Date Night Part II

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Double update Friday!

We ate dinner, talking about our day and my stressful meeting. Then he began telling me about practice and his conversation with Tom. "so he had a load of questions from Benny" he chuckled, making me cringe, "and Vivi doesn't like you anymore" he grinned, making me gasp, "she said you stole me" he laughed. I pulled a shocked face, "but she loved me!" I cried, "I guess she loves me more" he smirked. "she can have you" I sassed rolling my eyes as he chuckled. "she loves your bloody book too much" I teased, getting up to move to my desk. This time it was Julian's turn to gasp, "babe do you seriously hate my book?" he asked, sounding genuinely hurt. I bit my lip to hold back my giggle as I poured myself some more wine.

"no, I just like teasing you" I giggled, turning around to look at him. He was watching me with a pout that made my butterflies flutter. "you're mean you know that" he said, giving me his puppy dog eyes. I bit my lip at his cuteness and placed my glass back on the desk. "I'm sorry hotshot" I teased, "how can I make it up to you?" I asked, as I moved across the small space from the desk to the couch.

His eyes never left mine as I got closer and closer, until I was climbing onto his lap. I ran my hands up his hard chest, as I rested down on his muscular thighs. He never answered me, but a growl left his mouth.

Not another word was spoken, but the tension in the air was thick. As thick as the erection that was pressing against my ass...

I rocked a little on his lap, warranting a hiss to come out of his mouth as he clenched his jaw. Then he abruptly picked me up, carrying me over to the door, where he slammed me against it. Pressing his body hard against mine, pinning me to the spot. My legs wrapped around his waist, hands around the back of his neck. He brought his lips to my neck, hitting my sweet spot. I couldn't help but arch my back as his teeth grazed skin. "J..." I cried out a little, squeezing him tighter between my legs. His hands gripped at my bum as his lips worked along my neck, moving gradually lower and lower to the opening of my shirt.

"Miss Pond?!" the pair of us froze. "miss pond are you OK in there?!" and then a knock on the door. It was Malcolm, the buildings security guard. We just stared at each other like a rabbit caught in headlights. I swallowed hard and opened my mouth to speak. "yes! I'm good, thank you Malcolm....I uh, just dropped a box of files..." I called back hoping he bought my crappy lie. "oh okay miss. If you need anything just holler!" he said. "thanks I will" I cringed, then hearing his footsteps fade away.

We stood still for a second or two, still staring at each other until we both suddenly burst out laughing. J dropped his head to my chest, resting his forehead against me as he laughed. I breathed out a sigh and ran my hands up the back of his neck. "thank god you locked the door" I giggled lightly. He raised his head to look at me with a smile. "why does it feel like everyone wants us together, but when we're alone everything interrupts us?!" he said, making me giggle. "I know right" I sighed, looking at him as we shared a smile. He still held me against him as he then turned and walked back over to the couch.

I kept my legs around him as he sat down, and I brought my hands to the back of his neck, leaning in closer to him. "I've missed you so much J" I whispered, as I looked from his ocean blue eyes to his full pink lips. The desperation of wanting to feel him was getting too much. "I'm sorry for doubting you." I whispered, looking back to those gentle eyes. "I'm sorry for not letting you explain" I shook my head, "but I never stopped loving you" I sighed out, holding back the tears. He looked back at me, all the while staying silent as I spoke, but with my last words, he leaned forward, pressing a kiss to my lips.


An hour later I was stepping out of Julian's car, armed with my purse, Mac and wine bottle. "you sure you don't wanna come inside?" I asked him for a second time, since leaving my work. He smiled down at me as he joined me on the sidewalk. "I'd love to babe, but I know you're exhausted. You need to get to bed" He said softly, caressing my cheek with the back of his hand. "you can always join me" I smiled up at him, making him smile more, "I'd love to babe, but I gotta head out early in the morning... Dola is picking me up, we're going for a run" he said. My smile faded quickly, and I felt a little embarrassed he'd persisted in knocking me back. "oh. okay" I said, looking away from him. 

"babe" he said, lifting my chin so I'd look up at him. I blinked a few times to rid my eyes of the stray tear, and looked back at him. "I want to, believe me. I've got a crisis case of blue balls right now" he said, making me blush and giggle a little, "but you need your rest babe. I promise I'll call you tomorrow." he said, looking me right in the eyes. I sighed and nodded. "okay. Talk to you soon" I said, pulling away from his grasp. No matter what he said, I felt like it was just some excuse. Julian had never turned me down like that before. "night beautiful" he said, and he didn't stop me from just walking away. I think he knew he'd hurt me, or I was upset at least. But he still let me walk away. It wasn't the end of our first date that I was expecting.

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