Freaking Out

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The next morning, Olivia and I were relaxing downstairs in the hotel restaurant having breakfast when she got a call on her cell phone. "it's Danny" she frowned, accepting the call. "Hey Babe, what's up?" she asked, as I stayed quiet listening to her. Her brown eyes flashed up to mine, "yeah, she's here with me..." my heart began to pound a little harder. "okay, sure...I'll...yeah, okay, we'll come up" she said to him and then cut the call. I just waited for her to tell me. "It's Jules, he's up there freaking out" 

"what?!" I asked in shock, my stomach instantly flipping at her words. "Danny wants you to go talk to him" She told me, without hestitation I got up from my chair and rushed to the exit of the restaurant, then through the lobby to the elevator. God damn the thing, it couldn't get down here quick enough.

"Did Danny say what was wrong with him?" I asked, my heart feeling like it was pounder harder and harder. "no, he just said he was freaking out and would I get you to go and see him" she said, looking as worried as I did. I sighed and looked to the ceiling of the elevator. Not today J, not today. I kept thinking over and over in my head as I tapped my foot on the floor impatiently. 

Once we hit their floor, I rushed out into the hallway and down to Julian's room, Olivia trailing behind me. When I reached the room, I took a deep breath and knocked. Mere seconds later, the door opened, revealing Danny's dark eyes looking back at me with a worried expression. I sighed at him but instead of letting me inside, he stepped out into the hall. 

"what the hell Danny?" I questioned him desperately. "he's totally freaking out in there" he whispered, making sure J didn't hear. "he keeps rambling on about letting you down" he said, then the penny dropped. "it makes sense now" I sighed, "I came to see him last night after he text me asking me to see him." I explained, "said he wanted a good luck kiss, but I knew something wasn't right with him" I said. Danny nodded, looking between me and Olivia. "go and see him Pen" Olivia told me, "we'll be next door in my room" Danny added. "okay" I nodded, taking another deep breath. Danny patted my shoulder, before he moved away from the door, allowing me to step inside...


I walked in to a seemingly empty room. It was clean and tidy, the bed was made, and the sunlight shone in from outside. He was nowhere in sight, but the room smelt of him. "J?" I called out softly, hearing the toilet flush, and then the bathroom door opened. He walked out, wiping his hand with the back of his hand; stopping in his tracks when he saw me standing there. "Penny?" He questioned, staring at me. "J, what's the matter?" I asked softly, taking a step closer to him. He sighed, looking down to the carpet, shrugging. "it's freaking stupid" he said, shaking his head slightly. My heart broke seeing him anything other than his happy bouncy playful self. "I don't care, J, you're worrying me" I said, watching him as he moved to sit down on the bed. "don't worry babe, I'm fine." he sighed, dropping onto the foot of the bed. "so why is Danny asking me to come up and talk to you?" I asked, kneeling down on the carpet in front of him. He let out a slight chuckle and shook his head. "damn Danny"

"J," I sighed again. his eyes snapped up to mine and he huffed. "I'm fucking nervous as hell ok?!" He cried. I sat back on my heels at his statement. He looked down at his hands, as he fiddled with his fingers. "You're bound to be nervous" I said, after a few seconds. "I mean, it is the super bowl-

"it's not the super bowl" he laughed a little, interrupting me. I closed my mouth and frowned at him. "'s because you're here Bub" he said, rendering me speechless. I sat there staring at him, not quite knowing what to say. 

