I'm Awesome

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**mature content**

I stepped out of the shower wrapping a dark blue fluffy towel around my body. The steam from the water filled the room, but a little note written on the mirror caught my eye.

I've missed that cute little tush xx

I blushed but let out a little giggle, knowing he'd been in here and had a slight perv over me in the shower. Not that I minded, but I couldn't wait for him to join me.

I moved into his bedroom and put on some clean clothes for the day, a little make up and then tied my hair into a high ponytail before making my way out to the hallway to begin my quest to find him. Which didn't take long, as I could smell the aroma of pancakes and bacon drifting my way. I hadn't realised how hungry I actually was until I was tempted by that. And also I guess the hunger for him as well, seeing him standing by the stove in his blue Puma joggers and tight fitting white t shirt. I bit my lip as I hovered behind him silently watching him humming along to whatever playlist he'd selected to play through his bose speakers. I had to admire the way his muscles flexed under his shirt, and how mouthwatering his backside looked in those snug pants he wore.

After a minute or so, he spun round, immediately startled by my presence. I giggled as he gave me one of his smirks, eyes glinting at me. "g'mornin" his voice rumbled in his chest. "good morning" I beamed a smile at him, unable to resist the urge to kiss him. I moved across the small space to him as he stood frozen waiting for me, spatula in one hand, frying pan in the other. He watched as I reached up on my tip toes and pressed a rather steamy kiss to his mouth for 8am. "will I get this reaction every morning I make you pancakes?" he teased, feeling my hand sneak down the back of his pants to squeeze a handful of his ass cheek. I laughed against his lips, "perhaps," I giggled, "imagine what you'd get if you cooked dinner" I teased, making him chuckle. "funny you say that, I have some beef for that later" he said, his nose brushing against my cheek as he spoke. I pulled back, raising a brow at his comment "for burgers! My god!" he exhaled, yet I didn't miss the smirk on his face. I couldn't help the belly laugh I emitted, making him laugh too. "come on, your pancakes are getting cold" he said, shooing me to the kitchen counter. I followed his command and took the stool that sit waiting with the empty plate in front. He served them up and went back to the oven for some crispy bacon and of course the syrup. "enjoy babe, I've just gotta make a couple phone calls" he said, kissing my head. I nodded, watching him walk off into the bedroom with his phone against his ear.


"you know if you're gonna clean up I'll have to make you wear a little maids outfit right?" I smirked at his statement as I finished off drying my plate. "works both ways Edelman" I answered, looking back at him as he walked into the kitchen area. "hey I've nothing against cooking butt naked." he said, moving behind me. I reached up to put the plate in the cupboard, almost dropping it as I felt Julian pressing his erection against my bum. "means there's less getting between me and your body" he growled in my ear. I bit my lip as the feeling him nibbling on my neck was making my temperature rise. "J..." I breathed out his nickname in a sigh, his firm grip on me moved from my hips to my stomach, under my shirt. "I just wanna feel you, baby it's been so long, I'm desperate to be inside you" he whispered, igniting all my nerves. My eyes fluttered closed as my breath quickened. His fingertips travelled across my skin, up to my bra. He slowly pulled it down, exposing my breasts to his rough hands. I let out the breath I was holding in as he tweaked at each of my nipples. His rock hard erection still pressing into my bum as he proceeded to work me up into a fluster. "J..." I breathed out again, pushing my bum further into his crotch. "you want me too baby?" he whispered against the shell of my ear. "Ive been dreaming of the moment I get to bend you over the end of my bed" he purred, strangely, the sensation of that heated coil was burning up in my stomach. "lay you down on that kitchen counter. Eat you up like a candy bar" he growled, gently biting at my skin. "J... I'm..." and before I could finish my sentence, I came.


"what?!" I asked a little too bluntly. I knew she was turned on, heck I was as hard as a rock. But never did I expect "did you just.... Come?" I said a little softer. I'd relaxed my grip on her after the um, moment. She nodded, not turning to face me as she pulled her shirt down. Wow. "baby..." I smiled, gently taking her in my hands again, slowly turning her in my grasp so she faced me. Too shy to look at me, her eyes fixed to my chest. "that was fricken awesome" I said with a light laugh. Her cheeks erupted in a red blush, as a timid smile came to her lips. "I've never-" her big green eyes looking up at me made me pause my thought. "babe, I didn't even...I mean..." I was kind of lost for words, but my floundering made her even more shy. "yeah..." she breathed out, looking as awkward as hell as she pushed by me.

I turned to watch her walk away, why in the hell would she be embarrassed about this? "Babe-" a knock on the door interrupted my response as I stepped away to follow her. I paused and sighed, glaring at the door. I looked back at her form as she disappeared into the bedroom, knock knock knock "fuck sake man" I huffed, heading to the door.

"what up E" Gronk was standing in the door way with that grin of his plastered across his face. "hey man" I sighed, leaving the door wide open and walking back into the kitchen. "hey, uh, I guess you forgot about the run this morning" he smirked at me. "oh fuck" I groaned, rubbing my hand over face. Rob laughed a little too loudly. "no sweat man, we figured you'd have other things on your mind" he winked mischievously. I chuckled at that comment. "somethin like that" I smirked. "well just think of your usual plans put on hold until she heads home" he said, "thanks man" I grinned back at him with a nod.


"don't let me stop you" I said, coming out of the bedroom. The two men looked over to me, Julian's expression seemed like a surprised one. The other guy, stood up a little straighter, giving me a smile as I stepped closer. "oh um, babe, you remember Gronk, um Rob right?" he stammered slightly, gesturing to his team mate. "yeah of course" I smiled, looking over to the humongous man stood in J's kitchen. "nice to see you again ma'am" he smiled at me, "please call me Penny, and likewise" I replied with a smile. He nodded at me and then a silence filled the room. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed some water, "so, why are you leaving the man waiting?" I asked, turning to stand beside Rob. Julian frowned, "you gonna waste more time standing there or you gonna go on a run?" I asked, then taking a gulp of water. He smiled at me and grabbed his hat off the counter beside his keys. "we won't be long babe" he said kissing me. "see you again soon Pen" Rob smiled at me, heading for the door. "see ya later" I replied with a wave. Julian moved over to me, "are we good?" he asked looking a little nervous. I blushed and nodded, "thank fuck" he sighed with relief, "I didn't mean to embarrass you baby....I just..." he sighed, "I've never had... That with someone before" he said, looking down at me, pulling me in, wrapping his big arms around my waist. I blushed, looking down between us, "me neither..." I whispered. "huh? Really? Oh my..." he sighed, making me giggle into his chest. He laughed and squeezed me tight. "I'm awesome" he teased, making me snort. "uh huh" I rolled my eyes finally looking at him. "you'll be awesome if you bring me back some donuts" I told him, he laughed and nodded, kissing the top of my head. "won't be long babe" he winked at me and then closed the door.

Fuck. What has he done to me?!

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