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It took us half an hour to get back to my apartment. We headed upstairs and through the front door. I threw my bag and keys onto the kitchen counter and pulled off my heels. "you want a drink or something?" I offered Julian, heading to my fridge to grab a bottle of water.

"no I'm good thank you" he said gruffly, suddenly coming up behind me and wrapping me up in his arms and resting his chin on my shoulder. I smiled at his gesture and briefly closed my eyes as I rested back against him. "thank you for an awesome night" I sighed, taking in this moment, being held by him was my favourite thing. "it's not over yet baby" he purred at me, making my heart pound in my chest. My eyes opened and I turned my head to face him as he grinned playfully at me. "let's go snuggle" I had to smile at his choice of words and he took my hand and led me into the bedroom.


I'd left him in my bedroom whilst I changed and took off my make up in the bathroom. I grabbed a clean pair of panties and my Edelman jersey, sliding both on and leaving the room.

The sight I was greeted by was Julian layed in my bed, shirtless, arms tucked behind his head and the duvet just about covering his nether regions. I chewed on the inside of my cheek, trying desperately not to smile at the sight before me. If I showed any signs of enjoying the view I'd never hear the end of it.

"I need a photo of you in that before I leave" he groaned, not moving anything but his eyes as he followed my movements around the room. That made me giggle. "I don't wanna know what you'd do with said picture" I sassed as I made my way to my side of the bed. Julian chuckled, about to say something uneccessary, but before he had chance I scooted over to him, pressing a kiss to his chest. He groaned and watched as I began to litter kisses across his hard pecs.

I felt his hand push up into my hair, tangling his fingers in it, pulling down so my face looked up to him. We locked eyes, seemingly conversing without the use of words. I bit my lip, him unconsciously pouting, growling a little too. His eyes fixed on my mouth. I released my bottom lip from my teeth and ran my tongue over it. Making Julian sigh deeply, I giggled. "you can cut the freakin sexual tension in here with a knife" he grumbled, causing me to giggle some more. "and there was me thinking you didn't fancy me" I laughed lightly, sitting up so I could look at him properly. He screwed his face up in disbelief. "are you frickin crazy?" he asked, making me blush. "I'm trying to be a good guy right now" he said seriously, which made me laugh even more.

He grinned at me and pulled me back down so I was snuggled against his chest. I could feel his steady heart beat thump beneath me. It settled me, "I could lay like this forever" he sighed, staring up at the ceiling. My heart and butterflies fluttered at his comment, yet I didn't totally believe it. He wasn't usually a guy to want to settle down. So what would make now any different? "yeah me too" I found myself responding. It was true, I'd love nothing more than to snuggle up to Julian every night, but I feel he'd get bored of me after so long. And I wasn't ready to give up everything here to take that risk.

But Julian's hand snaking around my waist, holding me down against him made me start to wonder. He pressed a gentle kiss on the top of my head and I found myself closing my eyes and eventually I floated off to sleep.

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