The Ring Part II: The Final Chapter

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The party was totally in full swing right now. The music was booming, the dance floor was packed out and the players were safely on their way to a hefty hangover the next morning. Speaking of one quarterback in particular...Mr Brady was cutting some fine shapes out on that dancefloor as his lovely wife was standing beside me and Olivia, cringing. "he sure has some nifty footwork" Olivia smirked as all our eyes were glued to him. I grinned to myself as Gisele looked to me and Olivia with raised eyebrows. "it is an embarrassment to say I go home with him" she said, making us both burst into laughter. "oh! and look who's gone to join him!" G then began to laugh as she pointed across the floor, to Danny, Julian and Gronk, who were bounding across to Tom with as much rhythm as an Octopus who couldn't find his sea legs. "oh my god no...who let them on the dancefloor?!" Olivia gasped in horror as they all practically began gyrating on each other. "seriously like what the fuck?!" she said, as the three of us all watched the scene in front of us in horror. 

"how you girls live with them is beyond me..." a voice came from behind us, turning around we saw Bill Belichick wander by-well staggered really, and the three of us laughed at his comment. "we can't just let them do that!" Olivia cried, her face showing the disgust she felt watching them 'dancing' "yes we can" I said, not wanting to go and be a part of it. "come on! we have to intervene" She said, grabbing my wrist. "no!" I gasped, instantly grabbing a hold of Gisele. "Penelope!" Olivia raised a brow, tugging on my hand. "Olivia!" I raised a brow back. Thankfully I didn't need to do much else, as Danny had seen us from over where they were, and crept over to her, smoothly picking her up from behind, making her squeal. I burst into laughter thinking I had got away with it, but the crazy bitch clung on hard to my hand, pulling me towards her. "Liv!" I yelled, stumbling forward in my 6 inch heels, trying to steady my balance. But that was it, I was done for. I was already on the dance floor. Luckily I'd pulled G with me too, which didn't impress her, but still, if I was being taken down, I was going to take someone else down with me, so when I looked back at her, she shrugged, making me smile and take a breath. "ready?" she asked, standing beside me as we looked on to the unrhythmic carnage that was occurring around us. "nope" I replied, "me neither. let's go" she said, taking my hand and pulling me into the throng of players that were now leaping around like a box of frogs on acid. 


I could say the night that was, was calm, classy and elegantly executed, but that would be an outright lie. Don't get me wrong, everyone was just out there for a good time, having fun and celebrating a great season and awesome Super Bowl, but it was just chaotic. But in a good way.

The guys had finally simmered down a little, but that was purely because someone had gotten the Dj to play something a little more low tempo which had the guys searching for their ladies to dance with. Which I had to say I was glad about. I'd not gotten much chance to have Julian to myself tonight, which I totally understood, but every once in a while a girl likes to fawn over the pretty piece of meat that brought her to this occasion. Not to mention taking her home too...

"so why didn't you tell me that your mum, dad and Nicki were coming tonight?!" I looked up at him as he looked down at me. "it just slipped my mind," he shrugged, "I've had a lot going on lately" he said making smile. "I guess you have" I giggled a little, "you've no idea babe" he smirked, leaning down, pressing a kiss to my lips that had my knees almost buckling.


It wasn't until I'd been stood talking to Nicki and Angie for like a half hour that I'd realised Julian had disappeared off again. I figured that he was with some of the guys, so didn't really think anything of it, until Olivia came wandering over, "who was that Jules was talking to outside?" She wondered, making me turn from Nicki to frown at her. "what?" 

"I just saw him outside on the lawn talking to some woman" she said, "what she look like?" Nicki asked, "Petite, Blonde, in her 50's" she shrugged, I glanced at Nicki nervously. She shrugged and shook her head. "have no clue. could be anyone here" she said, looking back at me. I mean, why was I feeling weird? Well, he the way he had been distracted on the phone, and just the general feeling that something wasn't right. But I couldn't put my finger on it. "I guess so" I sighed, "what's up?" Nicki asked, worry filling her eyes. I shrugged and let out a huff, "Jules. He's being a little shady" Olivia interrupted, thankfully I didn't have to go into it myself. "how?" Uh-oh, protective Nicki... "it's probably nothing, don't worry about it. Honestly" I said to her, hoping she'd drop it. She gave me a sceptical look but nodded. "okay." she said, "how about we go grab another drink and then head onto the dance floor, we need to show the guys what good moves look like" She smiled. How could we refuse?


We made it to the bar, and got the drink, deciding to be a little brave and head onto the dance floor with them. A few songs had passed us by and we were busting out some shapes when all of a sudden I was being launched into the air. "sweet mother of god Gronkowski!!!" I yelled at the top of my voice, trying desperately to not spill my drink all over my white dress. I was spun round in a circle and actually spotted Gronk a few feet away. "what?" I frowned trying to look at who the hell would be doing this if it wasn't him. 

"Nick?!" I questioned once I was placed on the floor and I turned to my attacker. "hey little sis! pleased to see me?!" He laughed. I huffed at him and pulled him in for a hug. "what are you doing here?!" I asked, squeezing him tight. "Jules invited us" 

"us?" I questioned, "yeah, Allie and I" he grinned, nodding behind me. I turned around and saw her smiling at me, "Al!" I beamed a smile, hugging her too. I'd not seen her for a little while either. "hey honey" she laughed at my over enthusiastic welcome. "how many more people is J gonna forget to tell me he'd invited?!" I laughed lightly

"Um, just one more...." I heard Julian's voice interrupt from behind me. I turned round with a smile on my lips, but a frown on my brows, I was so confused right now. He gave me a smile, and stepped to one side, revealing someone standing behind him.

"oh my god!!! mum!!!!" I shrieked, seeing her there smiling at me. I rushed passed J, who was now laughing at my reaction, and pulled my mum into my arms, squeezing the life out of her. "mum" I whispered out in a sob as I held her tight. "I've missed you soo much" I said, trying to hold back the tears. "me too sweetheart" she whispered back. I don't care how old you are, or what happens in your life, you always need your mum. "I can't believe you're here" I said, pulling back to look at her. "well you have your young man to thank for that" she said with a smile. 

Yeah, I'd totally got swept up in my mum being there that I'd forgotten about everyone else around me. It had also then become apparent that I had also not realised that our little group was now surrounded by a few of the other guests, our friends in particular; Danny, O, Tom and G, Rob, Nicki, Frank and Angie. I then also noticed that the Dj had drastically reduced the volume of the music...

"J, what the heck is going on?!" I laughed in confusion, turning back around to face him, when I was caught frozen in my tracks.

"because I got something to ask you..." he said, as he slowly bent down on one knee...

The End
For now....

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