50 Shades Of Edelman

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*Smut warning people*


We burst through the door of my bedroom. The room in darkness. Her long legs wrapped around my waist. Her nails running through my beard, lips pressed hard together as our tongues fought aggressively for dominance. My hands gripped at her ass as I kicked the door shut with my heel. "J..." she sighed out as my lips moved from hers down to her neck, my teeth nipping at her sensitive skin. Her moans and sighs were as addictive as ever.

I spun us around and slammed her up against the wall, dropping her to the floor as I then pulled away, taking off my jacket, throwing it somewhere about the room. My breathing was ragged, and my eyes were shaded with lust. I wanted her. More than I had ever wanted anything before. She stood there, leaning back against the wall, lip between her teeth and a sexy smirk on her face as she watched me. I pulled my tie to loosen it, warranting a shake of her head. "no, leave it" she sighed, beckoning me to her with her perfectly polished finger. A small growl rumbled in my chest as I stalked back over to her.

My hands hitting the wall either side of her head, I leaned down to claim her lips once more. She ran her hands over my chest, slowly untying my tie, leaving it to hang around my neck as she moved in to pull open the buttons of my shirt. My lips though, didn't leave hers, and my hands we busy with the zipper on her dress. I slowly pulled it down, ready to take it off of her body, when she distracted me by tugging at my shirt. "take it off hotshot" she purred at me, I couldn't help the smirk as I stepped back, looking at her looking at me. She was eating me up with her eyes, as I pulled my arms out the sleeves and threw that somewhere behind me.

I was desperate to get my hands, my lips, on her but as she moved to strip from her dress, I found myself frozen to the spot. Watching her. She lifted the dress right over her head, her white lace panties and bra covering the areas I was dying to see. She dropped it to the floor and shook her hair slightly, it falling around her shoulders. My usual animal urges kicked in, but her walking towards me had me standing there, watching her still. She raised her hand and pushed her palm flat against my chest, pushing me backwards until I fell on the bed.

My breathing picking up its pace once again as she climbed on top of me. I noticed she left her thigh high boots on. I kinda liked it. "fuck me J, I-" and just like that, I flipped her over, taking the breath from her body as she gasped in surprise. I didn't need telling twice. I took the tie that she'd left around my neck. Grabbing her wrists and raising them above her head, I tied them together. Her chest heaved as her breathing shallowed, I ran my hand over her bra, down her stomach and to the waist band of her panties. "you sure you want this babe?" I purred at her. her breathing got louder, but she didn't answer, just raised her leg and laid her calf onto my shoulder. I chuckled and bit down on the lace of her underwear and dragged them down with my teeth.


"J...baby please...oh my god..." She cried as my tongue delved deeper into her. Man I loved going down on her. The way she gripped my hair in her grasp, pulling my face against her heated her core. Grinding herself on my face, getting herself off. "I'm gonna... J...gah! Oh god!" she squeaked but I pulled away from her, seeing the desperation in her eyes, I licked my lips, tasting her flavour all over me. "get your arms back above your head" I told her, my tone telling that I'm not messing with her. She paused a moment, watching me unbuckle the belt from my pants. "Turn. Over." I told her, "get that ass up for me" I added, pulling my belt free. Her eyes were locked onto mine and I saw a smirk appear on her beautiful face. "and what if I don't?" she pushed me. I let out a slight chuckle, rubbing my chin with my palm, before leaning over her, so close her breath fanned over my face, "I won't let you have my cock fucking you to Kingdom come" I whispered as I slipped two of my fingers into her already dripping pussy. Her eyes rolled back into her head as I hit her spot. I smirk down at her and pressed a searing kiss to her lips. I pulled away and she immediately rolled over, showning me that pretty little ass. "that's what I thought" I chuckled lowly. My hands moved to her hips, aggressively pulling them up and towards me so she was bowing over for me. "beautiful" I sighed admiring her. She never said a word, and neither did I as I moved off the bed to rid me of my pants.

Once they were discarded too, I resumed my place on the bed, running my hand across her ass, before smacking it. Her sharp in take of breath made me smile, she liked it. So that's when I brought the soft leather of my belt across her skin. *smack* Once, twice, three times I met her skin with my belt. "J..." she sighed out. She was as ready as me. My cock painfully hard for her. I ran my hand down her back, flicking undone her bra. She needed everything off. I moved my hand further up her back, wrapping my fingers around her hair, pulling it back, raising her up so she was sitting on her knees in front of me. My hard on sliding straight into her as she rested her back against my chest. Her light sigh and my grunt mixed together as we finally connected like we should have been.

The belt, the tie, everything was forgotten once we were one, once again. Her head fell back against my shoulder, my arms wrapped around her, holding her as close to me as possible and my thrusts pushing into her, creating the friction we both so desperately craved.

Her hand reached round to hold the back of my head as I looked down over her shoulder at her beautiful body. I'd pledge the rest of my life to pleasing her. I left my left arm wrapped around her waist as my right hand trailed down her stomach, down lower, lower to her sensitive bundle of nerves. As soon as I connected with her sweet spot, I felt her walls clench "J... I'm..."
"hold on babe, I'm almost there-"

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I woke up with a start, sitting bolt upright. My alarm was invading my brain. My heart was pounding so hard in my chest as I looked around the room. I scratched my head. It was daylight. I was in my bedroom. Alone. In my suit from last night. With a raging hard on. Fuck sake.

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