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edelman11 this beautiful creature is moving to my city

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edelman11 this beautiful creature is moving to my city. So excited @LadyPenelope

I was giggling like a schoolgirl as I tripped through the doorway of Julian's townhouse. Of course he had to take a photo as I tottered around in my heels. "will you not stand there snapping photos!" I tried my best to scowl at him but in my merry state it ended up in a grimace and then a smile. Julian shook his head, still aiming his phone at me. "Julian Francis!" I stomped my foot on the floor, making him laugh loudly. "man you're so cute when you're drunk" he chuckled. "I'm not drunk...I'm tipsy" I pouted, making him chuckle again. "okay, you're tipsy" he humoured me, but I chose to accept it. "I love you Mr hotshot" I sighed, almost falling against him as he sat on a kitchen stool. My arms flopped around his neck and my chest fell against his, but he caught me, wrapping his arms around my waist, holding me up and holding me tight. "do you?" he asked, looking down at me, enjoying my mood far too much. "yes" I stated, my eyes not moving from his lips. "mooore than I think I s-should" I found myself saying, slurring a teeny tiny bit. "oh?" he raised his brow, a little shocked but I didn't notice. "how so?"
I thought for a moment, I think I may have even poked my tongue out in concentration, "you make me want to have kids right now" I blurted out. "give you everything I have and not look back. And I've known you for like a millisecond of time" I burst out, throwing my arms around me, "and physically been around you even less than that" I sighed, pouting again. His expression turned to a creased brow as he raised them up and gave me a smile. "is it any consolation that I love you too short stack?" he said softly. I frowned, huffing a breath out at his nickname for me. Although in my sober state I had grown quite fond of it actually... "maybe" I whined, still pouting at him, which turned into a stupidly long yawn. "how about we head to bed, coz we've got a flight to catch in the morning." he said still softly as he moved to stand from the stool. His hands cradled my arms as he held me, turning me around to face the way to the stairs. "man fuck it" he groaned as he bent down to lift me up. The next thing I knew was I was being hoisted into a fireman's lift, over his shoulders. "you have the cutest bottom" I sighed, looking at the hunk of perkiness under his insanely tight pants. He chuckled, "no babe, it's all you" slapping mine as we headed to the bedroom.


"sing to me"
"sing to me J, I can't sleep" I whined. We'd been in bed about 15 minutes and I think we were both struggling to fall asleep. 1, knowing we had  to sleep because we were up stupidly early for the flight to Miami, 2; because we were hyped from the party and thirdly because we were both thinking about the fact that I had finally told him I was moving to Boston.

"When the sun had left and the winter came
And the sky thought to only bring the rain
I sat in darkness, all broken hearted
I couldn't find a day I didn't feel alone
I never meant to cry, started losing hope
But somehow baby, you broke through and saved me

You're an angel, tell me you're never leaving
'Cause you're the first thing I know I can believe in

You're holy, holy, holy, holy
I'm high on loving you, high on loving you

You're holy, ho-"


Julian sighed, pausing mid sentence. Looking down at a softly snoring Penny, he smiled, clutching her a little tighter against his chest, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. 

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