The Walk Home

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Crazy long chapter, but I love this one. Also pleeeease play this song when it gets to the particular part of the chapter. I don't normally request this but I like to think it helps the mood. Thank you!


"I know true love when I see it" she told me, with a smile. "whatever happened that made him your ex," she said leaning toward me, "doesn't mean a thing" she whispered, "he looks at you like you're worth all the stars in the sky" she sighed, "that's hard to come by" she told me. I smiled at her words. "time is precious and goes by far too quickly." I nodded at her, "show him how you feel sweetie. Otherwise you'll wake up one day and it'll all be too late"

I sat back in my chair and pondered for a moment. Flipping my phone around in my hand idly, I unlocked it. Opening up my messages I typed another one to him

Me: what are you doing later tonight? 


I sent the text and put my phone down on the table beside me. No matter how flirty he was being, I was still nervous to put myself out there to him again. I fiddled with my napkin, not daring to look over at him, but when my phone vibrated, I tried desperately to not dive for it, instead I took my glass and took a sip of water. Then I picked up my phone and looked at the message. 

J: I was just going home. Unless you have a suggestion? x

me: Kind of...Did you wanna take a walk with me? x

J: Only if I get to hold your hand? x

I smiled, looking up to where he was sitting. He was watching me with a smile on his face too and I blushed.

J: I'll take that blush as a yes ;) xxx

I laughed to myself at his message and looked back over, to see him grinning at me even more. I giggled and looked down at my lap and then back up to him. I couldn't wait until this dinner was over.


Finally, the night was through, and as some people were sitting and talking, drinking some more, I felt a figure move behind my chair. I looked around, and saw Julian. He crouched down beside me, putting his arm across the back of my seat. "good evening sir" the lady who had been talking to me greeted him. Julian, who was almost about to say something to me, paused and looked across at her. "good evening ma'am" he smiled charmingly at her. "Have you enjoyed yourself tonight?" he asked her. I sat back and smirked at him, he couldn't help himself. "oh yes, I would have enjoyed it more with something like you at the table" she smiled at him. I started to snigger under my breath. "well I'm sorry I didn't join you...I'm sure I'd have had the most pleasurable time in your company" he replied. I snorted under my breath at his sickly sweet words, but he made the old lady flustered. "oh! you cheeky monkey!" she giggled at him, throwing her hand out, landing it on his forearm that rested on top of the table. He chuckled at her remark and then looked to me, "are you ready to go babe?" he asked, making me nod. "yeah, but are you?" I asked, raising
my brow at him. His eyes widened at me and he smiled, "absolutely" I giggled at him and shuffled in my chair ready to stand. "It was nice meeting you young sir" the old lady smiled at him, reluctantly letting go of Julian's arm as he tried to stand from crouching beside me. "likewise, have a good night ma'am" he said, nodding at her. She simply smiled at him, I didn't miss her eyes looking him over either. "get me out of here" He whispered through a smile at her. Giggling, I took my arm in his and we swiftly walked through the hall and to the exit. 


"I think for a moment there I was third-wheeling" I teased as we walked out onto the side walk. Julian snorted at my comment. "I have to admit I started to panic when Grandma started touchin'" I giggled loudly. "I thought you were getting pretty jealous" he said, giving me a cheeky sideward glance. I grinned and nodded, "maybe I was...But I think you might have been a little too old for her" I shrugged, making him laugh more.

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