Leaving For Houston

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Please remember that this story isn't written in line with actual Super bowl dates/wins/teams etc. I pick dates/times/locations to suit my story. Thank you!

The next morning, J was leaving for Houston. We woke up pretty early, Julian full of excited nerves, and partly because of me turning up unexpectedly, stopped him from packing up his things....

"so I reckon I can get you out on a flight as soon as possible, oh but you have work, um, can I have Nick's digits so I can arrange when is best to make the booking?" he asked, as he threw countless pairs of Calvin Kleins into his suitcase. "J it's fine, I can arrange all that" I smiled at his sweet gesture. "no, I invited you, I will deal with it" he said, throwing in some balled up pairs of socks. "you have enough to think about" I laughed. But he stopped what he was doing, placed his hands on his hips and gave me the look. I rolled my eyes and knew there wasn't any point in arguing further.

I stayed on his bed, layed watching him fill up his carry on with his cleats, his lucky underwear and his gloves. He told me the rest of his kit was obviously with the rest of the teams. "I've been saving these especially for Sunday" he said, pulling out a box from where he'd produced my Jersey. I leaned closer, wondering what was inside, when he lifted the lid to reveal a brand new pair of bright red gloves. "oh my god you've had them made?!" I gasped, remembering back to my Christmas gift to him. He smiled as he carefully picked them out of the box. "yeah" he nodded, "I'd met with the designers like days before the shit went down." he told me, passing me the gloves. "felt crappy that I couldn't tell you, but I had them made and I've kept them til now." he said as I looked them over. "feels like the perfect time" he added as I turned them around in my grasp, spotting something on the inside of the ring finger. 'Edelman' it read with the date 09.16.16. I looked up at him and he was looking at me expectantly. "the date we met?" I asked, smiling as I did. He grinned at me and winked, "it was a lucky day for me, hope it brings me more on Sunday"


"be safe J" I sighed, looking up at his face as we were standing in the living area, by the front door. The car had pulled up outside for him and we were saying our goodbyes again. "I will babe." he smiled down at me. "I'll call you when I land" he promised, I nodded, running my hands up his chest. He was dressed in his suit and my goodness I've never seen him looking better than in a suit. Well, maybe naked... But I reached up on my tip toes, pulling him to me for a passionate kiss. He dropped his bag on the floor as his hands were immediately gripping my ass under the loose shirt of his I was wearing. "stay here as long as you want" he smiled softly when we parted. I nodded and pressed another kiss to his lips "I'll see you soon" he said, looking down at me, "God I can't wait to see you there" he smiled. "me either." I grinned, "now go!" I gasped hearing the car honking his horn. He nodded and kissed me again, "love you"
"love you too Edelman" I smiled, letting him go. He opened his door and looked round at me, giving me one last smile before he stepped outside and shut the door behind him.


Taking a breath, I was alone in his place again. It felt different now, totally different. Relaxed, comforting- Like home. So I moved over to the kitchen and started doing the dishes before grabbing a shower and collecting my things together. I did have some work to do today, so I didn't want to hang around here all day. I also had to call Olivia and arrange to have lunch with her. Of course it was simply to gossip about my previous 24 hours, but who cares, I could talk about it forever. Not to mention discuss the necessary outfits to pack for a super bowl. This was seriously unfamiliar territory for me, I needed to be prepared. I had a feeling a shopping trip was coming on...

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