Not Your Babe. Part I

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"yes, thank you" Penny smiled to the driver of the Uber as she climbed out. "goodnight" she sighed, closing the door and yawning, standing on the side walk, heels in her hand because her feet were killing. She mentally cursed her earlier self for thinking it would be a good idea to wear 6 inch heels on a night out after a long day at work.

The sound of the car door slamming startled Julian who had nodded off. Creepily he'd sat outside Nick's house; he'd originally gone there to apologise to him for turning up and then storming off like he did. He didn't want to make an enemy out of her brother. But as he sat there wondering what the hell he'd say to him, the last few weeks of hardly any sleep had gotten to him, and the first time too that he'd found peace knowing she was actually safe. Knowing she was living here made him feel a little calmer. Well that was until he layed eyes on her.

Dressed in a long flowing black dress she looked the same as when he'd last seen her but more beautiful almost. His heart raced at the sight of her. Instantly feeling like it had miraculously healed back together again. Before his brain could kick into gear though, he found himself climbing out of his car.

The noise had Penny glancing round. Stopping instantly at the sight of a familiar shape in front of her, in the darkness of the night. Neither one of them uttered a sound. She had frozen to the spot: heels still in hand, hair blowing out of her face as she stared at him. Julian moved slowly towards her, not sure how she'd react to him being there.

She watched as he stepped under the street light, illuminating his physique, looking more miniscule than macho. Still as devastatingly handsome as ever, but without the arrogance and ego of the man she knew. He moved slightly, opening his mouth to say something, anything, but she beat him to it.


He paused, and closed his mouth. His eyes studied her face, the hurt in her eyes made her almost unrecognisable. That sparkle gone. The blush in her cheeks, dissipated. "I don't want to hear it Julian" his heart cracked. "babe..."
"Penny" she snapped back, correcting his name for her. His heart cracked a little bit more. "Penny please. You gotta let me explain...." he pleaded, moving closer to her. She took a step back.

"I don't want to Julian. I think I have a pretty good idea what you did" she nodded, her eyes piercing into his. She took another few steps back and turned to head to the house.

"baby wait" he rushed forward, grabbing her hand, turning her round. She didn't hesitate to pull away from him, like his touch caused her pain. She looked up at his face, all pink and damp from the tears he'd shed. Julian Edelman was actually crying in front of her. That was new.

"stop calling me that! I'm not your babe" she snapped, "I'm not your anything. We're over Julian. Accept it" she said, her eyes filling up as she spoke those words. He looked at her like his world had finally crumbled. "but... I can't lose you." he whispered, stepping closer once more. But this time she didn't move away. "I finally got you here" he said, reaching out to caress her cheek with his large hand. She shook her head.

"you didn't get me here. My brother did. If it was just you, then I'd still be in England" those words cut him deep. His hand dropped from her face. "I can't deal with the hurt Julian. I deserve better than this" she said, tears blobbing out of her eyes now. "baby..."
"I don't fucking care!" He yelled in frustration. "I'm not fucking losing you over some bullshit photograph that doesn't show the fucking truth!" he growled. The look in his eye was intimidating. She'd never seen him this mad before.

"I don't care if you don't wanna hear it. I don't care if you never wanna see me again, but I need to tell you what happened." he snapped. She didn't utter a word, she just stood and looked in his eyes. That raw passion was there, the emotion, the... Love?

Dropping down to squat in front of her, he grabbed her hand, "short stack. Baby, Penny. I need you to hear me out. Don't just call it quits on me before I have a chance to speak"

"Julian get up" she said. Her voice a little softer. He stopped his ramblings and slowly stood, towering over her again. She yawned and ran a hand through her hair as he just stood watching her, hope filling his heart. "I'm tired of all this" she shrugged. "the fact you know what happened with my last boyfriend, how he screwed me over." she sighed, "it just- I didn't think you'd be the same. I can't deal with all the crap that you come with." she shook her head. "The rumours, the drama, the cheating. It-"

"I didn't fucking cheat on you!" he growled in frustration. Turning away as the anger bubbled up once again. "you do really think that little of me don't you" he turned back to her. Her cheeks heated up.

"I guess I must do." she shrugged. "one fucking lousy photo and that's it!" he threw his car keys at the sidewalk in anger. "it's not like I was making out with her! Or even touching her! The fucking camera guy took everyone's photo as we left! They like fucking with us! Twisting everything we do! I fucking love you Penelope Pond!" He yelled. Actually setting off a dog barking down the street.

"The fact that you've been here a couple days already just kills me that I didn't even know!" he shouted, not caring who was listening at this point. Penny bit her lip, looking a little sheepish. Julian looked at her questioningly. "Erm, actually I've been here almost a month..."
"What?" he snapped, frozen after hearing another bombshell he wasn't ready for.

"I moved here the Sunday after I found out. I wanted to call you and surprise you J, but I got that fucking message and then it all went to shit!"

"A month. Wow. I guess you really are trying to get over me huh. I thought I meant more to you than this."

"How fucking dare you say that?! I'm not the one hooking up with my ex am I?!"

"We didn't hook up!" he yelled back.

"Whatever J, when are you going to take the blame for the shit you do huh? Or do you think that number 11, the golden boy, 'Brady wanna be' doesn't have to stand up to what he's done?! Seriously boy grow up" she snapped. She could see the buttons she's pushed had him all riled up. He took two long angry strides towards her, grabbing her around the waist, lifting her up like she weighed less than a feather.

"you're so fucking beautiful when you're angry" he growled, slamming a kiss to her mouth...

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