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It had been 2 weeks since my last phone call with Julian and I'd not heard from him since. My heart had broken the day I'd left to come home, leaving him there, but now, now it was shattered into a million tiny pieces.

I was sitting at my desk in my office. Yes, my office. You see, the thing I hadn't told Julian was once word had gotten back to my company that I had been offered a position overseas, my company had called a meeting and once I returned they called me in and offered me a position equivalent to what my brother was offering to me, but more money. But what's more money right? But the thing is, I was tempted to stay. Not for the cash, although it would help. But with the mindset I was in right now with Julian, I was ready to accept their offer. Now I know I should be moving to Boston and working with my brother, starting a new life, which was my main aim all along. But since me and my broken heart came back home, I was second guessing it all, and what I would be really moving over there for. Work or Julian? Both? I wasn't so sure, but I was scared as hell to make a decision.

Part of me had wished he'd tried to call, or message me but I knew it was for the best. I mean, I'd made it clear that we shouldn't be in contact. Still, it didn't stop in breaking my heart just a little more. I dreaded the news that he was dating another girl, but if I had to avoid Google or the Internet in general then so be it. Luckily the NFL wasn't such a big deal in England, so I could block it out pretty well.

That was how I lived every day since. Well, until today...

I was sat at my desk when there was a quiet knock on the door. "come in!" I called out as I typed away an email. The door opened and I couldn't see the person behind the huge bouquet of brilliant red roses that were now travelling my way.

I was speechless. I wasn't a roses kinda girl usually, but these were beautiful. Their aroma filled my nostrils as they were placed in my hands. "um, thank you" I smiled at the young man who delivered them. "you're welcome" he smiled and left the room, leaving me sitting and staring at them.


I wasn't entirely sure that they were for me, until I saw my name on the envelope of the little note card. Huh, this was so unexpected. So was the reaction to the instagram post I had just made...

How beautiful are they?! Lucky meedelman11 likes your post

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How beautiful are they?! Lucky me
edelman11 likes your post.

Okay so after my post I had a like. My heart nearly exploded. When had he began following my account? I wasn't even aware that he knew I had one. I had to wonder if it was recent or if he had for a while, and if so how come it was only this post he had liked?

I bit my lip, pondering as my thumb hovered over his name. Should I? Probably not. Would I? Of fucking course.... And there he was. In all his handsome glory, pictures of himself, videos too on his instagram. Admittedly, I couldn't help but get a little flustered seeing his face, instantly remembering the feeling of his lips on mine. Feeling those huge arms wrapped around my tiny waist. The large bulge pushing against me when I was sat in his lap.

Why had the room gotten so hot? Why was my throat dry? Hell, I was now sitting, squeezing my thighs together. Maybe this wasn't wise. I moved my thumb across the screen to the home button but as I did another picture popped up.

It was him in an airport, jetting off somewhere

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It was him in an airport, jetting off somewhere. But hell did he look good. Sweet lord that man could wear a garbage bag and start a new trend. I sighed. I needed to put my phone away before I caved and called his number...

He Who Wants A Rose, Must Respect The Thorn Where stories live. Discover now