Instagram Tyme

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Sorry it's so short guys x

"J, who are you talking to?" I asked as I walked out of the bedroom and looked over the guard rail. I could see him stood with his phone, holding it over the steaming pot of whatever he was cooking. "it's cookin' tyme babe" he called up to me, looking up to where I stood, aiming him damn phone at me too. "look at that man. Beautiful" he said lowly, and I felt myself becoming flustered. I couldn't hide my girlish smile, so I shook my head and disappeared, not feeling like being the star of whatever he was filming.

I came down the stairs and joined him, behind the camera. He wrapped an arm around my waist as he proceeded to tell his followers about what he was preparing for dinner. We'd gotten home from his mums and spent the rest of the day chilling out, watching movies and generally just spending time together, we'd never really had much chance of that and it was these times when we learnt more about each other. Just talking and being together, no distractions. Well, apart from Julian and his Instagram stories. "I'm sure my fans will appreciate a little bit of you tonight" he said, as he posted the video. "you didn't?!" I gasped, not thinking he'd do it. "I'd be happy with a little bit of you tonight" he winked playfully. I chose to ignore that, I had more pressing matters. "please say you haven't just posted that video with me in it?!" I gasped, "sure. You're hot, you're mine and I wanna show you off" he shrugged. "besides, this was a food post, and you look good enough to eat" he said, grabbing at me. I rolled my eyes at him. "your cheese would go well with it too" I teased "see, you were made for me" he winked.


'Julian Edelman posts new insta video with mystery girl' the headline on Google read. My heartbeat hastened when my eyes scanned over the words when I logged onto my Google account the next day. I was back at my brothers since Julian was back training, I figured I'd spend some more time with Nick. He was coming home from Allie's house, after we'd arranged to go out for the day, Allie was now coming along too, so I was waiting for them when I thought I'd check my emails. It was any excuse to use my mac that Nick bought me for Christmas. My mouse hovered over the article, and against my better judgement I clicked on it.

'The New England Patriot posted another video on his Instagram story this evening and along with the usual show of his diet, he showed a rare glimpse of the new lady in his life. Believed to be the mystery woman from a few months back he was spotted kissing at the Pats home turf, she looked right at home in the wide receivers town house. The influx of comments on who she is was evident on Julian's video, and no doubt there'll be more to come. Seems as though the Squirrel has caught quite the catch... '

I smiled to myself reading the article. Well at least it was nice, and not picking at me for anything. Maybe I'd let him film me a little more, he'd been bugging me about it but I didn't quite fancy being in front of the camera like he did. Anyway, before I actually had time to read any emails after being side tracked by that article, the door opened and my brother and Allie came in. "ready to go sis?!" he beamed a smile. I had a feeling today was going to be a good day.

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