Date Night

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Waiting for my beautiful @LadyPenelope #datenight

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Waiting for my beautiful @LadyPenelope #datenight

I drove down the road in the middle of town to pick Julian up from his hotel. My phone pinged with a notification so, at the red light I checked to see what it was. My heart thumped in my chest seeing his instagram post tagging me in it. I felt my cheeks flush even though I was alone and I beamed a huge smile at his words. Plus he looked good enough to eat. I couldn't wait to see him.


I parked up at his hotel, quickly checking my hair and makeup before I climbed out and locked the doors. We'd decided on walking down to the little bistro I picked as it wasn't too far from the hotel. So I walked out of the parking lot and through to the front of the hotel.

I entered the lobby and found him sitting on the couch opposite the reception desk. He wasn't alone though. Danny was with him.

They saw me the instant I headed over to them. Both sending me a smile, making me think how lucky I was getting a smile like that off two handsome guys. Naturally one of them made me weak at the knees. "hey guys" I smiled, instantly being pulled into a hug by Julian, which made me giggle. "hey Penny" Danny grinned at me from over Julian's shoulder, making me giggle more. "are you joining us tonight?" I smiled, quite happy for him to. "no, no babe he's not" Julian answered quickly with a smile, then glancing at Danny as the two of us laughed at his quick answer. "no, um, I was just trying to calm his nerves for your date" he winked at me. I laughed at him and then at Julian as he glared a little and shook his head at his friend. "are you sure? You're more than welcome to" I smiled, meaning it but teasing Julian too. "he said no babe, he's got plans, we'd just cramp his style" Julian interrupted us again, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. Danny laughed and shook his head, "well nice to see you Penny" he smiled at me, "maybe I'll get to see some more of you tomorrow night" he said, making me frown, "uh, I've not asked her yet man" Julian said. "asked me what?" now I was intrigued. "uh, well we were thinking of having a night out tomorrow with you, if you're up for it?" he asked, making me smile "of course" I beamed, "you can bring your girl Amelia too if you want?" he offered. "sure I can ask her" I nodded. "cool, well I guess I'll see you tomorrow" Danny grinned, making me too. "cool, see you later man" Julian hugged Danny, I waved at him and Danny nodded at me and then he headed off to wherever he was spending the evening.  "is he cool with spending another night alone?" I asked him after Danny left us. Julian smiled and nodded, "he's a big boy" he smirked then leading me out the same doors I'd walked through a few minutes ago.


We left the hotel and headed down the street. "hey," he said making me look up at him, "can I hold your hand?" he asked, making me blush. "yeah" I laughed, looking down at his outstretched hand. "how have I never noticed that before?!" I giggled a little, looking at his incredibly crippled pinkie finger. "huh?" he looked down to where I was and chuckled. "gimme your hand" he grinned playfully as I grabbed his hand and giggled at him. "I don't think we've ever actually held hands" I said as we headed closer to the bistro. "I know right. Feels good" he nodded looking down at me. "and you look good tonight" he told me seriously, "so good" he added making me snigger at him. "do you ever stop?" I asked him, for some reason I felt in a playful mood tonight. He smirked back at me "stop what?" I rolled my eyes at him. "I say what I see" he shrugged, "and what I see is damn good" he grinned at me, "J" I blushed, shaking my head at him. "what?" he teased me. I let go of his hand and covered my face in embarrassment. Hearing him laughing at me, I carried on walking down the street.

"what you runnin' for girl" he chuckled at my shyness. "you, and your shameless flirting!" I laughed, looking back at him. He was stood in the middle of the path with his arms open wide. I laughed at him a little more and then I turned back and carried on walking.

"I hate to see you leave but I love to watch you walk away" he purred after catching up with me. I started sniggering at him again. He laughed too, as he wrapped his hands around my waist, and turned me around to face him. I looked up into his eyes, laughing at him. He was looking back at me smiling and right there I felt so happy. Neither of us said a word, we just held each other's gaze until Julian leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. "c'mon, let's get some food" he whispered against my lips once we pulled away.


Two hours later we were well into our main course and our conversation had passed through family, friends and even pets. We had now just covered burgers. Apparently he was a connoisseur of burgers, and was trying to educate me on how to cook the perfect patty. "I'll show you girl. Back home I have the meanest grill. We'll get in some beers, meat" he shook his head as he chewed on a steak. "we'll have a cook out and I'll show you how to cook a bad ass burger" he told me. I smiled at him, it sounded good. But part of me was ruining the idea thinking that I might not go back, not in the capacity of what he was describing. I think he kind of got the gist of my thinking because he sighed. "if you come back huh" I felt my face blush, but this time it was because I felt uncomfortable. I swallowed my water and smiled sadly at him. "doesn't matter, I still want the king of burgers to teach me" I smiled at him, making him grin. I was desperate to keep the topic of work off the menu tonight. We were having such a good night I didn't want anything spoiling that.


After another hour in the bistro, we headed back out onto the street. Again, Julian took my hand and we made our way back to his hotel. I didn't know what he was planning on doing tonight, whether he was heading up to his room now or what, so when he walked me to my car I was about to ask him, but I got my answer first.

"so I had an awesome night" he said, turning me to face him. I looked up at him as he ran his hands over my hips. "me too" I answered, which came out as more of a sigh as he moved his body closer to mine. Looking down at my body as he gently pressed me up against my car. "do-" but I was cut off from what I was about to say by Julian's mouth covering mine. His large hands gripped at my hips, his hard body pressed up against mine and just as he was about to deepen the kiss, loud giggly voices echoed in the parking garage and caused us to pull apart.

He still kept his body pressed up against me and his hands firmly planted on my hips. "so uh, I guess I'll see you tomorrow" I said, looking up at him. Julian smirked, "nah, I wanna come back to yours. I just wanted to kiss you"
"Julian!" I gasped, making him giggle like a child. I slapped his chest playfully, laughing at his cheekyness. "can't blame me, I've been trying hard all night to keep my hands to myself" he said proudly. I blushed like crazy. "just get in the car" I said, pushing at him a little. He chuckled and stole one more kiss before we climbed into my car and headed for my house. Something was telling me that I had my hands well and truly full tonight.

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