players attended, those with children had already left come 10pm, wanting to be there to put the little ones to bed. I was pretty tired myself, and was waiting for the moment Julian was ready to leave. Of course I enjoyed being there with everyone, but I was obviously there for him. "we've actually seen her before" Jimmy Garoppolo said about the girl with Rob. "yeah, in a porno" his brother Mike interjected. I shot a look between the both of them, "seriously?" I raised a brow, grinning at the two giggling men. Jimmy shook his head, "that's what she does though" he told me, "most of his hook ups are" Mike said. I raised my eyebrows in surprise and nodded slowly, "interesting" 
"what's interesting?" another voice joined the conversation. Julian had moved up behind me, cradling a bottle of beer in his hand. I smirked, "oh just Mike's taste on porn stars" I grinned, making Jimmy chuckle. "what?" Julian frowned, "yeah, you've seen Gronk's date in one too right Edelman" Jimmy slyly winked at me. "huh? fuck no man" he hastily replied, as I turned my head to look at him skeptically. He glanced at me, looking flustered and it was all I could do not to start laughing. "babe, no, he's playin, I've not seen her in one. Not one. In fact I don't watch stuff like that, I..." he floundered, digging himself into an unneccessary hole. Which I may add, was amusing to watch. "uh huh" I sassed, turning away from his face, looking back to Jimmy and Mike who were also enjoying watching Julian panic. "babe...please" he said, taking his hand to my waist, pulling me round so my body faced him. He looked into my eyes, worry etched across his face. I gave him my best bitch face and he swallowed hard. That in itself made me burst out laughing. Also too was the look on his face then. "Man she's got you whipped" Jimmy laughed out loud, making Julian look round at him. "I'm going to get another round of drinks" I said, stepping out of Julian's grasp, leaving him to launch at Jimmy and Mike in a playful assault for messing with him. 



My girl had been at the bar for a little while now, figured she'd gotten caught up with one of the guys, actually seeing her stood with Danny, but it was getting a little late now and honestly I wanted some time with her alone as we were spending the next couple days with my family. Jimmy and his brother had gone home some time ago, and I'd been caught up in a little play analysis with coach and Gronk. His little friend was still around somewhere, not that Rob seemed to care what she was getting up to.

I glanced up again when Danny entered the conversation, alone, so I looked around in search for Penny, spotting her still at the bar, but she was still not alone. Some guy was talking to her a few seats away from her, clearly enjoying the view in here.

"Edelman!" Coach snapped his fingers at me, causing me to glance at him, then back at Penny. I looked again at Belichick and blinked a few times. Sure I wasn't listening to a thing he was saying. All I could think of was that slimy dude at the bar hitting on my girl. My girl who was laced with Edelman jerseys and hoodies, in a bar the Patriots were occupying. I needed to get over there but coach barked at me again. "maybe if I get her over here you might pay more attention!" he scowled at me. He's not wrong though. Use her as any kind of distraction or even examples in tactical plays and I'll be all ears. And hands if the opportunity arose. God Damn her ass in those jeans. I didn't really care right now if coach caught me. I kept trying to sneak glances over at her, really to see what was going on with the random dude, but getting distracted by her. She was standing at the bar, ever so slightly leaning forward, encouraging my eyes to pass their gaze over her tight little ass. Her jeans hugged her in all the right places. She'd lost the hoodie and tied her hair up too, which gave me great access to her neck. Man I loved her neck, those little noises she'd make when I kissed my lips along the right side of her neck could keep me hard for days. I could barely contain the impulse I had to go right over there, never mind the bulge in the front of my jeans...

"fuck it!" the sound of yelling yanked me out of my day dream, seeing Belichick throwing his hands up in the air. "I'm fucking going home. At least have your heads in the game when I see you Tuesday" he huffed, making me smirk. "merry Christmas coach!" I called after him playfully. He waved his hand back at me, not turning once as he stomped his way to the door. "you better get over there" Danny chuckled, "he's only one seat away from her now" he added, I looked over to the bar. Dola was right, so without a word I left the guys and marched over there, swigging a gulp of beer from my bottle.

"I'm telling you, you're beautiful, I've been yearning for a British girl to join my company" I heard the guy say. Penny must have felt my presence as arrived, because she looked round at me, looking a little red faced and confused...

"ah Mr Edelman, good game today"
"uh, thanks" I found myself saying to the guy, confused as fuck about now. "please give me a call if you decide to change your career path" the dude said, sliding his card across the bar. "what's this?" I asked, not waiting for her to explain, instead I intercepted the business card. "what the fuck?!" I growled. "ah are you and he? Ah, I see, well Mr Edelman, your lovely friend here-"
"girlfriend" I hissed,
"she would be a great asset to my company" he said, "like fuck she will!" the rage rumbled up inside me, I grabbed Penny's arm and tugged her towards me. "Julian!" I knew she was embarrassed but I was pissed. "there's no way in hell she'll be doing that!" I angrily snapped at the guy, then pulling Penny away, we swiftly headed toward the exit. That just put a sour note on the night.

"woah woah! Where's the fire?!" Gronk laughed, as we passed him and Danny. Me still holding onto Penny quite possessively. I felt her pull back and I let my grasp ease on her, I guess I'd not anticipated how angry that moment made me. "that scumbag at the bar!" I seethed. "J, calm down" Penny finally spoke up, touching my arm softly. I sighed, taking a breath. "he fucking knows the chick you came with" I told him, "she must have called him up or something. He's been at the frickin bar trying to get Penny to star in one of his frickin porno movies!" I exclaimed. Danny, Gronk and even Penny started sniggering. I looked at the three of them and after replaying it a little in my head, cracked a small smile.

"c'mon hotshot" Penny moved closer and whispered to me, "let's go home and I'll audition for you"

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