Unexpected Lunch Date

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"I'm so freaking jealous!" Olivia sighed dramatically as we scoured through clothes rails in the first store we'd come across. I laughed at her, "I'm crapping myself" I exclaimed laughing at myself. It was the day before new years eve and Olivia was finally back in town. We arranged to go shopping for an outfit for tomorrow night and have another much needed catch up.


"I seriously can not find an outfit I would look good in" I looked at her wondering if she was for real. "erm, remind me again what you do for a living" I smirked at her, making Olivia laugh. "but this is like the 100th store we've been in." she whined. I laughed about to comment when my phone rang. "oh it's J" I frowned, wondering why he was calling. He was supposed to be spending the day with Danny.

A couple of minutes later my phone was back in my bag and I marched over to Olivia. "okay, so we're going for lunch a little earlier than planned." Olivia put down the heels, "is everything okay?" she frowned. "yeah, J asked if we were close by, wanted to treat us to lunch" I told her. "aww" she cooed. I laughed, leading us out of the store. "i thought he was busy all day?" she asked, "we'll yeah, they're just catching lunch with us"
"yeah, him and Danny" I said matter of factly. Time for Olivia to internally freak out.


The guys were only a few blocks down, and all the way Olivia was flustered. "will you just chilled out" I grinned at her, it's not like you haven't met him before."
"that's the problem, everytime I do, I get all shy and awkward and say something stupid" she cringed. "well I'm sure he doesn't think so, he's not said anything to Julian." I tried to reassure her. She wasn't convinced, "well we will see in a minute, cause they're already here" I nodded to a table they were occupying toward the back of the building.


On seeing us approach the table, they both stood. "Hey Penny" Danny greeted me, I smiled and gave him a hug. "hey, how are you?"
"starving" he grinned at me making me laugh, he always was hungry. "hey short stack" Julian smirked at me. "how can you even call her that?!" Danny laughed at Julian's nickname for me. "yeah I know I'm not a giant, but she's tiny" he grinned. I rolled my eyes and pushed him to sit down. "hey hotshot" I whispered back against his lips as I pressed a kiss to his mouth. He growled, making me giggle, "how's your morning been?" I asked him, as we got situated, just as I happily saw the waiter come over with some food. I noticed it was the first time Julian had ever ordered food for me. "pretty gruelling" Danny asked answered, "coach is pushing us harder and harder" he said, taking a sip of water. "yeah, I mean, we're never gonna feel ready, but we get the feeling he thinks we're not ready too" Julian added. I looked at him worried, "it'll be cool" he said, "he's got the best pairing in the Nfl" he smirked arrogantly, "huh Danny boy" winking at Danny. I snorted at his cocky yet playful attitude.

"how about you ladies? How is your day going?" Danny subtly changed the subject. I pulled a face and Olivia sighed. "that good huh?" Julian chuckled. "exactly" I said, "there is absolutely no store in Massachusetts that has nice clothes" Olivia explained. Danny and Julian chuckled. "maybe you shouldn't have left it until the day before New year's eve to get an outfit" Julian said, I shot a look at him and I noticed out of the corner of my eye Danny winced waiting for the fallout. Julian chuckled and will led at me playfully, making me grin at him through my slight anger at his naughty comment.

"you're going to a party tomorrow night too then huh?" Danny asked Olivia. Instantly Julian looked at me and grinned.

"so you've not found anything either babe?" he asked me quietly, trying to give Danny and O some privacy. I shook my head, "it's okay, I can always recycle an outfit I already have" I shrugged, "let's face it, it's not like anyone would notice if I've worn it once before right?" I raised a brow and he grinned. "you'll look amazing though baby, I'm sure of that" he said, polishing off his food. I smiled and blushed, for the first time I believed something a guy told me. "that's cause you're on my arm" I blushed back at him. He chuckled and winked at me. "I love you baby" leaning in, he pressed another kiss to my lips. "I love you too, but do not steal my fries" I warned him, catching him out of the corner of my eye trying to steal a fry off my plate. "busted!" Danny chuckled, making me and Julian look round to see him and Olivia sat grinning at us. "I've not known her that long, but even I know you don't steal her food" Olivia laughed. I high fived her and looked back to Julian. "besides, you don't wanna be getting heavier" I added, Julian almost choked on his water. I sat there with an innocent smile on my face, hearing Danny and Olivia chuckling. "Babe you don't wanna be making comments like that" he warned me, I grinned, leaning closer to him, "why's that?" 

"because..." he moved closer still, "I'll have you over my knee" he growled, making me giggle and blush, then he kissed me again, and again, "my god can you two get a room" Danny snorted at us. I turned pinker if that was possible, I couldn't help get lost in him, forgetting my surroundings. "sorry guys" I said timidly, Danny winked at me and Olivia was sitting there with a cheesy grin. Julian threw his arm over my shoulders and pulled me into his side. "So, are you coming to the party tomorrow night Olivia?" I literally face palmed, Julian and the word subtlety don't mix. 


"so come on, what did he say?"

"you're seriously telling me that you didn't eavesdrop?!" She laughed at me. I shook my head. "honestly no"

"well yeah, I mean, with the way you two were all over each other, I doubt you could think about anything let alone listen to our conversation" Olivia sniggered at me. I gasped and threw one of her couch cushions at her head. "we were trying to give you guys some privacy." I sassed back. Olivia rolled her eyes, "so anyway what did he say?!" I moved the conversation back to her. That's when she blushed again and looked to her hands. "he's picking me up tomorrow night"

"Eeee!" I squeaked excitedly. The smile she wore lit up her face. "you're gonna kiss him!" I sang playfully. She covered her face with her hands, "god you're so high school" she giggled. "hey I'm too cool for school thanks" I tutted at her. "so. Shall we go and accessorize that gorgeous dress of yours?" I suggested making her smile even more. "sounds like a plan"


"Those" I nodded at the heels Olivia was showing me as I layed on her bed. We'd been up here an hour or two, going through her closet and a bottle of wine or two. "Have you even thought about what you're going to wear?" she asked as she put away the other three pairs of shoes. I sighed, "well, I flew here with a back up dress, I guess that'll be the one" 

"I'm sure it'll be perfect" she smiled at me, dropping down onto the bed beside me. I sighed again, "I'm just not sure it's Brady Bunch perfect" Olivia giggled, rolling onto her stomach to face me. "did you ever imagine that you'd be in the situation you're in when you first flew over here to visit your brother?" I smiled, "definitely not" I said, "I mean, how the hell did I get from some English girl who wouldn't know an egg from a football, to being at games and at Gisele Bundchen's fucking house for New years dinner" I laughed. "did I mention I was jealous?" 

"about 60 gazillion times" I laughed loudly, causing her to shove me, laughing. "anyway, who'd have thought you'd be dating Amendola when we met" I smirked, "we're not dating!" she exclaimed, I giggled knowing it annoyed her. "you will be "I added, "after he kisses you at midnight" I laughed, bracing myself for some kind of backlash.

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