Sleepin' With The Fishes

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I absolutely couldn't wait for today. Every time I came to visit my brother I intended on visiting the aquarium, but never got round to it. But today was the day, and with who better than Julian. And playful Julian today it seemed.

"hey short stack" He grinned at me as I opened the door to him. "short stack?" I raised my brow at his new nickname for me. "Just thought I'd try somethin' new" he shrugged. I smiled at him and closed the door. "how are ya?" he asked me, holding his arm up to take me into a hug. "good, you?" I wrapped my arms around his broad back and gave him a hug. "yeah good, ready to go see some fishes?!" he asked excitedly, pulling away from me and looking in my eyes. I nodded, "apparently not as ready as you..." I giggled, following him to his car. "well, I haven't been in so long, it kinda feels like it's my first time" he said, opening my door. "aww, don't worry Hotshot, I'll make sure I'll be gentle" I said in a baby voice as I sat in the car. He growled at me playfully, making me giggle loudly, as I watched him make his way to the drivers side.


We parked up and headed inside, Julian wasting no time in taking my hand and leading me to the reception counter. "Two adults please" he said, noticing he pulled his hat down a little over his eyes, "are you sure it's two adults?" I whispered to him, making him look down at me with a grin. I grinned back up at him and we shared a look before he pulled his wallet out to pay.

He passed the girl behind the desk a 50 dollar bill and turned back to me, wrapping his arm around my neck, pulling me tight against his chest, "I can assure you I'm a grown man" he purred in my ear. I felt my cheeks blush and I grinned, but looked up into his eyes, "I don't doubt that," I replied, noticing a different look in his eyes, "but mentally? no..." I whispered. His expression then turned to shock. I giggled and quickly squirmed out of his grasp, taking the tickets off the girl -who I had noticed along with her two colleagues- had been giving Julian the eye since we arrived, and headed down to the elevator to begin our visit. Julian was staled as he took his change off the girl and then chased after me.

I squeaked as I rushed into the elevator, knowing Julian was close behind, rushing in right behind me. "Damn you're fast" I breathed out breathlessly as he moved closer to me. "But I last..." he winked at me, advancing on me still as the elevator doors closed. I burst out laughing. "what has gotten into you today?" I asked, giggling at his comment. He shook his head a little and he backed me up against the wall of the elevator. His large form swallowing me up as his hands slid onto my hips, his breath fanning my face, "you make me this way" he whispered, leaning down, his face inching closer to mine, but then the elevator pinged and the doors flew open. I quickly tried to regain my composure as I grabbed Julian's hand and dragged him out to the exhibits.

He never said another word about our moment as we looked at the first few tanks. I knew something was bothering him, but I chose not to question him. I walked by a huge display of shark teeth when I noticed he wasn't following me. So I turned back and saw him stood talking to some young guy. I saw them shake hands and hug. But then he saw me waiting so he said goodbye and came over to me. "who was that?" I asked, looking up at him, "just an old friend" he said, ready to walk away, "who wanted a selfie?" I questioned. He paused at that and looked round at me, "c'mon, I think there's turtles not far up here" he said. Again, being a little shifty, but I assumed that was his mood changing from earlier. I missed playful Julian, so I thought I'd try and bring him back out.

"hey" I said, grabbing on his hand to pulled him back to me, he looked down into my eyes and I smiled, "I like that I make you that way" I said, then reaching up and kissing his cheek. A smile encroached onto his face and he winked at me. "c'mon, let's get outta this area, I've seen enough jellyfish for a whole year" he said, squeezing my hand and pulling me round to the next tank.


"I could watch these guys swimming around all day" I sighed, standing in front of the biggest tank in the aquarium. There were three huge leatherback turtles gliding around amongst the fish. "they're missing one though huh" Julian said making me tut at him as he stood behind me, with his arms wrapped around my body and his chin resting on my shoulder. "it'd have to be Donetello" he added, making me laugh. "let me guess, you're Mikey?" I asked still watching the turtles. "damn right." he smiled. "and you have to be Raph" he added, I laughed nodding at him. "Raph's the coolest" I sighed smugly. "pfft" he responded. "he so is" I replied. "hes cool but rude. Michaelangelo is just a party dude" I shrugged at him as I pulled away and stuck my tongue out at him. He chuckled and followed me round to the exit.

"hey, where you goin?" he said, pulling me by the hand to stop. I looked round at him and frowned. "we can't come here and not visit the gift shop!" he grinned naughtily at me.


We exited the aquarium and needless to say I was armed with the biggest stuffed turtle the store had. "how are we gonna fit this in your car?!" I giggled as we faced it. Julian pondered for a moment, "I've got bungee cord in my trunk" he said.


"I can't believe we have a turtle strapped to the bloody roof!" I screeched with laughter as we drove down the streets of Boston. Julian laughed with me and we high fived. "God today has been awesome!" he yelled over the noise coming from the open window. I looked to him and smiled. He was so right.


When we reached my brothers house, we climbed out of the car and Julian unstrapped the turtle from the car roof.

"where am I putting this?" he asked carrying it into the house. I couldn't stop giggling as I pointed to a spot on the couch. He threw the turtle onto the sofa and stood back to admire it.

"my brother is going to kill us" I smirked, Standing beside him, looking at the stuffed animal. "eh, so what. We had an awesome day, you needed to have this to remember it" he shrugged. "thought of any names?"
"Julian of course" I sniggered. He shot his head round to look at me. "he'll keep me warm at night" I added. Julian started grinning, about to move over to me. I knew he was going to say some smart ass comment but his cell phone ringing interrupted us. "it's my boss..." he sighed looking at the caller ID


He cut the call with his boss and pushed his cell phone back into his pocket. "you gotta go huh" I stated, and he nodded. "yeah," he sighed, stepping closer to me, looking down into my eyes as his thumb brushed over my cheekbone. "God I don't wanna leave you today" he whispered, touching my face softly. I subconsciously leaned into his touch. "I'll see you soon okay?" he said, and I nodded, "see you soon" I replied in almost a whisper. He winked at me and leant down to kiss my cheek. I urged for him to kiss my lips. The electricity we had shared today was undeniable and I thought this was the moment he'd kiss me. But he didn't. I can't say I wasn't bummed by that and I couldn't just try and kiss him, because I figured if he wanted to he would have, so I had to let it go. And that's when he left.


"what?!" I came out of my room to see why my brother was yelling my name like a banshee. "why the fuck is there a huge fucking turtle on my couch?!?!"

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