He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "I, I don't wanna let you down" he said, looking up at me with his big blue eyes. "why on earth would you let me down?" I asked softly, shuffling closer to him, so I was kneeling between his legs. He shrugged, glancing away from me. "I wanna win for you" he answered me, making me melt. "Julian Francis" I huffed, making him look at me once again, I raised up onto my knees, running my hands up his thighs, "you could lose every game you play. You could lose it all and I would still worship the ground you walk on" I told him. He looked into my eyes, and a tiny smirk appeared on his lips. "I fell in love with you thinking you were just some gorgeous regular guy. None of this matters to me" I said, raising my hand to gesture around us. he nodded at me, still looking timidly at me. "I want you to go out there onto that field and do what you do best" I said, as he smiled, "well, second best. The thing you do best wouldn't be appropriate to show on the tv" I added, mostly thinking out loud, but he chuckled all the same. I gave him a cheeky smile, relieved that he was at least smiling. "So I don't wanna hear any more about you letting me down. okay?" I said, making him nod again. "I love you Edelman" I told him, "you make me proud of you no matter what the end result, okay?" I said, making him smile. "I don't know what I'd do without you, y'know that?" he asked, brushing my cheek with his thumb. "you'd probably be driving Danny crazy" I smirked. He laughed and nodded, "I think I do that anyway" he admitted, as I giggled. "go and kick their asses out there." I said, leaning up to him and kissing his mouth. "Just for you baby" he smiled, I grinned and bit my lip. "I love you" he added. I smiled at him and moved off of the floor. "I'll see you later tonight" I said, walking over to the door. "babe?" I turned back to look at him, "You look so hot in that jersey" He grinned at me. I forgot I was already in my fitted Edelman jersey and denim shorts. "Edelman on the jersey-Edelman's property" I smirked at him before leaving the room. 


I took a breath and walked to the next room, pushing the door open. Danny and Olivia were sitting on the bed looking a tad more than anxious. "he's okay" I said, choosing not to go into many details right now. "we'll see you after the game" I told Danny "good luck" I smiled, giving him a quick hug, before I left Olivia to wish him the same, meeting her back at the elevator.

"what was that all about? Is he okay?" She asked me as we walked back into the elevator to head to our room. I then proceeded to explain what happened. "aww Penny how sweet is that?" she gushed. "hmm" I sighed, "I mean, he doesn't strike me as a guy that would get hung up like that" I pondered, Olivia shrugged. "he's in love with you. Love does funny things to a guy" She said, making me laugh and roll my eyes, "like making a self confessed bachelor want to be tied down to an English Rose" She smirked.


Later that day...


"come on guys we can smash this!!" Rob yelled at the top of his lungs. He was already pumped up ready to go. Usually I was the same as soon as I got into the locker room. Not so much today. "you alright man?" Danny asked me, "you seem preoccupied" he added. I glanced to him and shook my head. "nah man, just trying to get my head in the game is all" I said, giving him a half hearted smile. He looked at me with narrowed eyes, yeah I know he could see right through me but I didn't really wanna go over it again with him. He wouldn't get it. Stuff like that didn't seem to bother him. But I guess it didn't usually phase me either.

He never said anything else to me, and left me to get my shit together before we headed out.


"you OK Edelman?" Tommy came over after his pep talk with the entire team. I'd stayed seated on the bench just listening to his inspiring words, attempting to keep focused I just nodded, as he took a seat beside me. "y'know I was like it the first time G came to a regular game" he said, resting his elbows on his knees. I looked at him with surprised eyes, he grinned as he looked ahead, seemingly picturing the moment. "I was like the most nervous I'd ever been, at anything. I couldn't figure out why" he carried on, "not til I ran out onto the field and saw her. Then my nerves went away and I figured she was the one" he shrugged. "she gave me the drive to be better than I was, and the fear that I didn't want to let her down and screw up" he told me, making me grin. "but she also had the power to disperse the doubt that I had in myself." he said, looking down at his helmet. "I can see how you feel about the girl Jules. We all can" he said, "and trust me, no matter how great you play, or how shitty the result might be, she will still be there to cheer you on" he said, moving to pick up my helmet off the ground in front of me. "so get your head in that" he thrust the helmet at me, "get your ass on the field and show her why you've brought her here." he said, standing up and walking away.

I took a deep breath and looked at the gloves I'd been cradling in my hand and smiled. Tommy was right. She didn't care about anything but me. She told me that this morning. I grinned to myself. I was crazy about this girl; and what she was doing to me I never imagined. I played my heart out in every game, but since she's been in my life I've wanted to impress her, I guess I will every day of my life that I share with her. I was punching above my weight. She loved me with all my flaws, and I had plenty of them. I had to show her that I felt the same about her, I just hoped that her being with me for this game showed her she was my Number One.

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