All Good Things Come To An End

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Edelman11 Best nite (and morning) of my life 😉😏😘 @LadyPenelope

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Edelman11 Best nite (and morning) of my life 😉😏😘 @LadyPenelope

I nearly died when I saw it. I'd been tuning out the emotions on the way to work blasting out some Prince in the car when I'd seen the notification on my phone. I didn't think it was anything import until I entered my office and saw Amelia grinning at me. I rolled my eyes and dumped my bag on the floor by my desk.

I purposefully ignored her until the excitement got the better of her. "you fucked!" she squealed loudly making be almost fall out of my chair. "Amelia what the hell?!" I gaped at her, thanking myself for always shutting my office door. "he's telling the world!!" she squealed again, throwing her arms up and doing some sort of jazz hands thing too. I raised my eyebrow at her expecting her to elaborate, "so he told Danny..." I scoffed, logging onto my computer. "noooo!" she gasped, looking at me like I was the only person in the world not in on the gossip. "look at your Instagram" she told me, oh yeah, I forgot about that...

"what the hell?! 2,503 friend requests?! Who are these people?!" I flicked through my notifications. That's when I saw it. The post he put on there like an hour ago. What the actual hell?

"see! Everyone knows you're his girl now! For definate" she beamed. I shook my head, "but why? Why would they wanna follow me?" I said, still flummoxed by the friend requests. Then my head shot up to look at her. "his girl?" I repeated the latter of her comment. She smiled at me, nodding her head like an idiot. I pulled a face, I'm not entirely sure what sort of face, but Amelia's smile dropped.

"you have sorted things out with him....right?" she asked nervously. I glanced down at my desk. "Penny! How could you!" she gasped angrily at me. I shrugged playing with a stray bit of fabric on my skirt. "alright alright, so we haven't discussed anything. Maybe I was just enjoying the moment before it was over!" I exclaimed, feeling a little foolish for things to be going down like this. It was true though, I didn't regret sleeping with him. It made me crave him more. But I'd already made my mind up, and last night, and well, this morning, was a memory all on its own.

Julian still didn't know what I was doing, making last night that much more emotional. I should have told him to his face but I guess I left it too late. And now I was paying the price on disappointing my friend too.


The rest of the day was spent trying to process the events of the passed few days, as well as attempting to do some kind of work. But the constant ping of my notifications was distracting me too much. So much so, I turned my phone off until it was time to head home.

I walked through the door to my apartment, the dark empty space I was greeted with wasn't the usual welcome sight I always loved. Somehow it felt lonely and cold now that he wasn't there.

I threw my bag on the kitchen counter, grabbing a beer too and heading to the bedroom to take off my heels and clothes to grab a shower. Tonight was going to be a take out kinda night.

I pushed the door open, flicking on the lights, when I paused in my tracks. A huge lump popped up in my throat and tears formed in my eyes.

There, sitting on top of my pillow was a long stemmed red rose.

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