Who The F*** Is Jake

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Pounding the field at training was working me up into a sweat today. I'd shut most things out and had my head in the game, which was pretty handy as we played tomorrow. Nicki was still staying at mine, and I was glad of the company. I was still staying in a little more than usual, and I hadn't hung out with Danny in a little while. But I'd not figured out if that was because I went off at him about Penny or if he was just seeing more of Olivia. I couldn't hold that against him as she was out of town a fair bit. Anyway, it pretty much sucked, and I wanted to try to put things right with my bud. I had to. I needed to. 

"How crazy is it that it was Penny's party though" my ears pricked up at her name. I looked over and saw it was Gronk who was speaking. He was laughing a little and talking with Danny. "looking cosy over here ladies" I interrupted, putting my arms around them both. "oh hey Jules." Gronk said, Danny looked down at his cleats, looking sheepish. But just like that, Rob was called over to coach, leaving me and Danny together. "look man, I'm real sorry for the way I've been acting with you" I apologised to him. "it's cool"
"no it's not. I've been a dick to you. It just fucking hurts that you know shit about her and see her, and I've no clue what the fuck is going on" I sighed. "I know you're in the middle-
"but you're my best friend" Danny shook his head, "I don't wanna keep shit from you...the girls told me I shouldn't either" he said lowering his head. I hated that, the girls. Like we were still tight. A group. I looked away, trying to hold in the hurt a little harder. "so I guess I gotta tell you something else." he said, looking at me nervously. I looked at him and for the few seconds a million thoughts shot through my head.

"I want to tell you myself, before he does.... Gronk was at Penny's house warming last night" he said. "she's moved out?" Danny nodded. "yeah, yesterday." Danny swallowed, "she had a little get together last night" he added. It fucking hurt like hell that I wasn't a part of it, especially cause my best friend was there. It should have been us all there celebrating. "why did she invite Rob?" I asked, not hiding the disgust on my face. Not cause he was a bad guy or anything, but she never seemed too keen on him in the past. Danny sighed, "she didn't" I frowned even more confused. "what?" Danny sighed again. What the hell wasn't he telling me? "He was invited by Jake" 

"Jake? who the fuck is Jake?" I asked, feeling even more out of the loop. "the guy Penny is seeing..." what the actual fuck?!


I told Danny I'd hang out with him later and I took off sprinting down the field. Coach as usual yelling at ms but I didn't listen. I needed to be alone. Like this is something I could easily get my head around?...Man, two fucking bombshells in the space of fifteen minutes. I mean, yeah, I know she was going to move out of her brother's house eventually, that's a given, but to be dating some guy?! She was fucking over me that quickly? That hurt like a bitch. I didn't really know what to do with that information. So I just carried on doing what I had to do on the field and as soon as I could I headed inside for a long cold shower.


"hey Rob" I hung around a little longer than usual, hoping to talk to Rob before he left. "what's up Jules?" he nodded at me as he walked over to his bag. "So, this Jake..."

"ah, Dola told you huh" I chuckled a little. "yeah he fucking told me. like what the fuck? who is this fucking guy?" I asked, not really knowing why I wanted to know. "he's more like a friend of a friend. I've known him a few years...pretty sound guy I have to say" he said, great. "he works for WilmerHale" 
"what the law firm?"

"yeah, he's worked from the ground up to be pretty integral in the company so I hear" Rob told me, "I had arranged to see some chick, didn't happen so when I called up the guys, they said they were off to some hot- uh-some girls party who Jake was seeing" he stammered, "never in a million years did I ever expect it to be Penny's" he added. "how long have they been dating?"
"dunno, not long though."
"does she... Does she seem into him?" I knew how I sounded and honestly I didn't care. "honestly," Rob sighed, "they looked pretty tight. After we all left he was still there with her" he said, making me feel nauseous at the thought of him staying over with my girl. I didn't really know how to process this information, and I turned to the nearest locker door and punched it. Hard. So hard the top hinge gave out and it broke.

I shook the pain from my hand as I paced back and forth. "look man, I know you and her had a thing-
"I fucking love her Gronk" I snarled at him as he watched me wearing tracks in the tiles floor. "all I'm trying to say is, maybe it's time you moved on. She clearly is trying" he told me. I shook my head at him and huffed out a breath. "man, does she really look happy?" I stopped and looked at him, I was punishing myself now for asking that. Rob looked at me square in the eyes, "she looked like she'd had her heart broken and was trying to pick up the pieces" he said. "but..." he paused. "what?" I panicked, "I could see she isn't over you"
"ha! Not over me when she's getting under another fucking guy!" I yelled, punching that locker even harder as it clattered to the floor and then I grabbed my bag and stormed out.

*** Okay so I thought I'd update to cheer everyone up after the current news...but this chapter isn't exactly a cheerful one either...my bad ***

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