The Guys Part II

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So tonight was a pretty hefty night. Win the game? Check. Have a victory drink or ten with the guys in a cool bar? Check. Have a pretty fly chick on my arm the whole time? Double check. Okay, so maybe not the whole night, I felt pretty crappy for not spending as much time with Penny as I'd have liked, but standing back and watching was pretty nice too. I mean, here I was, hanging back with two of my good friends, drinking my favourite liquor and watching my girl hanging out with my team. I noticed them gradually all pass by her, the taken ones wanting to know who she was and the single guys wanting to know if she was too. It was cool though, not to sound big headed, but I knew she was mine. I just didn't know for how long. "is she ever gonna move here Danny boy?" I huffed. "huh?"
"am I ever gonna get her to stay?" I asked, all the while my eyes glued to her perfect shape across the room. I barely noticed the conversation had died down between Danny and Gronk. "just kidnap her" Rob smirked, "like I haven't already thought of that" I grinned back. "I'm sure you'll talk about it while she's here," Danny said, "yeah but she said her boss was going to have it done when she got back from her fake trip with work" I said, frowning, realising now that her fake trip was actually her cover for coming here. I fell into some sort of daze briefly thinking about the passed conversations I'd shared with her. "maybe I just gotta come out with it" I said, sitting up a little straighter. "ask her what's gonna happen"
"I get why you wanna do that man, but do you really wanna go there right now?" Danny shot back, "I mean, she's only just got here. Do you really wanna risk the rest of the holidays by talking about it right now? You've got too much planned with her. What if she gives you an answer you didn't wanna hear?" he had a point. I huffed again and sat back in my chair." just enjoy the moment...enjoy that she's here with you. Don't take any moment for granted"


I was still with Dola and Gronk twenty five minutes later. I knew I should have been by her side by now, but I was simply having too much fun watching her. I know that sounds a little crazy right? But I was taking her in. All of her. Trying to take in all the little things about her, so when she left again I'd have it all memorised in my brain.

She was laughing with a few of the guys, when the four of them looked round in my direction. They were all grinning at me, apart from Penny, but when she shyly looked over her shoulder a little at me, and gave me a smile, I didn't think twice and finally made my way over to them.

"finished watching her like a creepy stalker huh Edelman?" Butler smirked once I'd joined them. "for now" I winked at her as I threw my arm over her shoulder. She laughed and shook her head at my reply and carried on her conversation with Brady, it appeared she was trying to educate him on the sport of Formula One. I had to admit I'd never been a fan of it, but I could get used to it. I mean, I'd go for her.

"you could definately be a grid girl" I told her once the others had gotten into a talk on something else. She looked at me with a sceptical glare. "what?" I asked innocently. "I'd get the chance to be a grid girl as much as you would a cheerleader" she smirked at me. "I frickin' could!" I answered back, making her laugh, "with those thighs?" she countered, making me gasp. "what's wrong with my thighs?!" I asked, looking down at them. When she didn't answer me, I looked up at her, seeing her biting her lip as she checked me out "not a damn thing" she smirked. I laughed at her and grabbed her by the waist. "you can take a closer look if you like?" I purred. "take me home and maybe I will"

"baby don't tease me like that" I growled at her. "who's teasing?" she replied with a cocked eyebrow. I playfully gasped, making her smile, "Say goodbye to the guys, I'm taking you home" I told her, grabbing her hand. She didn't answer me, just giggled at my sudden desire to leave this place. 

"Yo! Edelman!" Gronk was yelling at me, distracting me from our imminent escape. I looked over to him with a slight frown. Seeing him gesturing to the round of drinks he had lined up along the bar, I huffed. "c'mon J, the night is young" Penny smiled up at me knowing how badly I wanted to take her home to my place. I chewed on my lip thinking, when she squeezed my hand lightly, making me look down to her, "it doesn't matter how long we are, I'll be in your bed all day tomorrow, waiting for you to get home" she had a point. and a good one it was too. I huffed out another breath and nodded. "you better be" I answered her, pulling her tight up against me as we moved over to that idiot at the bar. 

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