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The radio was pumping some old school classics as we travelled down town. I was taking in the sights around me, everything always looked magical covered in snow. But something caught my attention, looking round, Julian was looking back at me. I felt myself blush, as always and I smiled bashfully. "you okay there?" I giggled. He smirked and turned back to the road, "I have to keep looking at you, make sure you're still actually here" he answered, switching lanes. I laughed lightly, looking back out of the window. It was surprisingly a quiet drive, listening to the radio, watching the buildings go by, just being with him. It felt good. I think we both knew there was going to be time to talk, but right now we just wanted to be with each other.


We arrived at some sort of burger joint (surprise surprise) and headed inside to find Danny and Olivia. "you think we should just leave em there?" Julian suggested as we saw them cosied up in a booth. I smirked, thinking it was a plan, but then they saw us, Danny waving us over.

Julian kept a tight hold of my hand and led me across the room to where they sat. "wow you're here" Danny grinned, Olivia giggling next to him, I frowned as we took a seat beside them. "huh?"
"we expected you to ditch us, have some back seat action instead" Danny teased. "My god" I gasped, covering my face in embarrassment. They giggled like a couple of kids, Julian shook his head but was grinning at them too. "I need a drink" I said as I grabbed the menu. I didn't care what time it was, I knew I wasn't going to survive this lunch date without one.


"so baby, how long are you here?" we'd managed small talk with Danny and Olivia for about half an hour before Julian began quizzing me on my stay. "until January 5th" I answered swallowing what I have to say are the best fries I'd tasted over here. "oh wow" he replied, I guess not expecting me to be here so long. "do you have plans with your brother for the holidays?" I shrugged in response, "not exactly" Julian frowned. "well I sort of came over here to see you, my brother and Christmas was kinda an afterthought..." I blushed, but I guess that was an answer Julian was pleased with, because he gave me a smile that made my temperature soar. "I think I could help fill up the little hole in your diary" he winked.


"oh my god, seriously?" I heard a chuckle behind me as I led the way into my brothers house. Olivia had gone home after lunch, she practically pushed me to leave with Julian, but we spotted her and Danny talking outside her car after we pulled out of the parking space outside the diner. "what?" I asked, glancing round to find him laughing at the giant turtle that was sitting on the couch, the same one he bought me on my last trip here, when we met. I instantly grinned, "you still have it?"
"Nick's girlfriend loves him. So he stayed" I shrugged, tossing my keys onto the kitchen counter. "he has a girl now?" he asked, sneaking onto a stool in the kitchen. I grinned, he was such a gossip. "yeah, I've yet to meet her. But he's spending Christmas with her and her family." I told him, pushing a water bottle towards him as I carried my own towards the stairs. I'd obviously agreed to staying at his house tonight, after he'd asked me to, and I needed to grab some clothes for the next day.


I packed my bag and made my way down to the kitchen once again and found Julian typing away frantically on his phone. He sighed and looked up at me "what's the matter?" I asked, seeing his expression had changed to a worried one. "um, my mom has just text me. She wanted to know if I was available for dinner later." he said sheepishly. I smiled, "you go have dinner with her" I replied, like I'd ever get in the way of his family like that. "well uh, I told her you were here, that you'd come to surprise me....and she wants you to come along" he said, almost cringing waiting for my response. Huh. I guess I was going to meet Mrs Edelman....

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