Perfect Little Love Story

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"there she is!" I heard that voice as I walked towards the table in the centre of the café. I squeaked in excitement when I saw her, rushing over to give her a cuddle. "oh hey it's good to see you" I beamed a smile. "likewise!" she gushed, squeezing me tight. "like what gives?! I've been here like how long and we've only just met up! That's bad!" she said as we took our seats opposite each other. "I know," I said, "work is crazy and things in my personal life haven't exactly been great..." I said, rolling my eyes. "tell me about it" she sassed, "but c'mon, you seem in a pretty good mood now. Or is that cuz you're here with me?" she smirked. She was definitely an Edelman. I rolled my eyes and laughed at her. "well, I had a pretty good talk with Adriana last night."

"What's she like?" She asked, leaning her head onto her hand as she listened. "really really nice" I sighed, "like, too nice" I laughed. "she seemed so genuine and kind..." I paused, "I don't really understand why J didn't wanna stay with her..." I couldn't believe I actually said that....

"he told me that she wanted to tie him down and he just wasn't ready for that." Nicki told me. "yeah, she said she wanted to be with him long term but he just didn't want to...she did say something that was weird though" I mused, "what?"

"well, she mentioned that when he was talking to her about me, that he said to her that I was going to be moving in with him" I said, making Nicki grin, "well you do have his spare key do you not?" I had totally forgotten about that... "Penny like how in the hell do you forget that you had his key?!" she gaped at me, I blushed feeling a little stupid. "I dunno!" I exclaimed, "it sort of skipped my mind...I've had a few traumatic weeks since I was last here!" I said, making her shake her head in amazement. "has he not mentioned wanting it back to you?" I asked her, feeling  a little worried, "hell no" she frowned. "To be honest, he probably has forgotten too that you have it" she laughed, "we're both idiots" I said, placing my head in my hands as his sister laughed her head off.


"so what are you gonna do now?" she asked, the same topic of conversation had lasted the length of our lunch so far. "I guess I still need to figure it out. I can't just go hey J its me! I still love you! let's go back to how things were before I monumentally screwed you over coz I thought you cheated on me! can I?!" I said, Nicki just looked at me blankly. "come on" I sassed her, "he probably would just say yeah" she laughed. I snorted at her. "or what would probably go down better, is to sneak in and just wait for him in bed" she shrugged nonchalantly. "NICK!"  I gasped, mortified that she even thought that, "that's your brother!!!" I whisper shouted at her, making her laugh. "hey, that would definitely work! and who cares, if it got you two back together then that's all we care about" she shrugged like it was no big deal. "you gotta do something with that key though" she said, shoving a fork full of salad into her mouth. she had a point....


"We really have to arrange like a girl's trip or something and get everyone across to my side of the country" she laughed as we stood outside the café. I agreed, "oh yes! that would be fantastic" I smiled. "I don't know how J would react though" I pulled a face. "he'd come too. let's face it, you guys will be back together by then. especially with how long it takes you to arrange to meet up with me" she teased, making me snort at her again. "it might even take longer with that attitude" I smirked at her making her laugh. "just don't take as long with getting back with my brother!" she told me, making me blush. "I don't think it's going to be that easy" I said, she rolled her eyes and shook her head. "trust me. He's been walking on air since you went and played nurse to him outside that club. He will think he'd won the Superbowl again" she laughed. "when is that by the way?" I asked, "have you been living under a rock?" she looked at me with a mortified look. I blushed and laughed shyly, "well, I kinda have tried to ignore all football talk as of late, so you could say so..." I confessed. She gave me a sad smile. "well it's in two weeks. You'll be there" she stated, "I don't deserve to be." I said, making her huff in frustration. "you'll be there. it's a fact." She told me. "even if he doesn't invite you, you should  be there." she said, "now, I have to go." she grabbed me and pulled me into anotjer tight hug. "do not ignore my words, or Olivia's. You need to sort things out with Jules. Do call me and for the love of everything holy, please drop the feeling sorry for yourself shit. It's getting boring" she told me. I was surpised by that last part, but she soon smiled and gave me a wink. "I honestly love you, and you and my brother were like the perfect little love story. Don't forget where you came from. You can't erase what's already been written, but you can make one hell of an ending" she said, then leaning towards me she kissed my cheek and then turned on her heel and walked. She left me standing there with her words fluttering round in my head, when she turned back to me and yelled, "and don't forget! get naked in his bed!!!" Did she actually just fucking yell that in the street?!

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