Houston, Baby!

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The week that passed was a slow one. I heard from J every morning, and he called me every night when he'd gotten back to the hotel from practice. I was missing him like crazy, and craving him too. But I busied myself with the crazy work load my brother had so kindly given me. I suppose I couldn't argue too much, as he'd given me permission to take a couple of days off around the Super bowl. I planned on flying out on the Friday, with Olivia actually, and have a day hanging out with her before we were immersed in football for the following god knows how many days. However, the day after Julian and the team flew out, I got a call off Gisele. I don't think I'd ever get used to her calling me...


"Penny!" she called down the phone, making me laugh, "Hey G" I smiled as I sat back from my desk, happy to take a break. "I hear someone's coming to Texas!!" She sang playfully, making me beam a bigger smile. "my god News does travel fast around here" I laughed. "sure does honey! but I told you he'd ask you!" she laughed, "Tom said he's bouncing around the place like a lunatic" she giggled. I laughed imagining Julian being as squirrely as he was when he got excited. "but when Tom told me Jules had finally popped the question," she said hearing the smirk in her voice. I rolled my eyes. "he called me to arrange a pick up with you" 

"a pick up?" I frowned, "yeah, you and Olivia are coming with me on our plane" she said, like it was the most normal thing in the world.


So Friday, Olivia and myself arrived on the tarmac of the air strip that held the jet that was flying us to Texas. "this is totally House wives of Boston right here" Olivia sighed, eyeing the jet sitting there on the tarmac. I laughed, "except there's only one of us who's actually a wife" I smirked. "I know, but still, we can pretend" she replied dreamily, as I laughed at her. "c'mon, we can't keep her waiting" I said, seeing that there was already another car there.

The driver collected our bags from the trunk and took them up the steps to the plane. "how the other half live huh" I muttered, standing and staring up at the plane. "get used to it honey, this is how we roll now" Olivia squealed a little as Gisele appeared from the doorway of the jet. I let out a laugh at her, and proceeded to follow her towards the plane. 


The flight to Houston was probably one in only a handful of times that I wasn't a shaky sweating mess on a plane. I still didn't care to fly. But being surrounded by the girls and champagne was easing my anxiety somewhat...

"sooo tell us!" Gisele giggled, leaning forward in her seat, giving me a huge smile, "we want the details" she added, widening her eyes at me. "Jules wouldn't spill the details to Tom on what made him finally ask you to come" she said. "nothing" I laughed nervously. "oh come on" Olivia scoffed, "she used her key to sneak into his house and wait to pounce on him" she burst. I looked at her, shocked she would spill. The shocked gasp Gisele made had me cover my face with my hands. "Oh my god girl. You have balls" She said, making me and Olivia laugh. 

"blue lips, actually" Olivia winked at me, "ugh seriously O?! when does anyone ever use that term?!" I cringed at her, making her laugh more. "J was acting weird" I shrugged, "he was holding back. So I figured I'd take matters into my own hands and show him we were good" I told them. "and?" Gisele asked, raising her brow. "oh it was good..." I said, averting my gaze in shyness, making the other two squeal out laughing. I sat back in my seat with a huge smile on my face. Right now, everything was good.


By friday afternoon, we were checked into the hotel. Gisele and Tom of course had the most luxurious suite in the hotel. Olivia and I had arranged to share a room over this weekend. The guys didn't need any distractions leading up to the game, so we thought it would be best to leave them to it. Not that they agreed. Julian was pissed that I was staying a few floors below him, but whether he had his game head on or not, I couldn't trust myself around him.

"What time are we meeting the guys for dinner?" Olivia asked me as she pulled her clothes out of her suitcase. "at 8 I think, I've not had any texts off J since before we got to the plane" I pondered, as I flopped down onto my bed. "oh" I looked to Olivia suspiciously. "what?" I frowned, rolling onto my side, "oh, nothing" she shrugged, "Danny said Jules had been on his cell most of the day, figured it was with you" she said. "no..." I said, feeling a little confused, "well, either way, we need to get ready. we're meeting Gisele and Tom there too, can't be late! you know how Brady is for punctuality" Olivia rolled her eyes making me laugh.

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