You Found Me

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Smut warning!

"Holy fuck" J blurted out as he walked in on me in his bed. "you found me" I smiled at him shyly, praying he wasn't going to lose his shit at me for doing this. His eyes were fixed on me, his face displaying his shock at my unexpected actions, and his stance was steady. There was a little silence between us as I tried to read his features. But then his tongue poked out from between his lips as he ran it along his lower lip, biting it too. The heat pooled between my thighs at that action, and I felt my cheeks flush. He took a step towards me, closer to the bed, and held out his right hand. 

I never said a word as I moved off the bed, taking his hand to steady me as I stood before him. His eyes roamed over me, as he kept a hold of my hand. I could have felt self concious but the look in his eye was filling me with confidence. I kept my gaze on his gorgeous face as his eyes finally met mine. His grip left my hand though as he brought both of his to my hips. 

Without words, just holding my gaze, he hooked his thumbs into the top of my white lace panties and began to slowly slide them down my thighs.

My heart pounded in my chest as I watched him slowly crouch down, kissing his way down my stomach, his hands slipped up the back of my thighs after letting my underwear pool at my feet. His face hovered over the spot I craved to feel him, his breath fanning across my skin, but his eyes suddenly flicked up to my face and I saw that cheeky glint. Before I even had chance to respond, I was being tackled, hooking his arms around my thighs, he was pushing me backwards onto his bed.

I let out a loud squeal as I hit the mattress, seconds later he was hovering over me, looking down at me with a cheeky smirk. "easy there squirrel" I giggled making him chuckle before smashing his lips onto mine.


Not before long my bra had been removed and his body had replaced it, covering me over as he held my hands above my head. Holding me down with one hand, his other traveled down my side, agonisingly slow, until it reached my heat.

As his tongue slowly dipped into my mouth, two of his fingers slipped inside me. My breath hitching in my throat as he expertly hit my sweet spot. Feeling him touch me in the most erotic way had all my nerves on fire.

I could feel my climax building, my walls clenching around his fingers when he pulled away from my mouth, looking down into my eyes as he carried me over the edge. Just looking at his perfect face had me coming harder.

I tipped my head back, fluttering my eyes closed as I felt the wave of pleasure wash over me. A few unsteady breaths left my lips and I opened my eyes again. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were filled with lust. He still didn't speak, but dropped his head down to catch my overly sensitive nipple between his lips.

He brought his hand up from between my thighs, running it over my other breast, before claiming that with his mouth too. "J..." I panted, as he moved further down, pressing kisses to my skin, tongue dipping into my belly button briefly as he made his way down to "oh fuck!" I breathed out as his tongue flicked over my already throbbing clit. A couple of swirls of his tongue and I was gone again. "oh my god J!" I squeaked out, gripping his soft hair in my fingers, feeling him lap up my arousal.

He raised his head to look at me. That gorgeous face, smiling that perfect smile all the while with the evidence of my orgasm coating his kissable mouth. He licked his bottom lip, teasing me all the more before sitting up in front of me. My eyes taking their turn to roam over his perfect torso, those arms, his chiseled jaw, and his now not so sleek hair, which was sticking out all haphazardly from my grabbing at it earlier. I bit my lip looking at the perfect man kneeling between my legs. "make love to me J" I found myself asking him. His smile only got wider, wasting no more time, taking his shorts off in a flash, before moving over me once again.

"I need you" I whispered, as he looked down between us, lining himself up with my entrance. At my words, his head snapped up, so he was eye to eye with me, his eyes flickered between mine, his expression serious. "I love you Miss Pond. Always have, always will" he whispered back as he slowly slid inside me.

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