Nurse Penelope? No Problem

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From: Olivia

Can we talk about that facial fuzz? ^^^

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Can we talk about that facial fuzz? ^^^

Me: ha! Feels good between my thighs 😏😏xx

O: Please spare me the deets🤚🏻🤚🏻xx

Me: so you're watching then xx

O: hell yes. What a silly (and pointless) observation 😆

Me: so drooling over Danny boy then

O: basically.

Me: not the same without you doing that beside me ☹️ xx

O: aww babe I miss you too. But you enjoy Miami without me 😒xx

Me: oh I will, not that I'll have chance to top up my tan with J around 🙈xx

O: TMI!!! Xx

Me: haha! Oh, they're almost Ready to come out...boy it's hot out here xx

O: that's just you and your're like a teenage boy with a permanent hard on when you're around that guy 😂xx

Me: no that's definitely him 😏😏xx

O: omg. Stop. Do not message me again during this game. Xx

O: love you xxx

I laughed loudly at my conversation with Olivia, I knew I'd creep her out. But I was missing her so bad. I was aware I'd only seen her yesterday, last night in fact, but I was used to having her beside me or at least on the end of the phone when we watched a game. I realised during my first game alone that I didn't like, well, being alone. Partly because she'd be the one I'd ask questions to, I mean, I was still learning the game, and she still had that playful side with the girly banter about the guys. Yeah maybe I was sat with the other wives and families of the players, but it just wasn't the same. I suppose times like these did make me feel a little lost and alone. A little homesick. But when I looked onto the field and saw that boy grinning at me, his wirey beard poking out of his helmet, and the look in his eye that told me he was on fire, just had me forgetting all of that. I flashed him a smile back, making his face light up even more as he bounced on the balls of his feet. He could spark the crowd up with one word, one action and it was amazing.

I sighed in sudden contentment possibly even adoration for his talents, his affect on the team around him, the fans even. I smiled, pushing my headphones into my ears, ready to turn on the commentary for the game.


O: oops xxx

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O: oops xxx

We weren't even out of the first half and already Julian's temper had racked things up a notch. I face palmed as I watched J square up to this McCain guy, laying a headbutt on him. I visably winced at his action, knowing how firey he can be. He got flagged for the unsportsmanship conduct, and then continued the play. Apparently, according to the dude in my ear, this was turning out to be one of his most impressive seasons of J's career, statistic wise.

"Edelman had eight receptions for a career-best 151 yards, including a 77-yard touchdown that was monumental for momentum purposes during the Patriots’ 35-14 win against the Miami Dolphins."

I listened to the pundits talking post game talk as I sat on our little mini bus that took is back to the hotel. Of course I'd meet Julian back after he'd fi us he'd up with the team. Assuming it would be the hotel bar. They'd all be on fire once again after their win, and probably more ready after holding back on the new year celebrations. I was bracing myself for which Julian was going to be gracing us this evening.


We'd all stayed in the bar when the guys arrived. J was happy, his usual smiling self, but he looked tired. "you okay?" I asked, after pressing a congratulatory kiss to his lips. "yeah, just feeling a little battered tonight is all." he told me, nodding to Blount who passed him a beer. "I wanna have a couple drinks with the guys and then head up if that's okay?" he asked, holding his hand on my waist, looking down into my eyes. "of course, whatever you want" I nodded running my hand along his arm. "thank you" he smiled, crinkling his eyes with that gentle smile. "you look hot by the way" he added making me smile. He kissed my lips again and pulled me against him. "let's hurry this up so we can head to bed" he playfully winked at me. God damn that man, I bushed every time.

edelman11 this one is volunteering to tuck me in tonight

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edelman11 this one is volunteering to tuck me in tonight. I'd be crazy to say no @LadyPenelope 😘😘

We made short work of the celebrating tonight, not that I was complaining, but it was the first time I'd seen Julian not wanting to party with his team. "are you sure you're okay?" I asked nervously as we stepped into the awaiting elevator. He nodded, pulling me against his chest as he pressed the button for our floor. "yeah babe, I'm just tired, and sore after that one" he said, resting his chin on top of my head. It was the first game I'd seen him take a beating like that one. After all he is only human, no matter how God like we all saw him...

"okay" I sighed, snuggling into him. "y'know," he started suspiciously, "you could always be my nurse tonight" he suggested, making me give him the side eye, "uh huh, and what would that consist of?" that question made him smirk, "maybe a little rub down, kissing my bruises away" he answered, making me giggle. "I can do more than that" I giggled more, hiding my face against his chest timidly as he chuckled.

"c'mon, I'm so ready for the next couple days" he said, pulling on my hand as the doors opened. I couldn't argue with that. For the penultimate two days of my trip we had chosen to stay in Miami and have some time for the two of us. And I just had a feeling I'd need a holiday to recover from it...

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