Way To Soon?

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"are you sure you're cool with coming with me tonight? I mean, you don't have to, if it's too soon? I don't wanna freak you out. It's just my mom, she knows a little about you, but you don't have-"

"J, calm down" I interjected. I couldn't see him getting this flustered much longer. He looked over at me nervously as we travelled to his place. I was a little nervous about going there for the first time, but I had to deal with the stressed out Patriot beside me. "it's no big deal" I smiled at him. Granted I was maybe giving him a little white lie, but I didn't want him to think I didn't want to meet his mum. "unless you don't want me to come?" I asked, "if it's too soon for you?" he looked at me and frowned, shaking his head. "no. No, I mean, I'd like you to at some point, so, why not now?" he said, slightly asking me as well. I smiled, "well chill out then" I giggled, "I'm fine with it, and it means I get to spend more time with you" I added. "we're not staying out late though" He grinned at me with a wink and I giggled.


After a tour of Julian's impressive place, we put on a Netflix movie and erm... Chilled out... "god honey I missed you so much" he breathed deeply as he wrapped his arms around me. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck as we spooned on his couch. "I've missed you too" I sighed back, sinking back into his chest. "when did you decide to come over here?" he asked as we settled down to watch the movie. "about two days after you left my house" I laughed lightly. I ran my hand down his forearm and linked hands with him. "for real?" he asked, "yeah, strangely I kinda like being around you" I teased, making him chuckle, and squeeze me tighter if that's possible. I really could get used to this...


"do we have to go?" he whined. I giggled, straddling his lap. I ran my hands through his hair and nodded. "it's your mum" I said, smiling at him. He ran his large hands up and down my back and sighed. "I know I know" he moaned, I bit my lip holding back a giggle. "don't worry" I said, leaning forward, "we'll finish this off when we get back" I whispered in his ear. A loud growl erupted from his chest as he caught me by surprise, getting off the couch, and carrying me off somewhere.

He charged into his bedroom, throwing me down into his sumptuous bedding, I sank down into the marshmallow like duvet, the giggle pausing in my throat as the look in his eye was intimidating. He unbuckled his belt in no time, about to take down his jeans when his phone rang. He paused slightly, but thought better of answering it, but he glanced at the screen "it's my mom" he sighed, immediately a Turn off.

He turned away from me as he answered the phone, so I climbed off the bed, spotting his bathroom. He'd mentioned to me about using it, making myself at home, so I thought it best to grab a quick shower so I was fresh for tonight. I had to make a good impression after all. So whilst he stood looking out the window talking to his mum, I headed inside and turned on the faucet.


Ten minutes later I was out of the shower and stood by the huge mirror drying my hair. I wasn't entirely sure where Julian was at this moment, but something caught my eye, like movement outside the door, which I'd not realised was slightly ajar....

"Are you spying on me Edelman?" I smirked, saying it loud enough to let him know he'd been busted. There wasn't any movement or sound for a few seconds, thinking I was maybe wrong, so I put down the dryer and looked to start applying my make up.

That's when the door was slowly opened, and his gorgeous face appeared. I immediately smiled, which grew wider as his full appearance was now in view in the mirror. He was all dressed up, hair gelled up perfectly and smelling like the sexiest man alive. Well he was wasn't he?

I watch his reflection as he moves closer to me, his hands immediately find my waist. Neither of us said a word, but my heart was racing at the sight of him. I watched him lean in, and he blew a few strands of hair off my neck, dipping his head further to kiss my skin. My eyes fluttered closed and I felt myself melt at his touch.

I sighed in contentment, also in flusterment at his actions and then my eyes opened. He lifted his eyes to look at mine, biting his lip at me. "Don't give me that look, I need to get ready." I said, smiling at him. He chuckled but sighed. "Well hurry up. You're disracting." he said, slapping my bum, then grabbing his watch off the counter top.

"Doesn't take much huh"

"Not when you're around me baby" he winked, leaving the room


edelman11 ❤️perfection is @LadyPenelope

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edelman11 ❤️perfection is @LadyPenelope

After finally finishing getting ready, I left his bathroom fully dressed and ready to go.

"oh wow" I looked up to find Julian standing there, outside his bedroom leaving against the stair rail. I paused, looking up at him. "how long have you been there?" I grinned. He shrugged, "couple minutes" he said with a smirk. "c'mon, we better get going" I said, feeling flustered under that smile he was giving me. "wait, wait" he said, gently grabbing my wrist, making me look back at him.

He pulled me against him, sliding a hand around my back, and one into my hair, leaning down and pressing his lips against mine. "you look beautiful" he whispered, looking into my eyes as he rested his forehead on mine. I smiled, "thank you" I blushed. "glad you like what you see" I added, making him laugh. "always do baby" he growled, "now, let's go meet my mom" he smiled, making me laugh. "as long as you're still cool with it" he said, taking my hand. "Julian!" I warned him as he led me down the stairs and out the door.

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