We Won!

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I'd never seen anything like what I had just witnessed. The last however many hours, watching the game, the half time entertainment, everything. It was just unbelivable. But maybe I should also mention the tiny detail that THEY WON!! They fucking won!! And right now, I was following Gisele, Olivia and the rest of the wives down onto the field. 

Blue and red confetti rained down on us, the noise surrounding us was immense, not to mention the amount of bodies that were jumping around and cheering and shouting. Olivia grabbed a hold of my hand as she led us through the crowds, until we reached the team. Tom was gripping tight hold of Gisele, saying something in her ear, Coach Belichik was actually laughing as some of the guys were pouring bottles of champagne over him, and then there was Jules and Danny. Doing some crazy dance to whatever crap music was booming out through the speakers around the stadium. We stood and watched the two friends laughing and yelling, when Danny lost his footing and the pair went tumbling down to the grass in a heap. They fell about laughing, as did we, but then those laughs turned to screams as we were both hoisted up. "Put us down Gronkowski!!" Olivia yelled. I just couldn't help the laughter that was bubbling out of me. He yelled something about loving us and turning to Julian and Danny who had finally spotted us. I mean, who wouldn't if we were being thrown around by Rob?! 

"We won Baby!!! We fucking Won!!!!!" Julian yelled up at me, his voice already sounding hoarse from the shouting. "I know!" I laughed back at him, and thankfully Gronk let us down, and I immediately ran to J. "congratulations Hotshot!" I was so proud I could burst as I wrapped my arms around his waist, looking at his face. His hair was all messed up and soaked in sweat, along with the rest of him, he smelt of cologne and sweat too, but it just made my heart pound harder. "I'm soo fucking proud of you!" I yelled, holding my hand against his cheek, then smashing my lips to his in a passionate kiss. I squealed against his mouth as his grip tightnened on me and he spun me around. "I love you Penelope!" He boomed looking into my eyes. I just smiled wildly at him, I just couldn't find anymore words to express how I was feeling right now. But sadly, work interrupted us again, as he was in high demand for interviews. "I'll come back to you as soon as I can babe, I promise" He said, kissing me again, "it's fine, go!" I smiled at him. He winked at me and walked off to wherever he was being taken on the field. So, I made my free time worth it, and started snapping photos with my phone. 


Olivia and I had a blast. By the time we were back in our room, we were exhausted. "I daren't sit down cause I think I'll fall asleep" I said, as I went into the bathroom to turn on the shower. "what are you wearing?!" I called through to Olivia in the main room. "Liv?!" I yelled, no answer. So I stuck my head out of the bathroom and saw her flat out on her bed fast asleep. I laughed and snapped another picture of her, before turning back and stripping off in the bathroom to take my shower. 

When I came back out, wrapped in a towel, Olivia was sitting on her bed texting on her phone. "you're awake!" I laughed at her, she looked at me and I laughed harder, her hair was a hot mess. "I feel like crap" she groaned, rubbing her eye, making me giggle. "the guys are still at the stadium. Danny said they'd meet us down at the bar" She said, making me nod. "I'm glad they've chosen to stay at the hotel bar. I don't have to walk far to our room later" I said, padding over to the dresser to grab my make up bag. "who's room?" She asked, raising her brow. "Okay, well Julian's room" I grinned making her laugh. "I'll go freshen up and then we can go get a drink or two before the guys arrive" 

"sounds like a plan" I replied as I fished around for my concealer. 


The bar downstairs was pretty chilled when we got down there. The team were god knows where, but the people who were already here were just enjoying a drink and talking about the game. I got a couple of drinks in for us, and something for Danny and J, taking them back to our booth. The bar was a pretty big place which was just as well, with the amount of bodies that would soon be filling it. The bar had to be well stocked, and could tolerate high volumes of noise, because hell, the whole hotel would be vibrating once everyone was here. And by the sounds of it, that was right about...now.

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