When I Met You

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Really short chapter today guys, sorry for keeping you waiting! Figured any update was better than nothing at all!

I think majority of this evening so far was spent with me internally freaking out. From me meeting Gisele finally, finding out she wanted to meet me (my inner fan girl had gone insane at that point) then to meeting her kids. But this last one was the cherry on the cake. "we're planning on going to our little place in Brazil after the Superbowl, you guys would absolutely love it there" she told us as we sipped on our coffees. Well, us ladies did, the guys were on strict menus for tomorrow's game. "oh yeah, you should join us" Tom added. My mouth dropped open and I knew Julian saw me, shuffling in his seat with a chuckle just waiting to pop out he nodded, "we'd love to" he replied, "but" then his smile dropped a little. "you fly home in a couple days..." he nodded across at me, by the end of his sentence the smile was completely wiped from his face. "yes, um, with my work commitments and such, it's a struggle getting the time off..." I said, looking to Tom, who nodded at me. "well, next time you get annual leave, give us a call" he winked at me. I smiled and nodded, the flutter of excitement in my stomach reminded me of my plans and surprising Julian. I was amazed we'd managed to avoid talking about things still. But I reckon the guys were holding him back slightly. "thank you" I smiled, "it's definately a place on my bucket list" I blushed, glancing at Gisele. "I'd show you the places to be" she winked. I beamed a grin at her, "we're gonna have to watch these two man" Julian warned Tom, making myself and Gisele laugh. Not that we denied it....

Soon after, Julian recieved a text to tell us the car had arrived to take us to the party. "thanks guys for coming." Tom began the goodbyes. "thanks for having us man" Julian said, giving him a hug. "thank you for inviting us to your home." I blushed, "thank you for coming" she smiled, pulling me in for a hug, "it's so lovely seeing Jules so happy" she whispered to me. "can't wait until you're over here" she added just before we parted. I was surprised Tom had even mentioned it to her, but like the rest of the evening, I was finding out that they were more interested in me than I could have ever imagined. I had a feeling they would become firm friends of ours.


"that couldn't have gone any better" Julian sighed, throwing his arm around my shoulders as we sat back in the car. I smiled and nodded, thinking back to the previous few hours. "I love you babe" I turned to look at him after his statement and I blushed. He smiled his gorgeous Julian smile at me and I smiled back, "I love you too" he brought me forward with the arm that wrapped around me and pressed a kiss to my lips. "I wish I had seen you reading my book to Vivi though" softly peppering kisses to my lips, "I think you'd make a great mom" he added. I got the feeling he wanted me to know that without it sounding like a big deal. Like when does that not seem like a big deal? But I decided this time it wouldn't freak me out. "thank you" I smiled, as he kissed me on the lips again. "I'd love to have kids someday" I confessed. "with me" he added, making me search his eyes for a tiny bit of jest. Nothing. His gaze never faltered as he waited for whatever reaction I was about to give, "you want children too?" I asked, okay so apparently this conversation was happening. "sure. Definitely. I've always known I'd have kids" he told me, as he reached up holding my chin between is thumb and forefinger "and when I met you I knew that you'd be their mama"

Well Shit.

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