Breakfast In Bed

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My eyes flickered open and I was met by the sight of the winter sun flooding through the skylight. I sunk back into the fluffy white bedding and stretched. "ooowww" I instantly grimaced at the aches that rumbled through my muscles. Last night was an energetic one...


"J..." my breath hitched in my throat as he roughly pushed me up against the door. We'd just walked into his house and already he had me in his grasp. He didn't acknowledge my voice, just proceeded to press hard kisses to my neck and collarbone. His hands were gripping my waist, holding me strongly against the door. I let out another sigh, this one more of a sign for him to continue as he expertly hit my sweet spot. My hands travelled over his impressive muscles in his back, feeling them flex under his tight black t-shirt. I crumpled the material in my hands, surprisingly not concerned that the shirt probably cost more than a month's rent of my place, and I began to pull at it.

Julian finally disconnected from my neck to look back at me. There was no smirk on his face, no glimmer in his eyes, just a raw animal aggression. He silently pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it somewhere behind him. I broke our intense stare as my eyes raked across his chest, and down to his belly button. I drew my bottom lip between my teeth and instinctively moved down to press kisses across his chest. "... Baby..." J let out a breathy moan as I pressed my lips against his skin.

I felt one of his hands move from my hip up into my hair as I slowly made my way down. "ugh...." he breathed out as I carried on my descent. My tongue dipped into his belly button, god why did I love his belly button?! He growled again and his grip on my hair tightened slightly, "baby..." he stepped away from me slightly, making me stop and stand up. Nerves flooded my body briefly wondering what was wrong, but as I looked back at him, he launched at me, picking me up like I was a rag doll and carrying me over to the kitchen.

He dropped me down on the end of the counter, pushing inbetween my legs without giving me a second to register what was happening. holding my face gently in his palms, he brought my lips against his in a firey kiss, still with all the intentions he had since I'd arrived here. I dragged my nails down his pecks, along the ripples of his abs and to the fastening of his jeans. "babe... No no no" he whispered, taking my hands gently in his. "don't worry your pretty little head..." he pecked at my lips, "tonight is all about you baby" he purred in a whisper, distracting me, the next thing I knew I was layed on the cool marble of the counter, and my shirt was opened up, revealing my bra to him. "baby, I've wanted you naked on here for so long" he murmured, I couldn't see him, but I felt his strong hands on my hips as then my jeans were pulled off my body.

My panties soon followed, along with the click of the front clasp of my bra. I was exposed to him in the most vulnerable way, but I wanted nothing less. He pushed my thighs apart, without giving me a warning, and licked a strip up my dripping wet core. "shit J..." I breathed out, glancing down at him, seeing his eyes boring into mine from between my thighs. Just the sight alone could have had me coming, especially when he flashed me that panty dropping smile of his. Then, he got to work.

It felt like mere seconds had passed before my first orgasm was ripping through my body. My fingers gripped his hair and I pulled it tight, it gotta hurt, but he never made a sound, well apart from the gentle purr when I squeezed my thighs against his cheeks. His scruff harsh against my soft skin, but it only turned me on more.

Minutes later and there was my second, third. It was all too much. The few times we had been intimate together had been... Intense. But this was something else entirely. I could barely breathe from the adoration he was dealing to my body. Surfice it to say, the counter of his kitchen island would never be the same again. Especially after what he did next...

I was breathing rapidly, coming crashing down from my high, when he hopped up on the counter beside me. He was totally naked, besides the rosary beads that hung around his neck, and the smirk he was wearing on his handsome face. Silently, he leaned back, eyes becoming wide as his bare back hit the cold marble, making me giggle at him. "c'mon babe," he said, eyes still locked on me, "ride me"


The flashbacks of yesterday were becoming all too much, especially as I still lay here in his bed. Alone. I was flustered already, and a little hot under the sheets. Could I wait until he was home? I doubt it. Shouldn't I wait until he was home? Probably. But needs must. A little one on one time never hurt anyone, right?



I'd gotten home from my work out a little earlier than expected. Which was awesome, I wanted to take Penny to a little place I loved to pick up some breakfast since I was home before she'd gotten out of bed, evidently. The house was silent as I walked through the hallway, no sign of her yet. So, I threw my bag and sneakers by the utility room door and made my way to the bedroom.

The sight I was greeted with was so not what I was expecting this morning.... I hung by the open doorway, just close enough to see her. It didn't occur to me that this could be creepy, hey, what guy wouldn't wanna catch his smokin hot girl, uh, pleasuring herself? And in my bed. God damn... I watched her for a minute or maybe three... She had her headphones in, listening to some kinda music, her eyes fluttering as they were gently shut, her plush bottom lip clamped between her teeth. Sweet jesus she was driving me all kinds of crazy about now.

One of her arms was resting above her head on the pillow, the other... *gulp* down under the thin cotton sheet that was only just covering her chest... My mouth became suddenly dry as her back arched off the bed, I could see her nipples brushing against the thin material covering her, the sounds of her pleasure rippling through the air as her breath quickened. Thoughts of yesterday spring into my head and I licked my lips at the thought. When would be appropriate to join this little party? I wanted to watch her for as long as I could. Her being this, vulnerable, was insanely hot. I had to join her.

I hastily pulled off my sweats and shirt, internally grateful for the shower I had taken before I headed home, and in the few brief seconds of making my way to the bed, I figured out my plan of action.

I slipped onto the bed, simaltaneously grabbed her hand that was above her head, and pinning it down in place. Her eyes flew open, a hitch and a gasp of her breath had me pressing a hungry kiss to her mouth, her other hand, under the sheet froze as with my free hand I ripped the sheet off of her.


my heart almost flew out of my mouth as a huge weight dropped on top of me. My eyes flew open as I found Julian hovering over me, pinning me down onto the bed, kissing me with a firey kiss. I didn't exactly have time to feel embarrassed that I'd been busted, but I knew he wanted to take over as he knocked my hand away from my heat and replaced it with his own.

My body felt like it had been engulfed in flames as he ran his thick finger over my bundle of nerves, bringing about my orgasm a little quicker. Instinctively I wrapped my legs around his bare waist, all the while my music was still blaring though my tiny ear buds into my ears.

He pulled his lips away from my neck for a brief few seconds as he looked down at me and grinned. "breakfast in bed is always my favourite"

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