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"I love you"

Silence. She clearly looked stunned. Instantly I felt regret for opening my big mouth. Seconds passed which felt like hours. Man I shouldn't have said anything. I'd ruined it. I stood quickly from the bed, rubbing my face with the palm of my hand and headed to the bathroom. Not looking back, and not acknowledging her gentle call of my name.



I guess it was my turn to panic. I was so shocked at what he had said. I mean, I knew he cared for me but I guess in all the stuff we'd been through, I'd not exactly thought about it all too much. Sounds silly when I thought about it now. I was foolish to let my shock hinder what waseant to be a perfect moment. I knew that as soon as the vulnerability showed on his face. Right before he got up from the bed and walked away from me. Just a simple action of him walking away looking so crestfallen wrenched at my heart. Even more so when I called after him and he ignored me. I fought back the tears knowing I had ruined it. But I needed to talk to him. He needed to know. So I got off the bed and followed his footsteps towards the bathroom.

I hesitated a moment, not sure whether I should be going in there or not, whether I needed to give him a moment. But as I moved closer to the door, I noticed it was slightly ajar. So I peeked inside. He was standing there, hands on the counter, facing the mirror with his head down, hung low, frowning deep in thought.

His clothes discarded onto the tiled floor, leaving him in just his underwear. I think he must have wanted to take a shower and clear his head, it's what he told me he didn't after a tough game, or if he was beating himself up after a bad move. My heart broke just a little bit more. I swallowed hard and decided to softly push the door open.

He didn't move an inch, knowing I was there, his stubborn ass just stayed in position. I have to admit I had an urge to stay by the door, just ogling at his half naked physique, but instead I gingerly moved over to him. 

His arms still taught as his hands were still planted on the counter, so I ducked under his right arm and pinned myself between his body and the sink unit. I looked up to his face, a light pink dusted his heavily stubbled cheeks and his gaze hadn't yet left the floor. I raised my hand, but paused in hesitation, not sure how he would react, but as I looked back to his eyes, he glanced up at me, sheepishly. That innocent, vulnerable look made my heart flutter and I smiled at him, finding myself, without thinking, reaching up on my tiptoes to place a gentle kiss on his mouth. I felt a slight twitch in his mouth as he almost naturally molded his lips to mine.

When I pulled away to take a breath I dragged my lip between my teeth and smirked. He always brought out a confidence in me when we were making out, or doing anything physical and even now I was feeling that way. "tell me again" I whispered, earning a grunt in return, and a loss of eye contact. Clearly and understandably he was embarrassed. But with a sigh, he looks back at me, square in the eye and says, "I love you insanely, Penelope Pond"

My stomach pulled itself into knots hearing him say it again. I could barely contain the smile that erupted onto my face and the feelings I had for him were no longer held back and I threw my arms around his neck. "I love you too Julian Francis" I giggled making him chuckle. But that smile he gave me, well, my knees almost buckled, but he swooped me up by the waist, hoisting me up onto the bathroom counter.

His eyes were smiling as well as his mouth as he looked down at me. He squeezed my hips as he moved closer pressing another kiss to my lips. I pulled him tight against me, making sure he wouldn't budge. I didn't want to let him go. Well, that was until his hands travelled up my sides, taking the hem of my t-shirt with them, causing me to part from his lips as he pulled the shirt over my head.

Within seconds his lips were back on mine, our bare chests touching as I resumed my grip around his neck. He lifted me up once again, his hands cupping my bottom and I wrapped my legs around his lean waist. The next thing I knew was I had left the bathroom and was being carried to the bed. Where he moved over the mattress, gently laying me down, not letting his lips leave mine.


Soon enough the few clothes we had on were discarded around the room. I was pinned beneath Julian, my arms above my head, him holding them down, his legs resting between my own. "baby you're so beautiful" he whispered fluttering kisses against my neck. My breathing caught in my throat. I was hyper aware that we weren't alone in the house, I think he was too. So the noises slipping out of my mouth were muted to say the least.

He brought both of my small hands into the grasp of one of his own, and with his right, he gently lifted my leg and wrapped it around his waist, giving him better access as he sunk deep into me seconds later. As if he anticipated my reaction, his mouth covered mine, swallowing up the erotic groans I let fall from my lips as he filled me up again and again.

His rhythm was slow and languid, grazing my sweet spot over and over. "J, you're driving me fuckin crazy" I squeaked out when we parted for breath. He smirked at me, licking his lips slightly. "like you have since the day I met you" he whispered back, making a point of not hurrying the pace. Instead he dipped his head to the crook of my neck and nibbled on my sensitive skin. My breathing quickened when I felt his hand press onto my clit, creating a jolt of electricity that shot through my body. I arched my back, pressing my chest up against his, making him chuckle at me. "babe, I love it when you're loud, but you gotta keep it low, can you do that for me baby?" he hushed my squeaks then with his mouth once more as he knew I was close. And once I was there, he would be too. Seeing me orgasm was the tipping point for him. "I love you so much baby girl, making love to you feels so fucking good" he whispered as I reached my peak, and I swear those words just pushed me over the edge. But I was good. I pulled my lip between my teeth and bit down, feeling the rush of my release flood my body. And just as I imagined, he was close behind, burying his face in the pillow beside my head as he thrust once more, filling me up inside.

The room quiet once again since the moment he told me he loved me, and soon after the room filled back up with sounds of our breathing, but this time we were asleep, not moving from the position we had been previous, him laying on top of me, his face resting on my chest as I held my arms around him. It was the perfect place for me, with Julian right next to my heart.

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