... And Coffee

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I should have totally been hanging out with Gronk right now, but I texted him while Penny was paying for her candy and told him a way better offer had come up so I was gonna have to postpone him for like an hour. Then I found myself walking down the street with her to the coffee shop I took her in when I first met her. This was unreal.



I wasn't going to lie, it was a little shy and awkward at first. We took a table by the window and both sat cradling our coffee. The air was a little tense, but I think it was because we were so nervous.

"thank you... For the other night" he blurted out. I looked up at him, a little confused, "for making sure I got home okay" he explained. "you didn't have to... Not after.... I mean... I'm sorry for that too" he bumbled through what he was trying to say and I smiled. "I know you're sorry. You don't have to apologise, but thank you for the flowers" I smiled, blushing too. He smiled widely at that, "I hope you had a vase big enough for them in your office? You do have your own office right? Cause you can't put them in the lab right?" he waffled. I looked at him with an amused grin, "why would I leave them at work?" I questioned. "I took them home but then actually split them so I can enjoy them at home and in my office" I laughed. He frowned, "but won't your boy ask where they're from?" I looked at him oddly, then it clicked. "oh I'm not with him anymore" I said, seeing him instantly grin at me. I let out a laugh at his reaction. "shame..."

"J" I gasped a little, still smiling. "he was never my boyfriend" I added, then taking a sip of my latte. "just a fuck buddy?" he asked. I looked at him rather shocked. I was speechless and not to mention uncomfortable. "sorry, I shouldn't have said that..." he said, looking down at his cup. "it's actually none of your business, but no. He was definitely not that either." I told him. He slowly raised his eyes to mine, looking like a lost puppy. "he didn't lay a finger on me like that" I sighed, telling him what I know he wanted to hear too. He smiled at me again. "good." he said, making me blush and look away from him, out of the window to the street outside. "my property" he mumbles behind the rim of his cup. I looked back to him, ready to respond, but my phone ringing interrupted us.


Nick called me to see where I was. I didn't go into details but said I'd be heading back as soon as I could. Julian followed my lead and stood from the table. "how'd you get here?" he asked as I stood too, picking my purse up from the chair. "bus" I said, looking back at him. He lead me through the shop and to the door, opening it for me. "my car is parked at the candy store" he said, "okay" I nodded, looking for the nearest bus stop. "so if you're in a rush..." he said, gesturing in the direction of the store. I looked at him and frowned, "I'm not gonna let you take the bus" he rolled his eyes. "are you even going in the same direction?" I asked. "sure..." I raised a brow at him. "c'mon! Times ticking!" he smiled, turning to walk to his car. I sighed and followed.


"where are you actually going?" I asked as we reached the car. "Gronks'" he replied as he opened the door for me. I nodded and climbed inside. "but he lives at the other side of town!" I exclaimed as he climbed in beside me. He turned the engine and grinned. "I know" he winked and pulled away from the store.

"What time are you meeting Rob?" I asked as we neared my work. Julian looked at the clock on the dash and curled his lips down into a little frown, "like a little over an hour ago"

"J! what the hell?!" I gasped making him burst out laughing. I shook my head, trying to calm the butterflies in my stomach as I looked out of the window. "He's cool. Told him I had a better offer." he shrugged like it was nothing. I face palmed and he chuckled even more at me. "well, we're here..." he said, still with a slight laugh to his voice. He slowed the car down and pulled up near to the building. I honestly didn't want to get out of the car right now, I so desperately wanted him to just put his foot on the gas pedal and speed off somewhere. There was still so much that was still unsaid, and lets face it, this was certainly neither the time nor the place.

"Guess I'll catch you at the next party we're both separately invited to" he smirked, making me laugh out loud. He was still such a doof. "well until then, thanks for the ride"

"any time baby" he winked, making me audibly gasp, making him chuckle loudly. "seriously J" I blushed like crazy. "see you later" I said, looking back at him. "catch ya later short stack" he smiled at me, there goes my butterflies once again...

I climbed out of the car and checked the road before I ran across to my building. As I began to walk down the road a little I could still hear the gentle rumble of his car, which after a few seconds suddenly got louder, making it really purr. I gasped and looked over my shoulder at him, seeing the idiot with a huge smirk on his face. I internally face palmed and bit my lip at his obvious flirtation. He winked and then sped off down the road.

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