A Turn Of The Tide

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"Will you just snap out of it?!" Amelia snapped a little at me. I glanced round sharply at her, not used to her tone. "You weren't feeling like this last night, what the hell has gotten into you?!" I frowned at her ready to object, but I knew she was right. I sighed and shrugged. "Look I know you're anxious and you don't know what you're going to do yet but look at him," she said, I tried to slyly take a look over there, but he was looking a little confused as to why we were stood having a conversation and keeping them waiting. Seeing him just made my stomach flutter. "No matter what you decide, he deserves a good night with you, like I said the day he arrived, he's come all this way for you. Don't let your worries make you a bitch tonight" she told me rather harshly and walked off towards them. I stood there glued to my spot watching her walk off. The foreign feeling of wanting to cry came bubbling up from my chest and I found myself running to the bathroom.


"Penny? Sweetie, it's Julian. Are you okay?" A gentle voice called through the toilet door. I'd been in there a few minutes too long, and maybe I should have guessed someone would come, knowing it probably wouldn't have been Amelia. I'd really pissed her off. "Penny?" I realised I'd been wandering off with my thoughts. "Sorry, yeah um..."
"Amelia said you weren't feeling too good. Do you want me to take you home?" He said through the door. I involuntarily smiled, he was sweet. "It's okay, I'm coming out now" I answered jumping up off the loo seat and checking my panda eyes in the mirror. He never said anything else and waited until I'd opened the door.

Concern etched across his handsome face, worry in his sparkly eyes. I smiled up at him a little weakly, "are you sure you don't want me to take you home? We can cuddle and watch a movie?" He smiled, god my butterflies were going mental. "It's okay, I'm feeling much better" I smiled up at him, "okay but if you feel sick anymore we can go home" he said, "okay, thank you," I blushed. "But I doubt you'll wanna spend your last night here stuck in my flat" I rolled my eyes with a smile, making him chuckle. "Wouldn't care as long as I was stuck there with you" he winked at me, adding in that signature smirk for full on cheesy affect, "Uh huh" I sassed at him and then walked passed him as he grinned at me.

"Why can't you take anything I say seriously?!" He laughed as he chased after me. I laughed and looked round to see him reach my side "I can't help it when you give me the cheese" I shrugged, "hey it's worked so far right?" He shrugged and smiled a cocky smile. I just raised an eyebrow at him and his smirk dropped. "It has, hasn't it?" He asked. I just smiled and walked to our table where Amelia and Danny were waiting.

"So you seem to be feeling better" Amelia said as we both walked into the bathroom. "yeah, look, I'm sorry about earlier, I don't know what come over me" I said as I walked into a free stall. "Don't worry about it. I just don't want you looking back on this with regret if you spend the last few hours with him in a mood."
She was right, I knew that, but what I also knew was that as soon as I got in his company I'd end up forgetting about everything that was going to happen and fall for him even more. Maybe I could just let go and enjoy it, then deal with the broken heart when he'd left...

"So how do you ladies fancy taking this party down the road to a little bar we passed on the way here?" Danny asked us after we arrived back from the bathroom. Amelia glanced to me and I nodded, "but if you're feeling tired we can always head back to yours?" Julian asked me and I saw Danny snigger, stopping me from answering him. Julian looked across at his friend, "C'mon man, quit tryin to get her alone already" he laughed, which made me blush. "Shut it man" Julian glared at him. "Whatever you say Edelman" he sniggered again. "I'm gonna get the check" he added, getting up off his seat. "I'm gonna go get my coat" Amelia then chirped up, jumping up to leave us alone for a minute. "I'll grab mine too" I said feeling a little awkward. I stood from the table, hearing Julian sigh. I timidly glanced at him and he was watching me, "don't listen to Danny, he's just joking around" he said looking at me apologetically. "Oh, I was kind of hoping he wasn't" I couldn't help but smirk and then I headed over to Amelia who was checking out her coat.

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