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Two days later and I was back at work like I'd never even left. It was a few hours into my day and I'd come here like a woman on a mission. I'd sent my brother an email, needing to have a meeting with him. I needed to clue him up on everything that had been going on, and also to tell him that I'd finally come to a decision.

My meeting with the my boss was scheduled for 5pm tonight. So until that nerve wracking time, I was trying to plough myself into my work, as I had been doing the last few days, but there was a certain someone distracting me completely...

J: good afternoon my gorgeous girl

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J: good afternoon my gorgeous girl. On my way to have lunch with mom. How's your day? Xxx

Would I ever get used to him making my heart skip a beat or five?

Me: hey handsome 😍 looking as 🔥 as ever 😘 sounds like a nice day. Say hi to your mum for me ☺️ my days dragging. Have a meeting later. Can't wait to go home! Xxx

J: 😕 hope it's nothing major? Thanks, she wants to know everything about you 😏 let me know how the meeting goes xxx

Me: don't be telling her too much 🙈🙊 it's about my contract. I've had too long to decide apparently, they need me to put pen to paper xxx

J: 😞xxx

Me: xxx

And then I didn't hear anything else from him. My heart sank into my stomach, I knew I was hurting him too. I really needed this meeting with my boss to come quicker than I'd wanted.


5pm came and went and as the clock struck 6, I was just about to leave my office. I grabbed my keys and bag from my desk and made my way back to the door. I took a long look around my new office and sighed. Flicking off the light, I locked the door behind me and made my way downstairs to head to my car.

"hey, yeah it's me" I sighed down the phone. "it's done" I said, breathing out a shaky breath. "no, I haven't told him yet. I need to pick the right time" I unlocked my car door and climbed inside. "yeah, I'll talk to you soon, love you too. Bye" I locked my phone and threw it into my bag and started the engine. I was so ready to get home.


I was snuggled into my blanket as I sat on my couch watching the TV. I should have messaged Julian but I had other ideas. This was a long shot too, I went on twitter and typed a name in my search bar. I found the verified account and tapped the option to DM them. I just prayed that it was his own account.

Hey Danny, it's Penny. Hope you're good. I've got an immense favour to ask of you, and Julian can't find out. If you get this please message me back and I can explain. Thank you! X

Now, all I had to do was wait.

He Who Wants A Rose, Must Respect The Thorn Where stories live. Discover now