Christmas Traditions

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"so I was thinking..." Julian began, "how do you feel about getting a Christmas tree today?" I looked up at him, wrapped up in his arms after our energetic session this morning. "really?!" I squeaked, making him laugh. "yeah, why not? It's our first Christmas together after all" he shrugged. I beamed a grin at him and squeezed him between my arms. "what's gotten you so excited?" he chuckled. "I just love Christmas," I beamed up at him, "and I've never gone to pick out a tree before"
"why?!" he chuckled, looking down at me as if I was a weirdo. "we've always had fake trees. We kept ours in the loft at home" I explained, making him look at me blankly, "um... The attic?" the penny dropped and he nodded. "Well my pretty little English rose" he grunted as he lifted me up suddenly, making me squeal, "let's go get our first real tree" he jumped off the bed and carried me over his shoulder to the bathroom.


"this bagel is sooo good" I sighed in contentment. Julian glanced over at me with a smirk. "how is it we are always eating when we're together?!" I paused mid chew to think. "yeah... We usually are" I nodded at his observation. "beats me how you're not clinically obese by now" I said picking at the edge of my bagel. "not with the extra exercise I do now you're here baby" he purred. My eyes rose up to glance at him, cheeks turning pink as he winked at me. "or we could just cut out the extra snackage, so no extra exercise is needed... " I shrugged airily, but the slight swerve of the car had me on edge. Julian was looking over at me with shock written across his face. "we are not giving up anything"

'Nuff said.


So, a little over a half hour later, we had arrived at our destination. "we're here to get the biggest, treeiest tree ya got man" Julian beamed a smile at the old guy in charge. He threw his arm over my shoulders as I mentally face palmed at his statement. "well sir, allow me to show you our best specimens this holiday season" the guy replied, with a slight smile. "lead the way" Julian said, allowing the man to shuffle a little in front.

"a little late with your selection this year Mr Edelman" the old man said. I knew he'd been here before but I didnt realise just how many times. "yeah Alfred, well uh, a few things got in the way this year..." he trailed off once he caught my expression. I chewed on the inside of my cheek and raised my brow. "and with a lady friend too" he turned and smiled kindly at me, causing me to blush, "its certainly a year of firsts isn't it Mr Edelman"
"c'mon Alfred man, you're ruining the street cred" he winked at the man, who chuckled. "what street cred?" I asked, getting a dig in the rib, "your nickname is the squirrel" I muttered, yet loud enough for him to hear before I took a step or two ahead of him. "wait til we get home." he whispered sharply in my ear. "a comment like that needs punishment" I bit my lip hoping to hide the smile that was forming. "sorry Mr Grey" I smirked, glancing sideways at him. He moved closer to me as the old man seemed to be stopping at a bunch of, well, more trees. "it'll be 50 shades of red when I've finished spanking your pretty little ass" he hissed in my ear, not without slapping my bum rather fucking hard before he moved round me to talk to Alfred. Maybe that could be one of our Christmas traditions...


After a little tree admiration, we'd picked out a good looking tree. An 'Edelman' as I decided to call it; shortish, full and vibrant, nice crisp aroma and perfectly formed. Julian just rolled his eyes at me as he finished strapping it to the roof of the car. "twitter agrees with me" I shrugged as we pulled out of the parking lot. "you put that on twitter?" he raised a brow at me. "of my boy tying down his tree name sake onto the car? Of course....and they agree, it's definitely an Edelman" I smirked. "shut up" he sighed with a slight smile as we headed back to his house.


"and have yourself a merry little Christmas now" Julian serenaded me as we slow danced to the final bars of the song. I couldn't hold my smile back as I clung to his biceps, him holding me tight to him. It was dark out, snowing too. We'd gotten distracted from the tree decorating once a little karaoke session broke out, but as soon as that song came on, the mood changed and I found myself wrapped up in Julian's arms, feeling like this Christmas was going to be better than any I'd had before.

"I'm so happy you're here baby. I can't explain it" he whispered, not daring to raise his voice and spoil the peaceful atmosphere. I looked up into his eyes, it's too cliche, but the lights from the tree were making his eyes more sparkly than usual. "it's all I wished for" he added, making my heart race at his incredible cuteness. "I'm glad I make you happy" I smiled up at him. "you do" he nodded, brushing his fingers through my hair. God he was like a character from a romance novel. "every second I'm with you, cause every moment we're apart I'm wishing you were with me" he said, before pressing his lips against mine. This was definitely the best Christmas tradition I'd been Part of. I kinda think it'd become my favourite one too.

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