The Evidence

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"hey Pen, how are you honey?" she asked, sounding perfectly normal on the line. I tell her I'm fine and she then proceeds. "babe, are you home?"
"almost" I answer quite curtly. "oh, well I kinda wanna talk to you about something"
"if it's about Julian, I know he went home with Adriana after the show"



"what? Julian went home with her?" 

"oh come on O, like you didn't know" I scoffed, feeling betrayed by her as much as Julian. "I SWEAR Penny, I have no idea" she said, "sweetie, we lost Julian half way into the after party. We haven't seen him since then" she said. I didn't know what to believe right now, and I just wanted to get back to my flat. "how do you know he was with her?" she asked me, I really didn't want to have to go through this. "did you know they were in there together though?" I asked her, silence. "Olivia?!" I almost barked down the phone at her. "okay, okay, sweetie, Taylor took me to meet a few of the angels, one of them was her" she started, I felt instantly sick. "we talked for a few minutes and Danny came to join us. They said hey, and then Jules joined us. He seemed shocked to see us talking to her. They had the briefest of hugs and said hello." she explained. "I wanted to stay there and watch them, but Danny thought I was being out of line watching them like I was." she carried on. "he knew I was stressing out about them being together, but it's only because I didn't want to let you down" she said, actually sounding really upset. "babe, I am so sorry if I've let you down" I could hear the tears and the thickness in her throat like when you're holding back tears, and that of course helped mine bubble back up. "after that, we lost them. And not long after Danny and I left for the night. I don't know if D's heard from Jules since." she sighed. "sweetie..." I could sense her desperation, I sighed, "sweetie, please say something" she begged. I looked to the sky, desperately trying to keep my tears back. "O, it's not your fault. I can't expect you to watch him, it's not your job. If he's going to do something nothing will stop him." I reasoned. "I can't believe he would do something like that" 
"well i've seen the photo of them leaving together" I sighed, the imagine may as well be tattooed to my eyelids, I know I'll never rid my brain of the two of them. "where?" she asked, "i've not seen or heard a thing" she added. "this is the creepy thing," I swallowed, "I literally left work, and had a text. Some random number texted me the photo." 

"what the fuck? Have you tried calling the number?" 
"yeah, no answer. I've called it like 4 times and nothing" I replied, finally reaching my building. "Can I ask what the pic is?" she said, "I'll do one better, hang on, I'll send it" I said, and within a minute I'd sent it to her...

 "Can I ask what the pic is?" she said, "I'll do one better, hang on, I'll send it" I said, and within a minute I'd sent it to her

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"sweetie I'm so sorry" she sighed after a moment or two of her looking at it. "yeah" I sighed, neither of us knowing what else to say. I walked into my flat and straight to my bedroom where I pulled out my joggers and hoodie and proceeded to change into them. "what, what are you going to do? Has he called you?" 

"nope, figured he'd be busy with flying back to Boston and then training and stuff. I guess the stuff  he'll be busy with won't be what I thought it would be" I huffed in a sarcastic bitter laugh. "I can't believe he would do that though." She sighed, "yeah well he's the womaniser we all thought he was. He lives up to his name I guess." I shrugged, "I should have just listened to my head and not my heart" I added, falling back onto my bed. "sweetie, you can't think like that" 

"but look where it's got me" I said, "why did I ever  think he'd be happy with me." I said, remembering my insecurities I shared with Olivia when I found out who he was. "oh listen to yourself," she said, surprising me, "look at what he did when you went back to England, would he really have done all that if he could have gone straight back to Lima?" she questioned. "thrill of the chase" I replied, hearing her snort. "Well I refuse to believe it" 

"well good luck with that O, the picture doesn't lie" I said, "a picture tells a thousand words, doesn't mean they all have to be true" she retaliated. "I'm going to talk to Danny after training. Find out what the hell is going on" she said, sounding like a woman on a mission. I shrugged, "what are you going to do sweetie?" she asked softly. "sit in my almost empty apartment and eat shit loads of ice cream" I sighed. So did she, "wish I was with you babe" she said, I agreed, I needed a hug right now. "and you know the messed up thing?" I asked, "I was going to call him today and tell him I'd booked my flight last night" 

"oh Penny" Olivia sighed even more dramatically. "yup." I popped the 'P'. "there was me so excited after my leaving party that I was moving to be over there with you guys and all the time he was fucking with her" I hissed, the anger beginning to appear now. "he told me he loved me Liv!" I snapped, yep, here was the rage... I threw my shoe across the room. "I'm fucking moving thousands of miles to be with him! start a new life! what the fuck!?!" I yelled. "honey, calm down, let me handle it, just please calm down..." she knew I wasn't going to. I mean who the fuck does that to someone?! I dropped back down onto my bed after my pacing around the room and ranting. "I'm flying out tomorrow Liv" I sighed again. "fucking tomorrow" I whispered, the tears coming again. "oh honey..."
"I'm meant to be looking forward to moving, finally starting my new life over there and instead I'm sitting here with what's left of my life in boxes all around me, crying because I've literally had my heart broken the night before I leave my home" I cried, feeling my head begin to pound with the threat of the world's strongest headache. "I don't know what to say Penny, I can't believe this is happening...I need to talk to Danny"
"please don't tell him when I'm flying out" I asked her, "but Pen, what if-"
"please Liv, I don't even know if I wanna talk to him right now. So please just give me as long as I need to figure out what I'm gonna do" I asked her. "okay" she sighed, "please try and eat, get some sleep, and I'll call you soon okay?" she soothed me, or attempted to. "yeah." I sighed pessimistically. "I love you Pen"
"love you too" I smiled half heartedly and then I cut the call.

I walked out into the living room of my almost empty flat, a couple of cushions lay on the floor to do as a couch for the night, a table stood still in the foyer area holding on it a lamp and my spare keys. I had some food still in my cupboards and my TV was still here, so I figured after showering and finishing off the final few jobs I had left to do, I'd cook my last meal here and immerse myself in some typical English TV. Right now anything was better than reminding myself what I was leaving my safe heaven for...

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